The Princess in the Dumpster - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

Jul 9, 2020
Yooo this freaking priest rubbed me the wrong way. He literally told a father it's OK to sacrifice his 8 year old daughter, like wtf??!! My dude gtfo, this guy contradicting asf.

"Oh we want to bring her to the temple away from the palace because if she stays she'll be exposed to evil people but I still want to bring her to a dangerous place with demons and shit, to exploit her because of her powers while being exposed to the public not to mention she might get hurt in said dangerous place because anything could go wrong because she's still an 8 YEAR OLD GIRL but it's OK cause it's for the greater good of the empire."

My dude, gtfo with your shady ass, I ain't trusting nobody around that little girl until they prove otherwise and even then my trust issues still might act up.
Jan 6, 2020
Dude... was that Prince story really necessary to do? That's lowkey very disturbing. smh.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2020
@valley_pauper Why would you think it is homophobic? If they didn't mention the crown prince's sexual preference, no one would've understood why he did that and we would just be joking about him being probably gay. And even if he wasn't gay, that dude would have for sure gone for his sisters because he is just that wicked. That kind of thing happens irl and you'd surprised to know how frequent s/e/x/u/a/l abuse within the family is wether they're gay or hetero.
Aggregator gang
Dec 21, 2018
This head priest has shit negotiation skills. He's the one asking for a favor, but he's telling the Emperor what to do? Is he a moron?
Jun 20, 2019

The issue isn't that s*xual ab*se doesn't occur with heterosexual families or that heterosexual men don't sometimes assault young boys. "Predatory gays" is a big trope in media that had real world repercussions since it encouraged homophobic beliefs that lesbians/gays/bisexuals etc. were inherently, well, predatory. There's a TV tropes page relating to this ( but I'll try to explain it here. This trope often has it so that gay characters make their straight friends feel uncomfortable by aggressively hitting on them or s*xually harassing them. It's a misleading stereotype that perpetuates negative perceptions of LGBT+ people in real life, since obviously you don't have to be gay to hit on people unnecessarily, but you don't see people going after straight guy f*ckboys the same way lesbians have been harassed.

I can give a real life example of this trope and its effects: me. I'm asexual but I am panromantic and while nobody's ever accused me of taking advantage of my gender to get off in changing rooms (though this has been directed at a gay friend of mine), a lot of my female friends distanced themselves after I came out. Some eventually got over this but girls were uncomfortable with the idea that I MIGHT have a crush on them against their will, even if I'd never felt any sort of romantic attachment to them before. When being gay is associated with being a sexual predator, it tends to fuel homophobia. People who aren't predators are typecasted as potential offenders just by existing, since media has a very powerful effect on how we subconsciously see the world around us.

It may not be overtly homophobic or intended to be so, but people can read it as such because of this trope's prevalence throughout heterosexual media. Regardless of the intention behind its writing, the author unfortunately played into a homophobic trope for the sake of emphasizing how much the prince's life sucked.
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
What country do you live in because I've never seen this portrayed in any media(No matter how biased) as much as you're saying. Hell If you do anything bad to Gay, Lesb(anything similar) You'll end up being cancelled or attacked or be called homophobic.

This trope often has it so that gay characters make their straight friends feel uncomfortable by aggressively hitting on them or s*xually harassing them.
Though there are those who do make their friends feel uncomfortable by aggressively flirting with them, most of the time it's more likely the friends have no idea how to respond to their Gay, lesb etc friend. Eventually, they learn to treat them the same as before they came out. Maybe they weren't friends at all

but you don't see people going after straight guy f*ckboys the same way lesbians have been harassed.
People go after straight people all the time for pulling crap like this.

When being gay is associated with being a sexual predator, it tends to fuel homophobia. People who aren't predators are typecasted as potential offenders just by existing, since media has a very powerful effect on how we subconsciously see the world around us.
I've met people who think all men are rapists because of tv and media. This is a problem for many people no matter the sexual preference. There will always be people who think one way about a certain group of people.

Regardless of the intention behind its writing, the author unfortunately played into a homophobic trope for the sake of emphasizing how much the prince's life sucked.
It's not really a trope, anyone can be rapist, being gay, straight, bi, lesbian etc won't change this fact. the author didn't really play into anything. It's something that could happen.

Yep, who become scum does not discriminate.

I'm done here. Moving on to the next chapter.
Jun 20, 2019

Listen, I live in the Bible Belt, just because you personally haven't experienced homophobia doesn't mean its not a prevalent issue. I see this excuse used a lot in arguments, but just because people are held accountable for homophobic attitudes by some people doesn't mean homophobia doesn't exist. I do agree that if you were genuinely friends with someone you wouldn't just dump them for their sexuality and those people would likely be toxic for other reasons even if you didn't come out. However, you're not understanding my point. Unwanted advances are a problem regardless of sexuality or gender, but believing that your friend is going to start doing this to you because of their sexuality isn't "having no idea how to respond" and is a form of internalized homophobia. I literally linked a page of examples for you to see, and TV Tropes doesn't even include everything.

My point about straight people is that the majority of people won't assume they're going to be harassed because their friend is straight. Obviously people do go after straight f*ckboys, but I was saying that discrimination against an already discriminated against minority is being justified by this belief. Being a harasser isn't inherently tied to the straight man's sexuality by the majority of people, and no Twitter is not a representative of the majority, but unwanted advances are tied to being lesbian. There's a reason the term is f*ckboy is used instead of men: they're judging these straight men by traits OUTSIDE of their sexuality, while with many LGBT people their sexuality is used to project a trait onto them.

Naturally people are going to stereotype based on what they see in media, that's the EXACT issue with this trope. Men aren't harassed, isolated, or bullied when they're young because they're straight men. That's something that's considered normal. It's flawed to say that "some people are uncomfortable with the loud majority in most societies because of media" is the same as "discrimination against the LGBT community being justified ." It's a problem for many people, yes, but it's especially an issue for a community that is already vulnerable. Just because there will always be bigots doesn't mean we shouldn't encourage people to do otherwise.

I'm not sure how to argue with you about this last statement because if you don't know what a trope in media is, then arguing with you is very pointless. A trope is a universally identified image imbued with several layers of contextual meaning creating a new visual metaphor. If you still have a hard time understanding what I mean, then take a look at the "evil villain who will kill everybody but their lover" or the yandere. That is a trope - it's a certain type of character or situation seen across media that is shorthand for a certain type of personality or meaning. Yes, anyone can be a r*pist, that's the point. Anyone can be one, but r*pe is often pinned on LGBT characters for no reason other than their sexuality. Yes, it's something that could happen, my point wasn't that it couldn't happen (which you would know if you actually tried to comprehend what I was saying). My point is that this archetype is very common in media, becoming a trope, which is then used by those who are already homophobic in real life to justify and perpetuate homophobia.

I'm not saying that they are trying to spread homophobic rhetoric, just that they're "playing into" this trope by taking advantage of its connotations. When a straight character is ass*ulted by a gay character, this is often meant to say "oh no that poor straight person being attacked by that awful GAY man." Even though the author didn't mean to say, "Hey gays are gonna attack you," the effect that this has on readers is used to make us feel more pity for the prince. I'm not sure if you're too young to understand social issues or just never learned about literary analysis, but I'm not interested in educating someone on LGBT issues who is loosely basing their argument about the fact that "homophobia isn't a common issue" and "this isn't a trope because it could happen with straight characters too." Sure the author may not be homophobic and the usage of this trope may not be intended to be homophobic, but my entire point was explaining why it CAN be read as homophobic, because it leans into a homophobic trope for emotional storytelling.

Becoming a scummy person isn't limited by sexuality or gender, but it's easy as h*ll for people to think it is and subconsciously act on this in their treatment of the sexuality often targeted by this belief.

Not to be rude, but make sure you read what people say again before saying your done, and maybe think about whether or not you're buying into the belief that "the damned gays are the majority and are gonna attack us all" without really accounting for how widespread homophobia is. Even in first world countries, love. Cheers.
Jan 18, 2018
I feel like the absolute worst type of BL plot just got slipped in there sideways.

(Because of the tropes invoked, I am, unlike many other folks here, personally not assuming it came from a place of homophobia per se (in fact... I'd be much more worried about the author potentially romanticizing it >_>;;; "crystal-eyed younger-brother-prince dungeon rape" very much sounds like something from a particular sort of squicky BL genre), but either way—Jesus and yikes)


Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
suddenly there's a incest yaoi non-con subplot ahaHAGlaFSEWr
Jun 25, 2019
they need to educate Estrella to be like Edna seriously, so she can make decisions for herself and also defend for herself not belong to any other party
Feb 22, 2018
Well the diamond eyed prince’s story definitely made me stop in my tracks for a second if the author was indeed going for the shock value...
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
Not gonna argue or read this whole thing, but I'll say this.
I never said That homophobic things don't happen. I was disagreeing with the statement you said which is false(if you just read what I wrote correctly.). most of the statement I've read on the first two paragraphs is nothing but bias. It seems you have a problem with straight people. Finally, You are mad over someone gay being a rapist. So what of it? It's really not a trope, and Lq whatever is not always seen as a rapist in everything in media because of stories. You must not have read many romance stories then. I guess I'll just think of my cousin as a gay rapist because I read it in a fictional story. I don't know where you live, but you can't say the whole world is homophobic.
I'm tired of people using the excuse, "just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen".
Then I'll say this"Just because you see homophobic things all around you all the time, doesn't mean that it's being done all the time everywhere".

Before you respond to someone make sure to read before you write. Also, I'm done with this and you, have a nice life.
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
Aug 30, 2018
@dyuu I had to re-read it a couple of times myself, but I think they meant that 'luck' was his power, in that he brought luck to the country or something, not that he himself was lucky. Maybe.
Aug 30, 2018
Also, in response to feedback on my previous comment about the diamond eyed prince's story being somewhat homophobic - I don't think the author meant to be homophobic or that they were intentionally playing into stereotypes, but I do think, as @uraumi said, they are definitely invoking those stereotypes of 'gay people are predators' that were heavily prevalent in the '70s, '80s, and 90s media in a way that could have been avoided if they'd done as @iskaeil said and simply defined the prince in that back story by any other trait than 'everyone knows he's gay, so clearly he was f*cking his brother' which carries the implied intent of 'as gay people do, ya know'.

@Koshin_127 - my problem wasn't that the crown prince was gay - bad people can come in all shapes and sizes, including gay. My problem was with the subtle indication that he was bad because he was gay. Also, I am very familiar with how frequent sexual abuse within the family is and would not be surprised about how awful such a thing can be for people - the thing is, abuse of that type rarely comes down to sexual preference, and neither does rape or assault - these things are about power and control more then they are about sex. Additionally, I have no idea why you feel that if the author had not specified the prince as gay, we would have ignored the rampant abuses he was committing and joked about him being gay?

To be completely fair, I do not think this was an intentional or hateful action by the author against gays; like uraumi said so eloquently, this is much more about the problematic tropes being referenced unintentionally, and the fact that it's important to call those things out when they occur, as, again like uraumi said better than I could, media informs a lot of how people view the world, and most of it happens subtly.

I am not going to tag or respond to kilisloe, as by their words and actions I do not think they actually want to participate in a discussion.

In summary, I honestly love everything else about this series and will keep reading and enjoying it as it is updated - I simply felt the desire to make a comment on a point that I felt was problematic.
Jun 17, 2020
I’m really glad to see a lot of people be against that weird addition of the “oh hes gay so he couldn’t help but to r@pe his brother!” Cause honestly wtf that was so unnecessary, I just want to enjoy a nice story without having some of these hateful tropes sprinkled in
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Hah. The head priest just wants to lock Estrella up in the main temple and use her as a tool for religion. Luckily the emperor, as much of an airhead as he is, still sees through that poorly hidden ambition.

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