The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 19 Ch. 54 - The Intervention Which Was Too Late V

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Hooray, thanks for another chapter! Manga continues to be really beautifully fleshed out vs the LN.

Yeah, this is actually quite believable. There are plenty of examples in history of widely differing world views between two sides causing a real failure to predict what the other would do.

At the end of the day though without our historical knowledge or omniscient reader perspective none of this is so obvious on the ground. Nobody going into World War 1 actually intended it to turn out the way it did. Outdated historical modes of thought, tactics and strategy led to a disastrous domino effect. In this world Tanya has somewhat tipped the scales by leaking some knowledge of an alternate future, but she herself has a limited perspective and role and a huge theme of this series is how different winning a battle from winning a war can be, and how "winning the peace" can be an even more daunting issue. Like, what exactly do you expect High Command to do in that instant? They certainly will be considering the opposing leadership, but a country is a big place and everything up until that moment has been about thinking in terms of Total War resource consumption vs individuals. The enemy leadership could be hiding out in a bunker in the city and thus won't be found for a while, or have retreated to the edges of the country for the same result. What the Empire is thinking is that it doesn't ultimately matter because none of that will change the ultimate result with industrial capacity gone. Same vs notBritain, because that's a sea-based regime where the Empire is land based. They can stare each other down but that's it. Even with "the shape of the great war" future information leakage causing a stir amongst military leadership, that's just an interesting thesis paper to them not history. It's not going to inform their every action. And it may well be that not a single person outside the military has read it either.

Maybe Tanya should have written some other paper on "how a defeated enemy might stage an escape to colonies and manage to get foreign support" or something but that seems like a stretch, and she can't be everywhere at once, do everything, or take command above her position in the military structure. Maybe if they had had her in the rear she'd have been more productive on the strategy side, but of course if they'd done that they wouldn't have all the 203 fueled tactical victories either. It's a catch-22, the whole situation is a geopolitical trap, where military victory or defeat both tend to lead to bad things for the Empire since they don't have the diplomatic/political skill or capital to seek an exit with their winnings, and military victory itself causes diplomacy and political resources to wither. Summary of David Runciman's "The Confidence Trap" could be written for this even though it's about modern democracies:
...democracies are good at recovering from emergencies but bad at avoiding them. The lesson democracies tend to learn from their mistakes is that they can survive them—and that no crisis is as bad as it seems. Breeding complacency rather than wisdom, crises lead to the dangerous belief that democracies can muddle through anything—a confidence trap that may lead to a crisis that is just too big to escape, if it hasn't already.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 12, 2019
What a wonderful chapter! The Empire has defeated the Francois Republic.... for now.
Thanks to the translators!
Jan 24, 2018
Thanks a lot for the chapter and for the "corrections" according to the Light Novel, really shows you guys put the extra effort on this.
Jan 6, 2021
So desperate to end the war that they didn't check to make sure it was actually over.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
Lol so Isekai France is basically defending their capital like how Germany did at the end of WW2
interesting interesting

Also lol, they're using Flak88's as mortar pieces
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018

You are right in theory. But again, and given that the divergence point from the Youko Senki timeline and our seems recent enough ( surely after 1848 and probably even later ), there was historical precedence for a european governement to GTFO to a colony and keep up the fight, namely Portugal during the Napoleonic period. And there France was forced to ocuppy the terrain ( something that was not in the plans ) and fight insurgents and irregulars ... just because there was no legitimate governement that would negociate a surrender with them at grasp. And in the end Portugal ended being the end of the carreer of atleast 2 Marechals of the French Empire while being the birth place of the career of a certain Wellington ;) .In fact, the reason UK had ( and still has ;) ) a plan to get the royals and the British navy to Canada in case of the Isles being overrun is exactly because of this successful precedent ...

And that was my point. If the Napoleonic wars happened in Youko Senki ( and I assume they did, even if because we already seen a Arc de Triomphe around in the pictures ... besides the fact that the whole context of the not-European politics would make little sense without a Napoleonic backdrop ), this should had been common knowledge of any military academy allumnum worth its salt. It is nothing unheard of in warfare, like planes in 1914. It had already happened once and one of the Empire potential enemies had known plans to do if stuff went down, so you don't even need a Tanya to write it down ;) . And even if it the Empire thought of that as of little consequence ( say, because of the reasons you brought ), there would still be the case that either the Empire would need to keep troops on the ground or risk some nasty stuf coming from not-France due to the fact that atleast some of the soldiers would still consider the far away governement as legitimate even if they had got some puppet governement. Adding to that, the not-UK is still around and ( again because of the Napoleonic wars ) everyone worth its salt in any military knows that not-UK, like our UK, can't be defeated by simply blockading it from the continental side and has it's economical basis intact ... and would be quite happy to fuel anything that can keep the Empire bogged in police actions in not-France. Given that the Empire is shown to not wanting land grab at all, this is something that I find bizarre that the Empire have not thought about, given ( again ) the Napoleonic precedents.

But more than that, it is the simple fact that the prime objective of any war is to get the enemy to the table and for that ... well, most of the times you need to make sure the enemy has no option besides doing so, if needed by dragging then physically to it ;) . Even if the HIgh command failed to see that not-France government could GTFO to the colonies without that being something that would fail them in their own Military Academy classes of Napoleonic History , the lack of any visible effort to capture or atleast limit the movements of the higher-ups of not-France is baffling. After all, capturing the higher-ups of the enemy is Strategy 101 :p
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
"The most glorious moment of the Empire's advance" is actually the moment they lost the war.

What is really annoying about the whole situation is that the France wannabe was the aggressor and not only they don't have the grace of losing honorable they also act like the Empire was at fault for the war.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2018
shoulda pulled a Napoleon. Installed the opposition party and high-tailed outta there with a hefty haul of loot.
Double-page supporter
Aug 15, 2020
Always looking forward to a new chapter of tanya
Really love how they always transition the 203 wing into some evil gang with only their eyes lighting up
Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2018
She jinxed it.
Besides the super enjoyable manga, I’m Partially annoyed because they already tell her fate in the future segments shown earlier and how you can already tell points leading to it.

Oh well, it’s too good to put down anyway
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@mahtan well this does have a lot of parallels of our own history. The english and french were scared of an upstart country that was developing fast and was catching up to other world powers.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
In our history, by who or why WWI started is still in doubt. It was a highly unstable period, politically, militarily and because of colonial issues and previous unresolved conflicts. All countries had ambitions or perceived threats from other powers, so war was pretty much inevitable.

Here, the author presents the Empire as a victim, but this is not how it worked Pre-WWI.

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