The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 24 Ch. 72 - Scorched Autumn II

Mar 27, 2024
Having trouble making sense of the excuse page at the end there but lol at reporting users for telling you off. That broken English doesn't bode well for the TL, I'll just wait for the usual group.
Look, we wrote that page quickly.

I clarify, we are not denouncing those who scolded us, we have been doing this for a long time, and we know that a criticism is an insult, so we thank those who notified us of the rule that we did not know, and we were annoyed by those who insulted and said derogatory things.

So I hope I have clarified the issue, and it is not a "sheet of excuses" is a response to what was commented in the previous upload.

We are sorry for the mistakes made and that is why we fixed it.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
Having trouble making sense of the excuse page at the end there but lol at reporting users for telling you off. That broken English doesn't bode well for the TL, I'll just wait for the usual group.
Well, if you think that our translators with C2 level (CPE) of English and our N2 translator of Japanese gave a bad translation, we are wrong...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Look, we understand it costs money to do things, anything in fact, as time, is money.
The problem here is you're basically kidnapping chapters, baiting people with the release here, and telling them there is more inside the van, and this is a bad strategy. Advertising here is strictly forbidden, it's one of the reasons why this page even exists, so baiting people is obviously not going to be taken kindly by mangadex users, and you will get lambasted for doing so.
The only way to advertise here is to do amazing releases, only then will people come to your group's page and maybe donate something so you can keep doing stuff. Of course, you can do like many other groups and ask for donations in the credits page, but that's as far as people are going to accept things.
Other groups simply set out rules that delay releases for Mangadex, and that's fine. They have the extra chapters in their own websites or blogs, and after some days or weeks, they post them here, so it's a way for people to go to your site, BUT, they don't advertise that in the credits.

Of course, I could be wrong, but this is how I have seen things develop before.

Anyway, just don't bait people... it's bad manners.

As for the translation, it's just correct, but it lacks something the other release has? Maybe it's a bit of playfulness by the translator to make it not sound as cut and dry, or maybe it's the vocabulary and choice of words. But it's a fact I didn't really get into the chapter while reading it despite not having noticed it's not from the usual group, it felt flat or something and wasn't catching my attention... maybe the chapter itself wasn't great, who knows, but that feels too much like a coincidence to me. Still only my opinion, so take it with a spoonfull of salt.

Edit: Boasting is NG, just say you'll do better and you're eager to be part of the community or something... it's like you're asking for people to nitpick at things now...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2023
So... Did you guys communicate anyhow with the previous translation group, or is it just a classic "lmao fuck you and the effort you've put into the translation of the series, we won't translate something that is not picked up by any other group, but leech off the popularity of X series to advertise ourselves"?

Cus if it's the first scenario, good for you, if the second, kinda a dick move.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Mod Edit: Toxic/Personal Attacks
hahahahahaha still fuck off, you're sniping the group already releasing, (Death Toll Scans, proof included)

your TL is shite, your typsetting is shite, and you're clearly doing JP->SPN->EN TLing, instead of JP->EN, like, i dunno, a normal scanlating team.

and also; you're advertising an external site (against the rules), and your releases arent worth a penny. Stop fucking lying, make better releases, and maybe someone will donate.

DONT: pull shit like this, snipe, and outright lie about your certifications, because both you and I know, that claiming to be N2 JP, and native english, is a fucking lie.

My advice, is to take a square meter of Dendrocnide moroides, and apply liberally across your entire body, and then shove what remains up your rectum, because clearly you need some experience in what we, the readers, are experiencing while reading your releases, and reading your clear lies.

I wish the rest of your day is as pleasant as the quality of your integrity.

Sincerely, Gil
Certified Solidworks Professional
Certified Cisco Networking Associate
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
Look, we understand it costs money to do things, anything in fact, as time, is money.
The problem here is you're basically kidnapping chapters, baiting people with the release here, and telling them there is more inside the van, and this is a bad strategy. Advertising here is strictly forbidden, it's one of the reasons why this page even exists, so baiting people is obviously not going to be taken kindly by mangadex users, and you will get lambasted for doing so.
The only way to advertise here is to do amazing releases, only then will people come to your group's page and maybe donate something so you can keep doing stuff. Of course, you can do like many other groups and ask for donations in the credits page, but that's as far as people are going to accept things.
Other groups simply set out rules that delay releases for Mangadex, and that's fine. They have the extra chapters in their own websites or blogs, and after some days or weeks, they post them here, so it's a way for people to go to your site, BUT, they don't advertise that in the credits.

Of course, I could be wrong, but this is how I have seen things develop before.

Anyway, just don't bait people... it's bad manners.

As for the translation, it's just correct, but it lacks something the other release has? Maybe it's a bit of playfulness by the translator to make it not sound as cut and dry, or maybe it's the vocabulary and choice of words. But it's a fact I didn't really get into the chapter while reading it despite not having noticed it's not from the usual group, it felt flat or something and wasn't catching my attention... maybe the chapter itself wasn't great, who knows, but that feels too much like a coincidence to me. Still only my opinion, so take it with a spoonfull of salt.

Edit: Boasting is NG, just say you'll do better and you're eager to be part of the community or something... it's like you're asking for people to nitpick at things now...
of course, you are really right, I'm sorry, I was annoyed that they underestimated our work and because of the watermarks they said that our chapter was garbage, and of course, we also have a website but we are waiting to have more chapters to upload them there and that you have another way to read more chapters, of course we will try to improve and deliver you a better product every chapter that you read, and we will do our best to make sure that you have a better product.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
So... Did you guys communicate anyhow with the previous translation group, or is it just a classic "lmao fuck you and the effort you've put into the translation of the series, we won't translate something that is not picked up by any other group, but leech off the popularity of X series to advertise ourselves"?

Cus if it's the first scenario, good for you, if the second, kinda a dick move.
hello, sorry if this is how you are seeing it but no, we have been releasing Youjo Senki chapters in ESP for more than 2 years, we saw that the English version was not being updated frequently and we decided that it was not a bad idea to give it a continuity.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
hahahahahaha still fuck off, you're sniping the group already releasing, (Death Toll Scans, proof included)

your TL is shite, your typsetting is shite, and you're clearly doing JP->SPN->EN TLing, instead of JP->EN, like, i dunno, a normal scanlating team.

and also; you're advertising an external site (against the rules), and your releases arent worth a penny. Stop fucking lying, make better releases, and maybe someone will donate.

DONT: pull shit like this, snipe, and outright lie about your certifications, because both you and I know, that claiming to be N2 JP, and native english, is a fucking lie.

My advice, is to take a square meter of Dendrocnide moroides, and apply liberally across your entire body, and then shove what remains up your rectum, because clearly you need some experience in what we, the readers, are experiencing while reading your releases, and reading your clear lies.

I wish the rest of your day is as pleasant as the quality of your integrity.

Sincerely, Gil
Certified Solidworks Professional
Certified Cisco Networking Associate
huh, bro you have a serious mental problem hahaha, we had no idea that the previous scan already had those chapters translated and clean, and I see that you are being a nerd without knowing, but the maximum level of English in ESP is C2 (CPE) and our Japanese translator is N2 based on the Nôken test (JLPT) is the official Japanese language level test.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
based, thanks king :chad:

That's not a good excuse but whatever.

Are you seriously claiming to be a native English speaker? What a fucking joke.
I don't, I only know the basics of English hahaha, my translator does.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
we have been releasing Youjo Senki chapters in ESP for more than 2 years

literally the only upload on BOTH group is this chapter

so you had been working on it for 2 years in a different language but apparently never uploaded to MD (or if you did, not under any of the credited group/uploader) for....reasons....until now...when you upload the EN chapter and ONLY the next EN chapter while advertising you've got more likely locked behind paywall...

Gee, I wonder why that look hella sus.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
so you had been working on it for 2 years in a different language but apparently never uploaded to MD (or if you did, not under any of the credited group/uploader) for....reasons....until now...when you upload the EN chapter and ONLY the next EN chapter while advertising you've got more likely locked behind paywall...

Gee, I wonder why that look hella sus.
yes, in ESP we have a web where everything is uploaded in that language and it is the most popular, I have been working on the series in different scans until I created my own and gave it continuity.
Group Leader
Feb 21, 2024
Again, while I appreciate the effort imagine if you guys translated actual abandoned manga instead of doing speedy Spanish-English scans of series others are already working on.
that is our goal, when we have a little more capital to give continuity to more series (that well, if they are "really" abandoned).

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