The English release by Seven Seas is coming out, and it would have be weird for them to do that, if the series was cancelled. But, why is it on hiatus?
@LordHentai6 Please look at the raws. We aren't doing it, this is the actual whole publication. We aren't changing anything. We never split ANYTHING into parts unless it already had been split.
@sinalbedo yup got cancelled last year with a total of 12 chapter wn is on hiatus rn and ln is still going with 2 volumes so far. The manga is getting an English tl scheduled, volume 1 on 2020/12/22 and volume 2 2021/02/16, the light novel also has an official english tl with volume 1 set for 2020/11/24 and 2 2021/02/16. You can find the officail english linked in the description, the page also has a link to the novel. You can find tls of the web novel up to 13 on novelupdates.