The poetry thread

Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
Your poem doesn't have to
- be long
-be short
There are no requirements or restrictions, as long as it's inspired and from the heart.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Jk. Here are some poems I wrote when I was edgy.

People who are there for you,
People who are dear to you,
People who are cared by you,
Those people are called friends.

A friend who knows something's up even if you're quite.
A friend who will warn you when you're slipping from the truth.
A friend who won't hesitate to lend you a shoulder to cry on.
Those are good friends.

A friend who wants you to buy their lunch everyday.
A friend who begs for company without any remark of you.
A friend who influence you to show your dark side.
Those are bad friends.

I can be a good friend when I listen to your rants.
I can be a bad friend when I ask for the answer to yesterday's homework.
I can be somewhere in between when we walk together and chit chat.

I don't care what you call me.
If I ignore you,
We're not friends.

Eyes open, light rays in.
Seven colours of the rainbow,
All merging in.

Red, green, blue,
All inside you.
Doesn't it feel good,
To find beauty in time?

Eyes open, light rays in.
There were seven colours,
But now they're grey as ink.

Red, green, blue,
All there but aren't there.
Why is it like this,
To find beauty to be bland.

Eyes close, darkness looms.
It doesn't feel much different
When all you can see
Is just pity black smoke.

I know they're there...

I know I'm not blind...

I know there are colours...

But it's just monochrome.

Circle, circle,
Round and round they go,
In an infinite loop,
Never stopped, never will.

Circle, circle,
Like the iris if an eye,
Deep and endless is its gaze,
Never ending, never will.

Circle, circle,
Like the moon and its glory light,
Slowly rising,
Staying high,
It feels like it's up there forever,
What time is it?
I can see it falling,
I can no longer see the moonlight,
The sky shifts to blue,
The sun is in the sky,
I didn't sleep last night,
I didn't sleep at all.


Insomnia, insomnia,
Sleepless nights every time,
Never stopping,

Never will.

Small, light bulbs,
Into your ears they go,
Filling your head with music,
Or the sounds you love so dear.

Round, fitting objects,
Plugging your ears any time,
Like an escape from the real world.

Miniscule, but everything.
I never wanna let it go.

Earphones, so that I never listen to nonsense ever again.

Rose on petal
Red as always
Bloom against will
Beauty of plain sight

Fire on a stick
Red as always
Die of water
A blazing glory

A blinding love
Red as always
My possession
A real golden touch

I know I shouldn't keep it.
I know I should tell it now.
I know I shouldn't hide it.
I know I should let it die.
I know, so leave me alone.
I know, because I don't care.
I know, since it's one with me.

I know.

I know.

Across the oceans, beneath the shores,
A land of eternal sand and clay,
A beauty above all cataclysm,
Lies a forestry of creatures.

A small hermit crawls
Its shell red and magnificent
Tougher than the strongest bone

It sees a worm
"Lunch!" It smiles
As it snaps the prey in half

An octopus swims
Glorious is its tentacles
Perceives the seas like a map

It sees a worm
"Need help?" It offers
As it escorts the critter

A sea star slithers
Its body seems like its rotten
Truly useless at its core

It sees a worm
"Not my problem." It idles
As it leaves the thing alone

Now comes a snail,
It looks around,
The landscapes of infinite,
Cool, blue waters,
Surrounding everything,
Giving life.

It didn't want to talk
It didn't want to play
It didn't want to seek
It didn't want to be found
Yet it has to.
It just does.

First, the hermit, shining upon a rock.
The snail uses a blue shell.
Stepping over worms like algae.
"Hello" becomes "Goodbye" and so on...

Next, the octopus, swiftly above.
The snail syncs with a yellow shell.
Lifting worms above its head.
"Amazing" becomes "Goodbye" and so on...

Last, the sea star, wobbling on the sand.
The snail abuses the red shell.
Worms don't matter in here.
"You can die." It says, and so on...

The golden sun has started to set,
Beauty upon the painting slowly drains,
What is light has no more might,
For there are no escaping the pitch black night,

The snail returns to land,
As so the other creatures,
Anguished and exhausted,
Wishing it was sooner,
But alas,

It has forgotten its shell.

Why did I think that these were good? I only cared about maintaining the amount of syllables at the respective lines and none of them have any sense of rhyming. I also thought that it was cool to write the lines to reach a certain length so that you get a visual effect while reading, but guess how terribly it translates from written to spoken.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN They're not bad. They seem like coherently incoherent rants made for the self and those willing to understand it. Out of context and out of mindset they may look like garble-dash to the future self, but it's likely that your present self made it for your present self only.
I will say that many of the words and phrases used look uncooked. Like perhaps if you'd written them today with your extended vocabulary and reading/writing experience you would've written them differently, and that same maturity shows in your last two poems, but I don't know if that's a coincidence or not.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020

A sun-ray settles quietly atop your tired face.
Half asleep, half awake,
your fevered forlorn soon to break.

An undone collar, an untied lace,
the space between inelegance and grace.

A smell of pennies, rust and glue,
and petals bearing morning dew.
In fractured reds and shades of blue,
the sky looks kindly down at you.

Will you kindly show me where
lies the space between elation and despair?
Where parrots sing and bloodhounds stare.
I promise that I'll take you there.

I tried mapping out your mind's inconsistent ways.
I fear I'm no wiser than when I began.
Your secrets still hidden from view,
in fractured reds and odd shades of blue.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
With longing face and wanting eyes held bare,
The girl I had in my heart possessed scorn.
In a golden and unforgiving stare,
A thousand red roses struck with their thorns.
A lover and a hater judging me,
I stood silently weeping at myself.
A mind crisscross with reverse polarity,
A man who left his heart high on the shelf.
Crying on the inside, a soul gently does weep:
Its heart and mind gently both gone away.
As the masses begin to flock like sheep,
A man sits lonely thinking to the day
A girl stopped being his dearest lover.
Into the horizon, with another.

Took a stab at a Shakespearean-style Sonnet. Had to think out the syllable count and volta a bit.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
A poetry thread?
Guess I'll drop in and say "hi",
and now I shall leave.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
Not waging wars inside my head has ever been this lonely.
I dove in search of hot and cold but came up lukewarm only.
Unburdened by your weighted blue, there's so much air I'm wheezing.
The weighted coat slips off my shoulders.
I'm aimless, alone, and freezing.
May 3, 2019
Wild Huntsman’s Tale
by Albwin

If you at night enter the woods
Be careful what you do
When trav’ling or transporting goods,
For you might meet him too.

Is he a sinner’s petty soul,
In other words: a ghost?
Is he instead the devil foul,
Best known as hell’s vile host?

Is he a god, a fallen one,
Stranded in mortal lands?
Friend, do believe, it is no fun
To fall into his hands!

The wild huntsman, such is his name,
Is someone to be feared.
And truly, he is quite infame,
Much more than he appeared.

This huntsman’s specter on horseback
– Three-legged might be his mount –
Does travel on an airy track
Accompanied by hound.

He chases through the woods at night
On tempest’s stormy path
And does shout “Yoicks!” with all his might.
O, don’t incite his wrath!

Don’t mock his shout nor bugle call
Nor barking of his pack,
Fiery-eyed monstrous dogs, them all,
Which do follow the track.

Be silent, do not try to see
The ghostly wild huntsman.
He’s terrifying, believe me!
Avoid him if you can!

The middle of the path do take
And lay down on the ground.
He will ride past in his own wake.
No harm will do his hound.

But if you are a wood-wife small,
A hoary, wise wood sprite,
This method won’t help you at all
When he hunts you at night.

Your only salvation would be
– Do listen really well! –
The stump of a felled forest tree
Looking as I do tell:

Three cross signs were carved in its bark
Meanwhile the tree did fall.
If you don’t find such in the dark
No rescue is at all.

If the wild huntsman catches you
(If you are a wood-wife)
The cruel things that he will do
Will surely end your life.

He shoots at you, lets his hounds bite,
Carries you on horseback
Your hair tied to the saddle tight.
Then hope you ever lack.

The poor wood-wife, I do tell you,
Is butchered at the end
And eaten, if the rumor true,
Which I don’t hope, my friend.

But humans still face danger, too,
When the huntsman they meet.
I hope that if you ever do
Know what to do you need.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
This is less a poem and more an incoherent ranting from emotions and memories I'd rather forget.

A heavy weight atop my back—I carry
Your neck; carved up, clammy, and bloodletted
Soon I'll forget the sound of your voice
as I'm forgetting your face in the crowd
Someday I intend to meet God
And crush him
or pull his still-beating heart from his still-breathing chest
His mangled corpse a sight to behold
One heavenly and fit for the Gods

A candlelit dinner
A bouquet of thorns
I lie here in communion
with your fading memory
and my own regret
As I await this guilt that will crush me.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020

One'll gift you daisies new
Rain galoshes
Jacket, blue
Two'll kiss you on the cheek
Lipstick red, jewelry sleek
Three'll guzzle Lager-beer
Face a-grin from ear to ear
Four'll blush at half-past noon
Dress the colours of the moon
Five'll hug your body tight
Smile glist'ning in the light
Six'll grab her by the hand
Maiden herded toward her man
Seven'll speak then prompt their words
Fluttered hearts akin to birds
Five'll ask her for this dance
Bride now swooning in a trance
Bouquet thrown, fair game for all
Husband smiling, standing tall
Church disbanding for the drive
Limousines and hearts alive
Daisies wrapped around your neck
Non-anticipated wreck
Rain galoshes, jacket, blue
Whatever's to be done with you?
Gifted daises smelling fresh
Gift affixed into a mesh
Non anticipated drunk
Music player blasting punk
Limo swerving to the right
Locomotives taking flight
Today a bride, a sanctioned lover
And I've one more night to be your mother.

R.I.P. Katie Flynn; 1997-2005
May 3, 2019
When did the Blemmyes lose their head?
by Albwin

The Blemmyes have all lost their head
Literally true to the word.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard.
If not so, don’t be driven mad.

What is now known about this fact
As far as history informs
Not lost in ancient wars and storms
Is that the head was once intact.

When Phonen was the Blemmyes’ king
(Before called phylarch Phonoin)
There was a time period wherein
His name along the Nile did ring.

Tamal, Isemne, and Degou
– Three times a near-forgotten name –
Although today lacking in fame
Were older Blemmy rulers, too.

His son Breytek, so it is told,
Was phylarch when his father reigned.
Both Phonen and his son were pained.
Of their great temple they lost hold.

This was in four hundred fifty.
A conflict with Nobadia
Did shake all Lower Nubia.
But this doesn’t matter, you see.

What matters is, as far as known
When Phonen was the Blemmyes’ king
They weren’t headless. Such a thing!
On temple murals this is shown.

Despite all this, I have to say,
According to what Pliny wrote
Blemmyes in Libya remote
Were always headless, anyway.

This still continued on for long.
Bestiaries from the Middle Age
Depicted headless Blemmyes’ page
Which didn’t make this fact less wrong.

Their mouth, their nose, and their eyes, too,
Instead of face placed on the chest.
From head and neck there is no rest.
That is what Blemmyes look like do.

Living in mythology still
Though the price was losing their head.
This is the Blemmyes way not bad
To continue on as they will.

From history they are long gone
But immortal now all the same
After they left the mortal plane.
Imagination carries on.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
I want to burn all of my bridges
I want to kill and eat my young
Let what's left outside stay rusted
Let what's done become undone
Another viral epidemic
A case of smog caught up in smoke
Uneducated epistemic
And I clutch my neck and choke
A criminal abetted
He was caught by the cavalcade
Unceremoniously bloodletted
Atop the clergy palisade
So leave me stranded in the Amazon
A victim of the pouring rain
Amidst the smog caught up in winds and smoke
And unpredictable terrain.
It's like I'm jumping toward a train.
It's like I'm jumping toward a train.
It's like I'm jumping toward a train.
It's like I'm jumping toward a train.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020

You tried to put a fire out
but you used gasoline.
And the man you left behind the walls
couldn't smell the kerosene.
And the crone that crawled inside the halls
could barely move; she was pyretic.
And the priest knew he had naught to lose.
He was beyond temptation; ascetic
You cried aloud your innocence
as the congregation gathered 'round.
Clinging to your dignity
as it burned into the ground.
I'm sure that you wish
you could say you were shaken
for the souls that now slumber
and won't reawaken.
But as the townspeople floated the dead upriver
your hands lay unshaking, and your spine wouldn't shiver.
Jun 28, 2019
His scent is stuck to my clothes—bitter and very unforgiving, easy to detect even underneath layers of jasmine and sandalwood
He's evasive, slipping past my fingertips with little effort and all ease like a prima ballerina performing her ten thousandth grand jete
He's caught between my teeth, but he is gone all too fast like the wind that swept his hair away like a dream
He's smooth and tasted of a broken promise on my tongue, like the bass line of the Led Zeppelin song he showed me last night
He stung like a whip and was leather to my perception—black, cracked, and exposing himself bit by bit
He was soft to the touch, unlike the callouses on his fingertips, dragging across my knuckles with no sense of sensuality
He's the Bohem Cigar that he gave me this morning—smoking him down to ash at two a.m. and inhaling him deeper and deeper in
Jun 8, 2018
As days go by,
I yawn and sigh.

With each new night,
That man may fright.

When light goes out,
More fear can sprout.

And yet i feel,
Nothing so real.

That work is lost,
And boredom found.

this piece i call: "Boredom in fear"
based on the fact that my dailly activities have been taken away (and the fear that spreads amongst the people)
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
"You Stole"

I kicked the crutches out from underneath
so that I could watch your limbs go flying.
You caught yourself on the spine of the couch and clung.
It kept it's peace and didn't move.
I grip the hilt of a kitchen knife, but I don't know what for.
your crutches lay unmoving on the floor.
As the pills you stole lay scattered about,
you fervently pick them back up.
I unceremoniously kick you back down.
A sickening crunch follows the fall.
I pick them up one by one.
You cannot get them in a church.
You cannot get them at the mall.
My clammy hand flies toward your open mouth.
You wanted one, so have them all.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
I am a slave to my abusive self.
Immoral, conniving, and eager to displease.

I will poke holes in your confidence.
I will take the air out of your tires
and forget to fill you back up.
I will take apart your heart and watch it bleed.
I will hurt you and pass the blame to those who love you.
You will run toward me when you should be running from me.
The scars on your wrists will be for attention.
The burns on your arms will be to spite me.
The pain in your head will be your own doing.
I'll laugh at and chide you the whole way,
for you are not worth taking seriously.
And when you are too broken to be fixed,
I'll throw you to wolves and ask them to fix you.
Washing my hands clean of the responsibility,
I'll look the other way as they tear you to shreds.
This I promise.

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