Originalyl uploaded to E-Hentai on July 11 2024 by Xzosk.
technically isn't a head empty project, but Xzsosk used our credit page for laughs and organized the project through our Discord server (I think???) so whatever, up it goes on MD. He gave us permission to do so as well.
Xzosk's uploader comment:
Just as promised.
Another absolute masterpiece by the king of forced orgasms. He's still got it! I still remember going through the same feelings as Ayana at the start of this chapter when I read his previous work for the first time. It was like discovering a fetish I didn't even know I had. Now I can only hope there isn't another 3 year gap until the next one.
I'd like a second to talk about the title. Anyone who can read Japanese can see it isn't exactly a match--but there's a reason for this. It literally translates to "Orgasm Princess and Otaku-kun's Poison Apple". Poison Apple in this instance is something akin to the forbidden fruit--a thing that should not be tasted. The original title also includes a subtitle that says "The OtaCir Princess Can't Eat Any More!" which, Engrish aside, shows MochiDog's true intent for the title. It's not about apples or eating, it's about indulging in something you can't have. I combined the Japanese title and English subtitle to create something a little bit more clear about that intent. Yes, it's "localizing" but only to the extent that I'm trying to properly convey the idea behind the title rather than taking it at MTL face value. I'm just letting it be known before anyone asks about it.
Also, my favorite page is 72.
TL: Xzosk
TS: Xzosk
Cleaning: Xzosk
QC: Slazer, NaokiP