This seems to start with the essential mistake of making the childhood friend a less likable character than the other love interest. The traditional refrain of "why does the childhood friend never win" was born from those instances where the childhood friend was the more sympathetic and compelling character, surely?
Whereas it seems like this is more for... those folks who are just into a certain very particular childhood-freind archetype that shows up in shounen romcoms, usually of the ecchi variety. A nearly zero-percent-believable harem character. This manga seems to be for those people who are frustrated that that particular two-dimensional wish-fulfillment childhood friend character tends not to win...
(This is all aside from the consideration that the protagonist isn't especially likable. That was sort of a forgone conclusion from the start, given the genre this turns out to be in. Well, either he'll have a little bit of character growth, or, more likely, he won't.)