The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion - Ch. 126

Apr 17, 2020
Ugh these transition chapters are so frustrating to read after long gaps. I forget everything. So
did OG Raeliana and OG Beatrice's souls get exchanged? Something like that? But the soul in 'Raeliana's body is like another world chick ugh I'm confused

Edit: nevermind got it. Thank you @cococattsu for the explanation!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah this seems to be strongly implying Beatrice is the original raeliana.

Makes sense why she would try to kill her then bc the loose ends would frustrate her, og raeliana in that case is an absolute jerk bc she abandoned her family in order to be the "main character in life" instead of trying to grasp things with her own person. It must frustrate her like hell to see someone using her body and doing the things she thought she couldn't achieve as a normal person.

Also I wonder if this means og Beatrice is in mc's original body then? Surely it had to go somewhere unless she literally doomed someone else to dying so she could body steal like a psychopath.
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
So it is still not explained yet on how OG Rae know that she's just a minor character.
Aug 15, 2019
welp this is basically the road to finally confirming what we are suspected since they introduced beatrice....the tick of scratching the cover then transitioning to beatrice showing they both have the same tick and then justin finding out beatrice was actually the one in contact with the mercenary who wanted to hurt raeliana from the very beginning, it’s all coming together. the og raeliana isn’t dead or gone, she still here and she wants to kill our raeliana....but from the sound of it. the og raeliana knew about the book or the story.....interesting so perhaps she always wanted to be beatrice but didn’t realize how hard it was gonna be or perhaps realized just being the person doesn’t change your destiny you do...which explains why she might hate our raeliana cause she changed her fate didn’t die and is in happy relationship with noah?
Dec 2, 2018
So I have a theory...
The soul inside of Beatricis body isnt Bea's but the original Raeliana's. Which is probably why she's trying to kill her so she can maintain the role as the main character.

EDIT: pft we all have the same theory, its just to see how she came to find out about the book.
Nov 2, 2019
It doesn't quite seem like it's just a simple soul switch because then why the Isekai and transmigration?
Why would that be needed?

The idea that its only OG Beatrice in Rae's body and Noah fell in love with her feels a little annoying too honestly.
It feels like it belittles our MC's resolve and determination to break fate and that Noah fell in love because it was 'fated' to happen and not the difficult journey it actually was.
It took a really long time, effort and sacrifice for Noah and MC to reach this point and it feels cheap to call it fate.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
Wow, they have the same habits, so I guess its confirmed. The original Raeliana is now in Beatrice's body.

Btw, is anyone else getting a HUGE blank white space in-between pages 9 and 10? Was that intentional? or is the page just not loading correctly?

I'm a bit confused. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The novel Eunha originally read in Korea was the story of a Beatrice that already had Eunha's soul transported inside of her. I.e. the original timeline.

But the original Raeliana messed with the witch, which caused her(the original Raeliana's) soul to go into Beatrice's body, while Eunha's soul entered the empty Raeliana body instead, thus creating the current timeline.

So does this mean the original Beatrice from before the novel started was souless?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
I'd like to think that rather than something abstract like fate, it's more a case of the person you are on the inside being more important than what you look like on the outside. Why would you think someone would like you if you're still a heinous psycho on the inside?

I feel bad for Beatrice's dad... he doesn't have a clue.

I don't know for sure, but I've read spoilers in the past that suggested that Eunha and the original Beatrice (current Raeliana) are the same soul, just gone through reincarnations. Like, Beatrice reincarnated into Eunha and then back again, or something?
Jan 31, 2020
Wow, let's me guess real quick
I think the real riana in Beatrice'body, like she did some magic or something? And because the magic, it pull FL into empty body of riana...

Well, just guess
Maybe cause she reads the book name Beatrice so she start obsessive for Noah and wannabe main character, who are going to be Noah's lover?
Dec 31, 2019
probably not true but here's my analysis:
Maybe the real Beatrice asked for our Rae's help because the book Raeliana had transferred herself into Beatrice's body with that Black magic. Beatrice (book Raeliana) probably got a copy of the original Book which had caused her to use black magic due to her inferiority complex of not "being the main character". Due to her love of reading romance novels, she probably found the original book while searching for the books she loved (kinda like Virtues of the Villainess).
It's strange but I could have happened.
Aggregator gang
Nov 18, 2018
my take on this is that OG Raeliana somehow got a book about her own story (i am betting she was from earth too) and because of jealousy she used black magic to transfer her soul to Beatrice's body and this erased her soul, then a god of that world bring our MC from earth to Raeliana's body to keep that world in some sort of balance but OG Raeliana didnt get rid of her fate and the main lead feel in love with the MC.
Jun 8, 2019

This chapter proves that Raelina(original Beatrice/ MC) has been switched with, her destiny with the duke is so strong haha. The fake Beeyatchrice, with her habit of scratching the books, is the evidence.

I feel bad for Beeyatchrice though, she just wants to fight her death flagged destiny. I mean plenty of novels work for villain girls escaping their doom, it seems Beeyatch is just unlucky huhu. It's either she die by going with the story (freak accident with an ugly fiance) or take the MC's place by doing some dark magic to escape death but you can't because real MC's halo is too strong you'll just end up dying in the hands of the crazy duke.

Only one can live, as what that crazy chick said. Get rid of the brown haired girl, bye beeyatch, i pity you. Huhuhuhu

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