The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon

Jun 23, 2018
Ch6 lol major drawing error

Mace changes into a flail in the space of 1 frame
Jul 28, 2018
I feel so bad for the spider queen. She was a discarded experiment by some twisted mage, was enslaved and had her babies held hostage and then died protecting the last of them T-T. Still, great fight.
Aggregator gang
May 29, 2018
Story: Bad. The story is boring, nothing interesting happens. Not even the stats, which I usually like.
Fights: Bad. They are all 1-hits. No skills are interesting, no fights are cool.
Characters: Lame. Do not feel connected to any of the characters at all.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
I was expecting more monster with awareness, not a slime tho, since, technically, they are "immune" to physical damage, many status effect wouldn't affect it and the story so far didn't show a proper mage to measure its strength.

oh, your nickname is so fitting.
Also, look at the score and how many positive comments this got. All in all, I also see the some of the problems that you mentioned, but saying it is a waste of time, quite arrogant of you to think that just because you don't like it, there is nothing to like for others.
Aggregator gang
May 29, 2018
@MarceloYuri The name's not fitting, I'm much more of a realist now. It's from batoto, and anything else would make me forget what it was.
You're right, the value of time is subjective. It's not worth MY time, so I'll correct that.
Also, the stupid masses loves dumb stuff. That's why the YT vid "elevator farts" has 6 mill views and 40:1 upvotes/downvotes (basically 9.75 score) and it's also why people love this comic, at least in my mind. So even if it has positive feedback, that doesn't change my opinion of the product at all.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The name's not fitting, I'm much more of a realist now. It's from batoto, and anything else would make me forget what it was.
I lowkey hate that this site doesn't allow us to change our usernames from time to time. I want my PSG meme nickname back.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Making other species envious of humans just for things like sexual dimorphism, polymorphism, and k-selection strategy is the peak of lazy writing. They could say the same about horses or dogs, so big deal right? I mean dogs vary in size and shape way more than humans. Do you admire kangaroos and oppossums because they raise their young in a pouch because they're born completely helpless, or do you just say "that's interesting"? From an alien perspective human biology should either look inefficient and convoluted or dull and identical to other mammals. Authors are always so eager to say humans are exceptional without showing it.
Jan 18, 2018

I agree that there's often a perception problem in this regard, and I admit I had an "oh please, sheesh" moment reading this, but this didn't seem like the worst offender on this particular front by far.

Assuming that A ) intelligent slimes are as rare as stated, and B ) they have the same something like the same social needs as humans (less weird in a fantasy world where a whole bunch of fantasy species are arbitrarily anthropomorphic in the first place), it would make sense if he (calling it 'he' for convenience) glommed onto some other species.

If one assumes he's not a perfect narrator of his own motives and his real reason for throwing his lot in with humans was out of loneliness and happenstance, the idea that he's focused on the differences between his own and his adopted species does make enough sense. (Which is to say, I could actually fathom someone saying what this guy is saying, in this particular case.)

I don't know that the author thought all this through properly, of course. It seems like it might just be a side-effect of the author trying to enforce the emotional truths of the matter by making sentient slimes rare (thus making the guy the sort of tribeless person that he is, and so setting a certain tone for a particular type of orphanage caretaker).


Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I love the reaction shots on our main character. They're not falling back and giving him an expressive cartoon skull, and they insist on having the traditional main character reaction closeups, so we keep getting these emotional closeups of... a skull with lights in the eyesockets.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
they have the same social needs as humans
@Pokari That's a huge assumption and greatly diminishes another species to just an allegory for social outcasts. Humans are social because we're pack animals, reproduce sexually, and depend on mates and relatives to look after our young. Even an intelligent slime should have the social needs of a jellyfish or a sponge. You could say he finds social interaction mentally stimulating for an otherwise boring life, but for him to get lonely implies a biological need. Dumb and lazy.
Jan 18, 2018

My point was exactly that with the suspension of disbelief towards all nonhuman sentient races having human characteristics regardless of whether it makes sense (and I would propose that, once you realise how heavily humans anthropomorphise things, that suspension of disbeleif is crucial for many if not most fantasy settings), the rest more or less falls into place.

(As with most any fantasy series, if you prod too hard for answers you're eventually going to run into something where we throw up are hands and say, "look, it's magic, okay?")

And turning a fictional species into an allegory is not diminishing it. I mean, you can do plenty of insensitive things with fictional species and characters, sure, but saying that something made up for the sake of a story is portrayed oversimply, is nonsensical (unless there's prior background establishing a richer context for that thing, of course).

I mean, it's fine if you don't like the series. Heck, I'm surprised I'm even still reading this myself (though I liked the last two chapters much better than most). But saying that a fantasy story is necessarily bad because it's elements don't follow scientific principles (e.g. social needs stemming from evolution) is... And, I mean, he has magical status screens... =_=; That ship has sailed.
Aug 9, 2018
Thanks for uploading this! Had a blast reading this. Can't wait for the next one. ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Our protagonist's motivations aren't very clear, and it overall feels directionless. The supporting cast changes very rapidly in the first chapters, and people we're told to care about are never shown and someone who should be the central figure in the story dies off page and is immediately replaced. The characters we're stuck with feel very circumstantial but the plot gives them the most emotional investment.

It all feels like a contrived effort to shoehorn a generic who's the killer plot and rpg staples like grand tourneys, guilds, and dungeons without breaking the 4th wall. As far as we know, none of this is furthering his goals. The tooltip menu is a voice of God pushing the story where the author wants it to go.

Many isekai and new saga series have this gimmick, but the characters have motivations outside of, "I have nothing else to do, I may as well see where this tooltip is leading me." Our skeleton has no agency, he's just along for the ride.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
This started great, had a good development... But, it didn't held much nor any of it. It is kind... Meh. All my will to keep reading this is because I got this far already. But I don't want to stress over this with each new bad storytelling point that appears, so, I am dropping.

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