The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion - Ch. 132

Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Thanks for the update Bucci!

Oh so they really DID the deed. That why Noah all smiley since the chapter before lmao

Anyway Beatrice is a legit psychopath. Begone!
Jan 30, 2019
Hehhehehe Noah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ngl I'm thirsty it would've been nice if we got something mildly graphic like the latest chapter in Evil Lady's Hero
Sep 12, 2018

I have 2 theories pertaining to that: real Raeliana switched bodies with Beatrice so she won't have to die because she somehow found out about her future, and in order to not leave Raeliana's body empty, a soul came. My theory is either that Beatrice went to another world where time was warped or the time in this world was stopped while she was on Earth, and she spent some time there before moving into Raeliana's body, OR Beatrice moved to earth to MC's body and MC's soul got pushed into Raeliana's body instead of Beatrice.
Group Leader
Mar 26, 2019
Wouldn’t it make more sense that OG Raeliana stole Beatrice body since our Raeliana is from a different world
May 31, 2020
The bodyswap twist is definitely the most interesting thing this series has done so far. Is it too much to ask that we get some To Be You/Your Throne-style drama where OG Beatrice and OG Raeliana are forced to understand each other's circumstances better? OG Raeliana clearly deserved better from the narrative/fate and wasn't wrong for wanting to, ya know, survive. She isn't entitled to Beatrice's life or the fairytale ending she desires, of course, but she's still entitled to live. I don't remember too well because I haven't read this in a while, but I also get the sense that she had a bit of a complex about being compared with Beatrice even before she learned about the book. I can't imagine how shitty it would feel to learn that your life and place in the universe only exist in service of someone else's story, especially when you were already overshadowed by that person. On her end, OG Beatrice probably never even realized that their friendship was so imbalanced, and it's obviously not her fault that she was written as the FL and that Rae was written as a disposable side character. Just … please, let these two have a proper argument about their relationship and fate. I'm starved for actual good drama between female characters.

(Also, is it weird that I'm actually rooting for Vivian to finally one-up Beatrice and Raeliana, rather than her own desire for agency predictably backfiring in the FL's favor? idk, I guess I just don't like these secondary antagonists in otome isekai series who basically exist to be easily intimidated and foiled by the FL. Do something cool for once, Vivian)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
@DoodleChan I remember that part,

what I don't get is
that it's easier to prevent her husband to kill her than to change bodies, fail to kill OG bea, try to kill the Noah's fiancé, fail, try to get him to love you , fail again

@Diamona I don't have the link since I didn't read the novel, but I know it somewhere on the web
Apr 22, 2020
Dammit I had a feeling that was the case.
This complicates matters because if Raeli is supposed to be OG Beatrice then an eventual "correction" will need to take place. Which now should be okay (once he's informed that the switch successfully took place) since the Duke knows and believes the background to all of this, but how will they explain to the rest in case that kind of a "reset" takes place?
Jul 25, 2020
@zeruku She found out that Beatrice is actually Raeliana.
and Eunha (Our Raeliana) herself is Beatrice but she doesn’t know it yet. So, they switched because of real Raeliana. Noah fell in love with the original Beatrice. Nothing is out of book.

@your_dino_overlord You are true my friend :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@K_mari: I think that's unlikely. By the looks of it, the body swapping magic was faulty and they both either die or revert to their original bodies before long.
Apr 16, 2019
Thank you for the chapter! I hope Beatrice doesn't act up cuz Noah only has so little patience
Active member
Aug 20, 2019
OUR GIRL FIGURED IT OUT.... ohmygod the chills just by saying "raeliana" to her, what an absolute power move.

its so confusing to refer to who as who though lololol
Jun 4, 2019
HAHAHAHA. The sole reason for Rae’s tiredness fetch her. Oh em geee. Noaaah. 💕💕💕🤣🤣🤣

And, wow. “raeliana” poweeeer
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2018
So our MC is an isekai person but does that mean she is probably Beatrice?

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