@Acolytus your avatar is oddly suitable to the comment...
@unime She's handled these sorts of pushbacks fairly well so far, so I'm rather excited to see her counterattacks, if any. Though, I'm not sure if she knows where her heart stands on him. Obviously. she adores him, but whether that is in a sisterly way or a romantic way is still somewhat unknown since her main goal seems to be survival. She's done her best to do right by him, but is that just because she's nice and doesn't want to be murdered when the heroine arrives, or does she really want him for herself romantically.
I hope he gets a clear answer soon. For everyone's sake.
@WhoCares to be fair, he's also the hired help and not supposed to be in that intimate sort of relationship. Heck, the little brother category is pretty far beyond what's expected. So it's not impossible he's trying to get out of that particular list, at least out of obligation. Plus, he didn't just say he could dirty her, he also said manipulate. I feel like he thinks she's this unguarded around all men, which would be problematic for both her reputation and futures, even if this weren't a high-risk environment due to certain fate strings at work. Certainly, I don't see it as a line to get
into her romantic options list. All that said, I agree it's a stupid mindset to have and really counter-intuitive to romance.