The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion

Feb 16, 2020
That stupid witch or whatever she is. She should’ve just kept her cynical opinions to herself. Now that I think about it, they should have hanged her on a high tower during a snowstorm. I know that the original Raeliana is also responsible for her actions, but I can’t help but think that she wouldn’t have gone the deep end of she didn’t hear those crappy words from that witch.
Sep 26, 2020
Everyone in this palace is a moron today, apparently. Yes... the Lady has gone missing! Sound the alarm! Raise a search party! Oh but definitely don't interrupt the staff in the immediate area, there's NO WAY anyone could possibly have disguised themselves to enter this supposedly secure area! Obviously the villains will be wearing black cloaks and twirling their evil mustaches right out in the open, because that's how bad guys work.

@kittten My god, someone actively suggesting we all live in comfortable echo chambers. Someone take a picture so we can remember it existed, people like this don't survive very long once they realize reality doesn't care about their delicate feelings.

Yes, if you have nothing nice to say just don't speak! Don't question little piggies, just accept and consume! Criticism?! That sounds like mean words, and my Faberge ego simply cannot handle those in any quantity! If I hear anything that isn't unequivocal praise I'm liable to break down into a pathetic sobbing wreck!

"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" belongs in the same place as "don't like don't read", i.e. in a dumpster fire along with the people that coined the phrases and anyone who uses them unironically. This is fiction: not everyone will like the things you like, and it will NEVER be your place to tell them not to criticize. Bugger off. Especially when the person criticizing is absolutely correct! This arc has been a shitshow; everyone who isn't Beatrice is walking around with an Idiot Ball grafted to their frontal lobe.
Jun 8, 2018
so....anyone got any of those....missing chapters at the start?

I can read in spanish, but i'd rather read it on english if possible at all.......I don't trust my fellow spanish speakers.........for......reasons.........
Nov 2, 2020
@Roadrunner9000 they're giving valid criticism? criticism is not roasting and they're not even wrong, these past 4 chapters have made absolutely no sense?

they weren't even being rude about it either, they just stated what they don't like about these past few chapters, if you make sense of this mess fine, that's good for you but don't pull the "if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all" card because this is the internet lol, not everyone has to cater their mind to your sensitive taste, if you don't like what they said or if they criticized the author, block them, its not hat big of a deal
Jul 21, 2019
@Katsurandom mmm I don't know why but I understand what you say even if you don't say it, the flashbacks from Vietnam came to me, well here is the link from chapter 1 in English:
Jul 23, 2020
Okay first of all why reply now? Were you having your petty tantrum b*tching over crap, those other paragraphs weren’t for you.

I had already apologised on the same comment about how I went overboard unless you’re a little piss baby who gets offended by everything btw I literally stated if you wanted to be rude and like hate on the manhwa just leave it’s disrespectful to the manhwa and other people who like The Reason why (etc). Also eco friendly shit? This isn’t a vegan talk show about pollution.
Oct 27, 2020
As always this series slaps. I've been eagerly waiting and the last few chapters did not disappoint 🙌
Jul 10, 2019
Graaaahhh!!! I want the next chapter! Why it has a cliff!!! It would be nice if the chapter end while beatrice was still thinking! Now i have to wait for the next chapter! When will that came out?

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