The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion

Group Leader
Jan 20, 2018
Read Raw Raelianan
Jul 15, 2020
read up to chap 102, but couldn't bring myself to read any further. MC is unbearable, at some points realising she has altered the original plotline, and at other points completely forgetting that she has just for the sake of pointless romance drama. FMC and MC both seem to be aware (or at least have strong suspicions) their feelings are mutual, yet FMC is still anxious about a girl who hasn't been following the plotline since very early in the story.
If you're into stupid drama and desperate love rivals then this is for you, unfortunately it wasn't for me. pretty art though. 6-7/10
Jul 4, 2019
I think it deserve the "thriller" tag as well 😅 dunno about you but I just can't wait for a new chapter
Jul 23, 2020
Okay, great
1st idk why your talking about other conversations that weren’t related to you in anyway but okay!
First I’ll like to resolve something that you thinking I have no right on how to tell people on how to criticise, yes I have no right thank you very much , and for also being creepy and reading my replies and comments with roadrunner. Also I wasn’t saying there actuall criticism was bad but I thought the average human being would get I wasn’t talking about how they were talking about the series but about how they were making disrespectful comments about the author literally the first thing you read when the person road runner commented. But okay its great to tell someone that there talent has disappeared and how they should take there head out of there arse since it’s great criticism to you somehow ! ( I was being sarcastic)


No, I don’t have delicate feelings to me you have delicate feelings since ,I had commented about how you sounded like you were more annoyed at the character Beatrice for being to act like she had seen a murder then the actual plot being bad ! Or why else would you make that super long comment ! 😃

3rd on the originally comment I had commented to you about ,I apologised about and to everything single thing I said and person but you!, since I didn’t think you had such delicate feelings because my comment to you had nothing wrong or rude in it soo... have great life and continue to read manhwas !

4th you don’t have to like what I like because I already see from your personality and I’m just guessing that you have pretty bad taste in manhwa 😔( so sad)

5th is it normal for you to stalk peoples comments? Are you alright?


I wasn’t talking about the criticism going to the series but about how they were roasting the author but I can see why you got confused because the first I was trying to say was a solution to way the plot had been that way but the criticism part had nothing to do with that, and that’s a fact !(I really wanted to say that hehe 😄)
Also goodluck to your manhwa reading !

2nd yes I think telling some one that there talent has gone away ( or something like that) and to tell them to take there head out of arse is pretty rude, but I think you may have missed that they said that even tho it was at the top of their comment ! But goodbye anyways have happy manhwa readings!😊


I was just telling the truth that your points were really really REALLY good !😄 I don’t need the thank you since it was you who had made the brilliant points but your welcome! Have good luck reading manhwas and hoping they update well!
Oct 7, 2019
You know how Vivian is supposed to be the "villianesse" of the original Beatrice novel? What if... because of what happened to her, she reincarnated into her own favorite novel where she got to be with her own ML? It was my own persistant head worm when I got to that part. Ha! An isekai within an isekai.
Jul 21, 2019
To be honest. What is the difference between Vivian and the villains like Original Katarina in Hamefura?

She was really just the typical spoiled girl with a lot of money, it wasn't a hopeless case, if she hadn't met Miss "I want to be the heroine", she would have lived and probably over time chastising with her bad behavior since she was never I cross the head to do crimes like killing, it's a shame that she actually died
Mar 6, 2019
cliffhanger! omg can't wait for the next chapter!
Thank you Bucci gang! you da best! 😍
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
I feel like I could've enjoyed this more if the villain was better written.
Some people were saying original Raeliana could have just told her parents and I so much agree. She could have done what Eunha/original Beatrice did and made plans to break up and find her own love, but I don't think it was stupidity that made her not ask but more of jealousy-- she must have wanted to get the life Beatrice will have. But imo she didn't work for it, so what was the point of switching bodies lol, she just made it harder for herself with the unstable soul thing.

But overall still quite enjoyable, worth the read and high rating.
Jul 23, 2020
Idk why but after reading the raws I feel like we’ve only scratched the beginning of the manhwa kind of, it gives me mixed feelings when I’m trying to anticipate when the end of the series is going to happen
Aug 10, 2020
Why is the update for this manhwa is so slow? bucci gang already update all the new chapters from the WMMAP manhwa and this still doesn't updated
Jul 23, 2020

They updated like 6 chapters in 1 week relax , just go and read the raws if your that impatient , you literally got six weeks worth chapters last week , it also hard to translate manhwas .the Korean version is only up to chapter 146

Soz , now that I think about it it’s true , like the time where we almost had no chaps for 2 months
Jul 23, 2020
Also guys ! I’m pretty sure , because I read the raws I think season 4 is finsished now , but I’m not sure since it’s all in Korean or they are going on break but since it’s end of year i think season 4 has finished at chap 147
Power Uploader
Oct 9, 2020
@kittten, сhapter 147 was published today in the Kakao Page. At the end of the chapter it was written that the main story was over. From January 4, only additional stories will be published.

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