Seems like it could do with another round of proofreading. there's a page that was duplicated untranslated and a few other little things. Thanks for the translation!
The head maid isn't aware of the FL rather humble personality. She doesn't care for the glam or expensive things so I believe the maid references to that.
You have to remember that they had a pre determined view of how a wife of a duke would be. Often portrayed as willfully, spoiled and arrogant.
@mangolover - Sally phrased things in a way that made it sound like her mistress has... issues. The head maid, working on the assumption that Sally knew her mistress better than anyone, took it at face value until she had a chance to observe Ivona. At this point, she's just confused as to why Sally would bad-mouth a nice, charming mistress by inference. I'm assuming Gaspal is using Sally to sow discord in the duke's household.
Bruh I understand you want people to appreciate the hard work with that final message and honestly I do but, you probably should not have mentioned she was 12 years old and then given out her tag. Lots of creeps out there. Stay safe and thanks for the chapter.