The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 13 Ch. 35 - Trial by Fire I

Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@SunSun im not going to get into politics, and i dont have any particular opinions about Israels war tactics, the biggest concern people have with israel isnt "killing civilians" its "colonizing land that doesnt belong to them" hence majority of the world condemned israel and the UN asked them to stop colonizing, you can fight against terror without actually stealing land
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@Nari by that argument, every single nation in the world is guilty of colonize land that doesn't belong to them, including ones that have been wiped out like the Iroquis Confederacy and Aztecs.

Even now the entire Middle East has nations looking for an excuse to snatch land from each other, Jordan and Syria, Iran and Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen's war right now all about territory that "doesn't belong to them".

Russia snatched Crimea from Ukraine, China claiming "godly powers created these islands" for their claim of South China Seas is all about territorial control and colonization but for some reason (probably cause the same Middle Eastern countries that lost to Israel are on the UN Human Rights Committee) only Israel gets people clutching their pearls.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@SunSun you seem incapable of understanding the difference between taking land in war, and simply *taking land* .... be honest, if america just walked into a canadian city and said "this is ours now" .... you really think the world would just let that fly?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@Nari FFS Nazi Germany literally did just that before invading Poland, and the world did shit.

Annexed Austria, demanded a chunk of Czechoslovakia, marched troops into the rest of the country and said, "Ours now." Actually it was worst than that, UK and France broke up Czechoslovakia into chunks for several other European nations, and the remainder got invaded and occupied.

Fuck the most recent one was Russia and Crimea and EU slapped some sanction but let up cause Russia sells shit tons of natural gas to Europe, while Obama talked big but backed off and gave even Iran, Russia's ally in the ME some slack with that shitastic nuclear deal, by unfreezing Iranian government's overseas accounts and handing over $2billion. Outside of the Ukraine, how many people still care about Russia just snatching a port city connected to the Black Sea? How many people are still condemning Russia for that?

You on the other hand seem to be under some delusion that taking land during war and just "taking land" are somehow exclusive when they're not; the game of nations is always about land and resources. "Declaring" war is an after thought, a civility. Moving armed forces nearby another nation's border was enough to start wars in history, because it was a pretext for taking land!

And yes, I think the world would just let the US take over a Canadian city. Who's gonna have to step up to do something about it, without going nuclear? UK? France? Germany? They're gonna cut out a massive market, AND their own investments in the US, while cutting US investments into Europe with sanctions? The Middle East? Wtf do they care, they have their own problems with each other. India, Pakistan, and China are at each other's throats. Russia not gonna do anything either. The most would be some condemnation but every major power is so tied into each other through trade and investments, that cutting off the US through even sanctions, let alone military action, would spell doom for the entire world economy.

I mean, what did the fucking world do when the US just up and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? FUCKING SHIT. Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, Bush certainly could've been tried and found guilty of war crimes, but what happened? Words of condemnation and words are cheap.

Edit: I mean, fucking 20+ nations joined the curbstomp party on Iraq for that matter, and everyone involved had a great time shooting Iraqis until they realized that the whole justification for invading was shit and the US has no actual gameplan for occupying the nation WHICH MAKES IT EVEN FUCKING WORSE.

Now let's assume we go into a hot, non-nuclear war; for either EU or China/Russia, they'd have to send a fleet of ships, to support an invasion force, across several thousand miles of ocean, AND establish a supply chain for that army and fleet, WHILE battling one of the most advanced navies in modern times on the sea, along with FIGHTING one of the most powerful land based militaries in history, AND that's not accounting for any civilian "volunteers" that'd pop up if said invading army landed on the continental US.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@SunSun you have issues, your entire rant is based upon assumptions, the assumption that im ok with places like china, russia, or even nazi germany (nobody is ever ok with anything the nazis did) doing what they did, im not, i dont care if your russia, america, china or israel, marching into another nations cities and colonizing it as yours is an act of AGGRESSION, and should be condemned as the aggressive act it is, YOU on the other hand act like its ok for israel to do it because other countries do it too, when in reality its never ok for ANY country to do it, russia got condemned for crimea, literal sanctions.... china is.... a legal issue, they are making islands and the laws surrounding the coast is put into effect, what they are doing is shitty yes, but they arent directly colonizing another nations land, they are using a legal loophole (which doesnt mean its ok, it means the laws surrounding the coast needs to be rethought)

next time you rant, dont assume my positions on other countries

by the way, saying its ok for israel to do that because "nazi germany did it too" is..... kinda of a bad take.... what nazi germany did was obviously bad

also, your concerns on a war with america.... condemning america for taking a canadian city does not mean instant war
just as the UN condemned israel without going to war.... find a god d*mn better comparison jesus christ, your comparing apples and oranges, condemnation =/= war


Jan 16, 2019
I just realized an amazing detail on the Franscois equipment. The sniper squad have some kind of special equipment on their helmet. They have (what I think) is a specialized glasses on the left eyes that (maybe) can detect magical signatures.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
You've gotta love how Office Worker's latent sociopathy, that went by unexpressed except for a pragmatism in business relations in his previous life, is now in full bloom in the field of grand war crimes as Tanya.
Active member
May 10, 2020
OwO finally yes rain hellfire down upon these republic sympathizers. Rip Vianto to shreds!!! Padoru padoruwu!!!
Jun 6, 2019
I'm re-reading and so i'm taking my time to check the story mentioned in this manga: the wiki page of "The great Kanto Earthquake" date it in 1923 and not 1925 (p21). Quite sad/interesting event
Sep 20, 2023
Nowadays wouldn't work since people will compain about human rights despite saving more lives in the long run

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