The Result of Being Reincarnated Is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest - Ch. 4.2

Active member
Apr 9, 2019
Randolph is the most normal one, pick him if you wanna have a chill life! If not, all the yanderes are good picks.
Mar 11, 2019
I read the light novel and
The heroine and her stupid whiny friend are trash its so annoying
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@WhoCares such is the risk of adaptation. I haven't read the WN. Maybe I just have poor choice in LN/WN I try to read but they always feel... awkward and so I don't read them. Not sure how to describe it, but I know I end up losing out quite often because of it.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 7, 2018
@ch0si The English translation went a little differently from that. I might as well outline the whole thing here, since I've gone back to reread it.

More or less divided into what I thought were different emotional "beats":
1. Ashley "smiles brilliantly" at her when he helps her down from the carriage. Cecile points it out, he implies he didn't notice he was doing it and goes back to his usual poker face.
2. Ashley says he "wouldn't be able to suit her as her escort if he was too short" when she mentions his growth spurt.
3. After Cecile says that it's nice being able to share a meal together, Ashley gets irritated and implies that she should have come back during her first break. Cecile asks if he's mad about that, he says that he would "never dream of doing something beyond his station like getting mad at her", she pushes a little more, he says that she should have come back to see him instead of just saying that she missed him. Ashley does not directly state that he wanted to see her.
4. Cecile says that she wanted to stay to study more in order to become a master that would suit him, further saying that Ashley is amazing and she has to try hard to keep up with him. Ashley says she's overestimating him, she insists, he says she praises him too much and that he's "not nearly as perfect as she seems to think he is." This repeats a few more times and the scene closes with Cecile letting it drop because she thinks that "continuing to talk about this while Ashley's in such a bad mood will only make things worse."
5. Skip to several days later. The letter arrives; both Ashley and Cecile are dumbfounded at how excited the maids are when they bring it in. They see the "To my beloved Cecile" address and Gray's name, the maids bombard Cecile with questions: "what's your relationship," "his feelings must be very ardent to have sent you a letter personally, right?" "do you have a very intimate relationship with him," "does the master know about him yet," "are you planning to get engaged," and "what do you like about him?" Both the manga and the WN continue similarly until Ashley slams the book shut.
6. Everybody else jumps at the noise, Ashley drums his fingers on the desk—which is a typical sign that he's irritated, according to Cecile's narration—and the "atmosphere freezes." Ashley speaks without looking at the maids. He says pretty much the same thing as in the manga, except that he doesn't tell them to leave directly; they just flee because they don't want to anger him. According to Cecile, that's because Gray is "the first man who's come into the picture who could even attempt to rival Ashley, so of course they would all be crazy about him, but that doesn't mean they would want to anger Ashley over him."
7. Ashley asks if she's close with Gray, looking at her "as if asking her if she dares to have gotten close to him." Cecile says "various things happened," Ashley asks for an example, she says "clandestine meetings" like a complete idiot, he responds with "as in a lover's rendezvous?" Cecile thinks she "could have phrased it better," then says they talk together every once in a while because they share a hobby and that's all, Ashley asks if it's just the two of them, Cecile doesn't respond directly but reiterates that they aren't that close and their relationship is "literally on the level of occasionally talking to each other." Ashley asks what Gray meant by calling her his beloved, Cecile calls it lip service. Ashley asks if it would then be okay to read the letter now, Cecile asks if he's going to read it too, he asks if there's a problem with it, she reflects on how it's a "complete breach of etiquette, although Ashley doesn't seem the least bit inclined to honor what is considered proper manners at the moment."
8. Thinking that the letter is probably going to "talk about the hidden character or discuss some other information Gray has gathered about this world," Cecile asks if they can read it later. Ashley presses, asking if she has a "guilty conscience" or if there's "something incriminating there that he shouldn't see," Cecile supposes that she can just conceal any bits that he shouldn't see and states that she "really doesn't have the courage to say no to him right now, especially since he already looks quite angry." Cecile opens the letter and they see that it's written in Japanese. Ashley is confused, wondering which country the language comes from, and asks Cecile if she can read it, Cecile claims she's studied the language a bit but says nothing about her academics.
1. Gray's letter opens pretty much the same way as in the manga except more wordily, he tells Cecile not to let her guard down while she's with Ashley although he "knows that she said there's no longer anything to fear from him," pointing out that that her feeling comfortable around Ashley "doesn't mean there isn't still a chance that he might go psycho and kill her." Gray says that he "had more information on Oswell for some time now, but the break started before he was able to tell her about it" but that section is otherwise the same. The section on his newly-adopted brother is also similar, except Gray says that he has "this terrible feeling that this guy is actually their best contender for the hidden character," admits that he isn't "exactly an expert on this stuff", and notes that the reason he sent the letter so quickly is because he wasn't sure what to think of the new brother.
2. Ashley asks what the letter said and remarks that Cecile is looking a bit pale, she thinks about how Ashley will be in the same grade as the new brother and warns him "not to jump headfirst into danger," internally stating that she'll be "living beside herself in fear for Ashley" if they end up in the same class. (This is where the chapter ends in the WN.)
3. Ashley "continues to ask Cecile about what had been written in the letter" but is interrupted by her father stampeding into the room. The conversation proceeds similarly in both versions up until her father remarks that he heard Cecile had been getting close with Gray. Ashley then jumps up from his chair, which clatters to the ground; according to Cecile's narration, he's "been doing that so often recently that the crash this time sounded like the chair was ready to fall apart at any moment." Ashley greets her father in a way appropriate for a servant but "looks over at him sharply," then takes his coat and "turns that piercing stare on Cecile, looking as if he has something he really wants to say," Cecile remarks internally that her father "just had to say that right after she finished telling Ashley that they aren't particularly close" before stating that Gray is just an upperclassman and that everyone was just imagining things since Gray called her name once during a conversation. Her father replies that there's "got to be more to it than that since Gray's father told him Gray wrote her a love letter recently" and glances down at the letter meaningfully, Cecile speculates to herself that Gray's father must have seen how the letter was addressed and took note of it, her father says Cecile is "clutching that letter so tightly, like she never wants to let it go," Cecile thinks that his eyesight is going bad, her father continues, saying "I guess even you are planning to leave me some day." Cecile's narration states that "at this point, Ashley's gaze on her has turned painful" and that she "feels like his suspicions have gotten worse and worse since her father joined the conversation."
4. Cecile thinks to herself that since the letter isn't worth it since it caused Ashley to start doubting her and her father to misunderstand. She tears the letter up while ignoring their dumbfounded looks, flinging the pieces in the trash and saying that it was "about nothing interesting." Her father's face "turns disinterested in the whole subject," but Ashley continues to "look at her unconvinced."
5. Skip to the flower garden, which Cecile came to at Ashley's invitation. They walk through the garden; the details about how they take care of it come in the form of internal exposition from Cecile and a remark to the readers that even now Ashley "is still getting his hands dirty to pull any weeds as we pass by them." Ashley asks if "it was important," his voice "cracking in the middle and then becoming very quiet at the end." Cecile asks what he's talking about, he says he means the letter, seeming "no longer displeased but rather distracted, like his heart is somewhere else." Ashley says that she should "carefully store such precious things so that she doesn't lose them," and that if she "just throws away the first letter she received from her beloved like that, in the future, she'll regret not having held onto it." Cecile replies that Gray isn't her beloved and that she's already shredded the letter anyway, Ashley says that it's "still possible for them to put the pieces back together again."
6. Cecile says that it's not important enough to hold onto and that "if we’re talking about Ashley's letters or her father’s letters, those of course she has to keep and cherish, but she has no such desire to do so with Gray's letter." She tells Ashley that sometimes she likes to reread the ones he sent to her, his eyes widen "just a little bit," and he remarks that her father also makes sure to carefully store the letters she sends to him. Cecile says she "figured as much; he's that sort of overly doting parent, after all," Ashley says her father keeps them all in a vault, which she "pretends not to hear." Ashley says that he "also...hasn't carelessly thrown any of her letters away," Cecile thanks him, he replies that "from his perspective, it was the natural thing to do," Cecile says that it makes her happy nevertheless and ruffles his hair.
7. Ashley's eyebrows "wrinkle a bit at this as he seizes her hand and removes it from his head," Cecile thinks that he's going through his rebellious stage, he says that he's not a child anymore, she says she "supposes that's true," which she intends as an apology, but "instead of being placated by it, Ashley’s whole body stiffens and he holds in his breath for a moment." Cecile is thrown off balance by the sudden movement since he was still holding her arm, and she thinks it of as a reminder that she "can't really treat him like a child any more." Cecile's narration also states that she "can’t help but admire how strong he really is, despite being so thin still." Ashley says,"If you keep touching me so carelessly, I’ll be very troubled. I’m already strong enough to be able to pin you down. I could sully you. I’m not some powerless child anymore." Cecile wonders if he's "really that mad" and supposes that "if he pinned her down in the garden, she would get quite dirty" as one would expect of an otome heroine.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 7, 2018
@icarushector 100% understandable. WN/LN translations usually stop at translation and don't put in much or any effort to localize sentence constructions common to Japanese/Korean/Chinese into English ones. The result is sentences that (sometimes, a lot of WN/LN translators aren't very careful, honestly) might be grammatically correct but are stylistically still completely in their native language. They're comprehensible, but incredibly awkward to read.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Yeesh. The shipping force is strong in this game. You can still think it to yourself, but at some point, it's just rude to ignore a lady's denials.
Randolph didn't help with the way he addressed her, but that's hardly enough grounds for development.

As for "manipulating and dirtying you".
...Yep. Toned down, but still quite Yan.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
@WhoCares A lot of WN translation actually rely too much on MTL and that's why it feels awkward to read. Well, at least from the translation that i read in the past got basic mistake like getting the subject wrong among many other.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Wouldn't it be safer to have a relationship with Duke Randolf's son since they are both reincarnated and not yandere
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
Looking at the last panel, it looks like she forgot that he is also a yandere target of the game.
Jul 24, 2020
Ooof, senpai was right! Looks like his yandere tendencies are nature and not nurture?

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