No no, I don't mean make it public that she kidnapped her. Let the murderous family think that the girl is just running away, hide her from the public for a while, then start the process of adopting a runaway child.
There's other methods too, like send a bodyguard with her (like a ninja), who can at least watch over her and not leave a fucking baby alone in the middle of hostile territory surrounded by a ton of people who wants her death.
Or enter in open conflict with the family for some bullshit reasons, just to make sure their attention isn't on the little girl that also has to hide her only method of defence.
Anyway, the more I think about the plot of this manga, the dumber it gets.
The dad figuring out that "Magic Rope Disappeared" means she's a powerful being, like how the hell do you directly come to this conclusion.
The fact that priests can heal the girl's burned arms (those also where old-ish wounds), but not the burnt face of the Salvatore's miss.
The dad wanting to no kill the kid anymore, because she *will* become a powerful weapon... yeah, because manipulating someone you've been either abusing or ignoring since birth who is now immensely powerful is such a good idea.
Making the whole "she has to go back to her abusers" plot is dumb too. There's tons of ways to create tension and suspense while the girl lives with the Salvatore... The author didn't have to make up a convoluted reason to make her go back. Why choose the Salvatore family when they don't seem that powerful, and have to actually follow the rules...
So, yeah, I'll stop thinking altogether while reading this, and just try to enjoy the ride