The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018
There’s no such thing as exclusive rights to scanlate a series. Any group can always upload a chapter to whatever series they like if they want to pick it up.

Sure one group might be a little PO’d because they probably have already started the chapters ahead (when I help with redrawin, I redraw/clean like 5 chapters ahead and wait on translators\typesetters\proofreaders to do the rest. So if I was told that hours of my work went to shit cuz someone went ahead and did then uploaded without notifying then I’d be a little bummed out since I can only work a few hours of the day after a tiring day of work.

The only reason scanlating groups do that is common courtesy, not exclusive rights. All scanlators know how hard it is to work a scanlating GROUP, where not everyone is in the same time zone (in my current group I’m the only PST). And when all that hard work goes down the drain it sets everyone back.

In the past when fan scanlating was first getting popular, everyone did it haphazardly. Releasing at insane speeds, only to get tired out and quit very early on. People getting angry because no ones working on the chapters anymore. Or scanlating groups posting the same chapters around the same time trying to race each other for no reason but to burn each other out. And fans doing nothing but getting angry because they aren’t able to read the rest of the chapters.

Then we slowly began to ask fans to help out. Teach fans how to help out. So we can recruit more help, scanlating groups began talking with each other and either compromising by dropping the series and leaving it to one, or working together so they can release it together.

TL;DR.... No exclusive rights here. Just common courtesy in order to prevent scanlating wars again lmao. Here’s to no #ScanlationsWorldWar2 ????
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
It's was snip and not snipe this whole time? Mind = Blown

In all seriousness, I honestly don't see what the other guy has a problem with in all this drama... trash scan has consistently released weekly for this series as evidenced by the time stamps.

I see a lot of arguments along the lines of "well, the raws are free now, so why not release it asap when it's released?"...
...Not every group are speed scans, which are generally lower in quality the faster something comes out, and more often than not, ultimately end up quitting midway, leaving the original group to call it quits as well. Except for at the beginning when people get more chapters, it's a lose-lose for everybody long-term, as many people also burn out and call it quits.

As for paywalls/delays...that's a never-ending debate war with no winners except for the publishers at the very end of the day, giving the ol' DMCA smackdown. Nonetheless, delays are built right into mangadex group page features for that very purpose, to drive traffic to the group's site, and give scanlators a bit of incentive or control over their time and effort put into scanlations.

Using a metaphor; if another competitor has a cheaper brand of organic peanut butter (speed scans) than the mainstream kind (consistently smooth quality), then the only thing anybody can do is make a better peanut butter in turn, and keep trucking on, or pull out entirely. The market will decide who to buy (read) from. But there will always be a fanbase for both speed (quantity) and I say trash scan should just stick to their guns and keep doing their thing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

That's kinda the point. Why is their own project wasted just because someone else finished first? Why do they just have to be first or else everything is wasted? That first release spot is so important that the ScanlatorWorldWars became a thing, lol.

Though I can imagine some flowery imagery along the lines of your aforementioned "common courtesy", I just can't help that the word revenue also clicks that much more often.
Jun 6, 2018
How tf theres no paywall if they released like 4 more chapters that werent even on the trash's site

did they translate it themselves?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018

Well it’s been a long time since scanlations hit their war point lmao. It’s been given enough time to have given birth to other reasons to translate stories. But, I think it comes down to... no one wants to put hard hours into work that’s already been done. Simple as that.

It only becomes a “first” thing if you wage a battle similar to what’s being done here. There’s no point in translating something that’s already translated, unless it’s something like “I can translate this better than you can” or quality issues. Which you’ll see in several places around MangaDex where there’s another scanlating group translating a series that’s already been translated, and in some cases translated and finished.

If you want to focus more on the revenue part that’s fine, it surely is a thing now as almost every group out there has a website. Lots of groups pay for translators as translators are hard to find (especially for free). And unlike with redrawers/cleaners/proofreaders/typesetters, where you can just train people to do the job... you can’t exactly recruit people to learn a language and translate your series for free (though in some extreme-fan cases, some do lol).

Either way, it’s mostly a common courtesy thing as again, precious time goes into translating a series, mostly with people who have very little time. I certainly don’t feel like working on a series that’s already been translated, that seems pointless to me. The whole point of me working to translate a series was because it wasn’t translated yet lol. Especially when we have to call for group meetings during dumb times just so everyone can work together (I don’t join those types of groups anymore, waste of my sleep time to be on a set release schedule— I prefer casual release scans).

But hey, there are people out there that just voluntarily work on already read and translated stories for whatever reason. Those are probably people who have time on their hands and don’t care about revenue since everything’s already out and available to everyone.

I feel like trash is gonna continue posting their scans just because they probably already had a translator work on the other chapters... I wish they wouldn’t but they probably will lol. But I seriously hope they don’t lmao (such a waste of tiiiimmeee).
Aug 8, 2018
@Odessakun I'd prefer to read their releases, and this isn't because I'm a fan (they seem to be good quality though), but because certain groups translate and present differently. To suddenly change groups always feels terrible because they almost always change font/names/terms/etc.
Aug 8, 2018
@redice It's important to note that while monetary gain is a common motivator, pride and commitment also make their rounds. There's also the fact that there's a dedicated fan base who prefer their own group's translation, particularly their ability to produce quality work.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018
Though that squiggly mark at the end of all the sfx is killing me. I keep hearing it being said in a cute way lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
5) Well be scanlating for years to come
Fuck yeah.
I just hope y'all won't gradually burn out and disappear altogether in like, a year or so.

Who cares about ethics and shit. I'll gladly throw money if it can ensure future english scanlation of some manga/manhwa/manhua/whatever I read.
Aug 23, 2018
So...the other group is just pissed that trash scanlations are accepting donations? Wow
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Those are not the best of arguments you know... if you want to scanlate a series then you should ask the previous translator first... that's how it goes...
It seems that this skeleton is not that much smart... if you have seen some mangas then you should know that lazy and drunkard peoples whose stats cannot be seen are not to messed with..
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
Staying with Trash scans always!
Also when he called over the guard and then went 'lol called you over here for no reason' wheeze
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Everyone hating on Skelly for not seeing the flag.
Come on people, it's not like he's read manga or played videogames! And that's the only reason WE see the flag.
Feb 5, 2018
@MyriadDestiny Life likes to work that way. Really good in killing the passion people have when they thought they can endure it, but when the burden is too much, some just can't take it.

But like life, everyone should just move on...
Double-page supporter
Nov 9, 2018
he should reaaaaally never underestimate someone like that
i mean...he's probably someone who is skilled enough to avoid insight and advance that far even as a drunkard .-.
well if he lose this one it should become a lesson for him...

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