The Newly-wed Life of a Witch and a Dragon - Ch. 23

Active member
Sep 28, 2020
i seem to get confused sometimes which of the two of them was supposed to be the dragon? the woman right?
Active member
May 8, 2020
i don’t think he’s manipulating her rn since she’s the one who told him to tell her some sort of excuse and she can feel it in the heart they share that it’s sincere.. but doesn’t mean that what he did was right. also someone said that not extending your shorter life span would be a cunt move but i disagree completely. just because you love someone doesn’t mean you have to give up your own beliefs and decisions. even if it’s sad your partner should respect your wishes; whether that means having a short lifespan or extending it.

thanks for the update (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Sep 15, 2020
He definitely screwed up. He did something awful by forcing this on her without her consent. He needs to truly come to terms with his actions and find a means of proving his sincerity.

She, too, has been an ass in her own way. She really hasn't given him an opportunity to talk about everything. She's so hostile to him, that he's scared that whatever he says she'll reject him. She needs to realize her own abuse towards him and repent.

I hope that when this is resolved that it's done with absolute care to the characters and the situation, and the trauma that both have experienced is acknowledged, learned from, and healed appropriately, and not just tossed aside.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Wendy don’t do it! Don’t forgive his ass until he’s actually learned his lesson! He can cry all he fucking wants until his grown ass ages the fuck up!! He can be the sincerest, apologetic person in the world right now but that doesn’t change the past! Let him suffer for a decade!!

Okay maybe not a decade, that was an exaggeration. But I really don’t what this to be over in just 7-8ish chapters. Not that I like the drama, I just don’t want his ass to be forgiven in such a short number of chapters.
Oct 12, 2020
His reasoning is akin to someone getting knocked up or knocking someone up just because they want the partner to stay at any cost.

It's so, so toxic and I don't feel like he deserves to be forgiven 😒
Sep 3, 2020
everyone saying don't fall for it wendy but i fell for it
i mean they're gonna end up together one way or another
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Is that a dragon? I wrote in the comments of a few chapters that he did tyrannically force life altering changes on Wendy, with zero consultation with her, because that would align with a dragon's nature, but I'm taking back all those words now. Aiden is no more dragon than a neighbourhood grandma's poodle is Cerberus. I wonder why the author even has dragons in this story, and why Aiden is a supposedly prominently a dragon, if it's basically nothing beyond a very long life and high potential in magic. It's both pointless and a waste.
Nov 10, 2019

Ugh, I really hate Aiden now. He forced his will to keep her tied down to him forever. How is that any different with the guys who made girls pregnant before marriage to 'secure' their relationship? And he's way worse than them since he forced Wendy to give up her humanity. He kept crying to be forgiven without really regretting or trying to make up for it, manipulating her emotions until the very end. What a truly selfish and manipulative man. Sigh.

What is wrong with this trend of self-centered scumbag MLs in k-webtoons?
Feb 6, 2018
I kinda wish he'd stayed away or she's kept away from him for like...a few years. They have the time, it'd be interesting to see either of them move on or not with their lives and how--separately, rather than feeling like a bad break up just happening over and over again. Make him to figure out who he is WITHOUT her, since he basically met her, fell in love, fell asleep, and then woke up and was immediately back at barging into her life.
Mar 9, 2019
Whilst I do agree Aiden was in the wrong and wish he explained it to her I can kinda understand why he didn’t really think it through as honestly I think it’s a matter of perspective as in his eyes the lifespan increase is nothing and not really something to consider. But still, a healthy relationship needs communication and that really needs to come in soon. Mind you it’s a webtoon which aren’t exactly renowned for there great healthy relationships but we all enjoy them anyways. 😅 Thanks so much for the chapter as no matter what’s gone down so far I still love this one and pray there relationship gets better!!🥰🥰🥰
May 20, 2020
She might not hate you but I surely do *^* she shouldn't even give you a chance until you grew tf up
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
Ugh so that was really a retarded decision with no actual reason beside some selfish "i want more time to "convince" her". Dude she's fucking young and she's already falling in love with you, are you that fucking DUMB?

I was expecting an actual reason to give her his heart. He's just a cunt.

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