The Result of Being Reincarnated Is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest - Ch. 9

Sep 1, 2019
So who actually believes Layla died as an elementary school kid. That’s like, what 9? Do kids even strongly identify with heterosexuality and gender at that point?? What child dies and is like, “this life I’m gonna grope women!” Ugh and the fact that everyone treats sexual harassment and perversion as a little annoying but fUnNy. I’ve read that Japan has an insidious problem with groping but damn.
Active member
Aug 12, 2019
@canigetauhh no that's not 9 lol. layla was apparently an elementary schooler that was close to graduating so that's grade 6. around the age of 12-13 I believe. and around that age, they start to go through puberty and hormonal changes.. does not excuse perversion but maybe that's just his nature.
May 9, 2019
hehe this chapter is great fun. I am amused that the heroine is a reincarnated boy... that died as an elementary kid it looks like? and breaking all the flags in the worst way with love interests
though, if they were an elementary kid , why is s/he such a perv to other women? I had zero interest in girls in any romantic/pervy ways as such :p
Fed-Kun's army
May 22, 2019
@TheGodEmperor I remember some kids being like that back when I was in elementary school. I think I remember some kids having girlfriends in the last year of elementary school too. Though, it wasn't till middle school where that really got off the ground.
Apr 21, 2018
@TheGodEmperor Well, using the stereotype of Japanese young boys the typical ones around between 5 and 10 years old would be flipping skirts and sexually harassing girls as they are being accused as being kids.
Feb 4, 2018
Hgnnn, just accept his love, godammit.
Well, i know it will take a long time, so i will just enjoy watching them together waiting.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
HE!!! IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! YOU LIKE HIM TOO!!! HONEY!!! PLS!!! also what the heroine was a CHILD?? then why... such a pervert... that's not normal lksjalkj like ok yes what a twist but UM???? anyway i hope cecil and ashley can progress smoothly

thank you for the update!!!
Nov 18, 2019
Um... Hasn't it ever occurred to her that the original Ashley hated her because of her abuse, which is non-existent in this version of the world? So right now Ashley has literally no reason to hate her? How dense can this girl be??? smh...
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
I guessed Layla was a guy in their past life but a kid? With that behavior?! And they died as a kid and remembered as a baby so why are they still so strongly associated with their past life (like it would be interesting if they handled them as a trans boy but they are not doing that. They are doing a pervert gimmick. But instead of old sexist man it's like a child.......) like are they overcompensating for not being a boy anymore? And why are you so sexual!!?? Are you upset you didn't get to have sex when you still had a penis but you were an elementry schooler? What child is thinking about sex that young? The last few elementary boys I knew/know (cousins and some daycare) are in love with trains, swimming, animals, Pixar, and transformers. Like they didn't think about girls in terms of sex, kids just wanna play and have somebody's attention and support.

The author chose it for they wanted us to expect an old man and break expectations with a child. But it puts all of Layla's sexual harassment back to light again for like any "sexual harassment" I had from kids didn't come from a perverted or sexual place. It came from them knowing that pulling my shirt down would make me angry and making me angry would either 1. be funny or 2. give them a sense of control in the adult-child relationship by making me angry or embarrassed. But Layla is grabbing girls breasts, jumping into showers and just touching girls however they want without their permission for they "want to enjoy life" Like how is that the mindset of an elementary schooler?? When I was an elementary schooler I wanted to either be a ninja turtle/superhero or one of those people who swam with orcas at SeaWorld.

ok sorry about the rant but the Layla revel annoys me. Like if I ruined your good time I'm sorry but I'm just really annoyed and I hope Layla is just lying and is really an old man and hoping that saying their a kid on the inside would make the teenagers would cut them some slack.

2nd annoyance is GIRL ASHLEY LIKES YOU. You didn't abuse him as a kid so you hit all the target flags growing up. Now decided if you like him back or figure out your yandere escape plan!!!
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2019
HOLY SHIT, my prediction in chapter 6 is right, Layla truly a Boy, now only Lornah left. Might be Lornah is a girl
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2020
Layla's died in her previous life just before graduating elementary school, which would mean she died when she was 12 years old.

12 year old boys... are they...normally perverts? Can't remember anymore lol 😅

Edit: Ah, just remembered something I read about Japanese school kids. Things like sex and perversion aren't as censored as they are in the West, so boys around that age can become a little...perverted. Though I'm not sure if they're as perverted as this kid is. Maybe it's the death experience making her go "yolo bruh".
Mar 6, 2018
@unkogr0l I actually thought that "prom" was a translation choice here.

Indeed when I checked the raw the actual term used was 舞踏会(butoukai). According to that word means ball or dance, which is what I would have expected given the setting.

I know Jisho isn't always accurate for this kind of thing, but in this instance I don't understand why the translator used "prom" when it doesn't fit the setting.

For reference:舞踏会
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Theta probably tl is american, afaik they have balls in their schools all the time over there, except they call it "proms". So if you are from that region, any party involving dancing that occurs among students will be called "prom" to be more specific than simply "ball".
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
so a perverted shota with a heart condition? wow,i bet he flipped skirts and did the 1000 years of pain joke thing

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