The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Finally more competition to benefit the readers
This is the glory of the F R E E M A R K E T
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Who gives a shit who's translating? Lots of manga have multiple groups translating them.
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018
Hah, scanlator drama, just like the good old days. And just like in the good old days, no1curr.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2018
No one cars who is translating what, as long as the releases are fast and readable.
thank you very much No-group!
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
This is a post I'm making for Reddit/ Discord / Our Website/ MangaDex for the snipping situation were facing. Vote and talk here to help us decide our next step. Please spread it to other sites if you can to help reach our fan base throughout the net.

Dear Readers,

At this point, I have gathered that the snipers are another scanlation group based on a number of factors on the skill needed to clean/ typeset/ & translate both Korean & Chinese. While I have a guess at which group is doing it without anyone kind enough to come forward I'm unable to accuse one. But it does seem like their trying to force to drop series. But I will never drop a series in the face of snipers.

But the reason I wanted to talk about is how we should move our next step. There is a heated debate in every place on if whether should trash should reuse the sniper's chapters(Minus their troll Reteric & an explanation) or redo them. Their other main objective was to get donators and viewers to not support us by bombarding chapters and moving people away. And we're fine with redoing them as we have the translations. But some would argue to let them burn out. That's why I made a poll to help us decide our next step as its important.

< Discuss it here.
Man scanlation groups have gone to a new low troll sniping.
Jun 10, 2018

The series is not yours to do with as you please. If they are able to get the raws for free, as they claim, then anyone is free to pick up the series and translate it. In fact, I would honestly rather have this group do it than you guys since your release schedule for this series is actually quite unreliable, and their scanlations are actually quite good.

I think at this point, the only people who care about what you think are fans of your group/site. Fans of the series just want to read the series without all this drama. Just translate the series if you want to; your fans will read it/pay you for it since it was put out by you. However if you're that upset that someone else is translating the series, just drop it; you have many others to translate and one less will free up some resources. Either way, the new group is doing the fans of the series a great service and I hope they can keep it up.
Sep 28, 2018

What the hell did I just read? I've glanced at this hissy fit of a flame war for days now, and I can only be disappointed. I don't need to quote the logic that @TheIndicator did, so I'll look at your lack of logic. It seems like, though you claim to be a "Scanlator Group," you don't have many members. We have to assume this because you claim to have how many tens of series to scan and translate? You continue to fall behind and now a fan of this particular series got fed up with waiting. Staring at 5 chapters of raws just sitting there for free and waiting to be translated, they decided they didn't want to wait anymore.

Did they tell you beforehand? Seems not.

Did they do a good job? Everyone seems to think so.

Will they do more chapters as they become free? Probably.

Now what did you do with this information? You had a hissy fit.

You saw that someone else did the work that you had promised your Patreons, and you got angry. Understandable, but not the right course of action. You should have gotten in touch with this group, and explained why they made a dick move, but you liked their work. If they did as good as a job as people said, you probably even could have recruited them. However, here I sit, typing out all this crap because I was dumb enough to read that you've started a poll. A poll. ..You are "asking the community" if you should steal another group's work and repost it as your own, or do the work properly like you promised your Patreons. I shouldn't have to tell you what's wrong with that. I shouldn't have to tell you that you're being absolute fucknuts over this. You fell behind, because you're picking up more work than your team can handle and the raws that you paid for with your Patreons' money are becoming free. So cover up the egg on your face, you're attacking this nameless sub-group that, as far as I am aware, have done 1 series that fell behind on. They may be doing more, but that's just a sign how far you're falling behind because you grabbed more of the pie than you could finish.

Edit: Gotta fix them typos of mine.
Jun 10, 2018

What exactly are you talking about? I haven't said anything particularly inflammatory; it's common sense. Either do it or don't, but don't start this drama because you've been doing a subpar job at releasing the series when others can do a similar job of comparable quality without all the bs. That's why I said the other group was doing a good service and that I hope they continue despite not knowing whether or not they would.

Not to mention that I think that a voting system hidden behind a paywall is inherently flawed in that if I were a patreon who joined for this series (or any other particular series), I'd be upset if it was continuously outvoted for. If you're going to ask for money for raws, that's fine, but develop a proper schedule so that everyone is satisfied equally.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
that's exactly what I'm talking about,
some of you guys talk about "That's why I said the other group was doing a good service"
Who fking knows if these no named groups are just in it for the money by sniping popular releases and doing the same shit TS is doing after the "FREE" raws are no longer there.
"Hey guys! The free raws are no longer available yo so we need yo support for "coffee", translation is very hard and my uncle's mother just died and its oh so frustrating huhu, support us in patreon pls and 30$ donators be given first access and leeches get it after a year"
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
I Demand another 10 releases please,
As a show of your dedications and I'll shut up


Jan 18, 2018
How can anybody look at what you've written as an immediate response to the actions of (what you claim to be) a rogue group of upset people and think you aren't throwing a massive tantrum because somebody hit a sore spot?
You've gone running head first into comment sections vehemently defending yourself and it only makes you look extremely desperate and guilty. @phage83 said themselves that you're reaction is way over the top and in the end that's my point too. If you take money, and start freaking out when someone challenges you it only makes you look extremely guilty.
There are professional ways to handle this, but acting like a 14 year old slash fiction writer in the comments isn't how you garner sympathy for your cause
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
If anyone's curious, here's a collection of the stuff Trash Scanlations' public speaker has been accused of:
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
god these leeches bashing on TS..
keep spouting things like "the readers have the right to..", "Where the money at?", "We were cheated", DURPIDERRR HER DURR"
FKING HEELL! TS is not official english translators my god
even if patreon people throws all the money in the world they are not obliged to do it because they just don't fking have to,
It is logic to always think internet transactions can become scam.
Just fking buy the official english release when it appears and never go to sites like these ever again
edit: drunken rage review, sorry
and i'm no fanboy!
It's just annoying to see scanlation drama that ends with dropping the translation only to be handled by mtl people

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