The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 2 Ch. 52


Apr 1, 2019
man these 2 are trash in the worst way i hope they get burialy executed for harming the kingdom
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
if people even used 10% of their brain their logic makes no fucking sense whatsoever and damn are they scummy
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Church = BAD
Religion = BAD
*waves hands* yes, yes, we understand you hate your daddies, whether or not you knew them. Can you offer constructive criticism before tearing down Chesterton's Fence?
This plotline is so tiring, doubly moreso because of authors who are clearly attempting to critique the Christian faith second- or third-hand. I'd dearly love an evisceration of Mohammedanism, from the second or third degree, to show the author was actually thinking about the threat to "Atheism." Mainly because I find beheadings of unbelievers in city streets ironic, to a degree (until the next Pope declares the 15th Crusade, and then I'm in earnest).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Man, this plot is too real. Did the author took inspiration from anti vaxxers and more recently, people who call covid a hoax?
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
Her cousin deadass already getting a sugar momma isn't he? What a cunning snake

I don't think the temple itself is a disgrace considering how the statues so far were working and the power of the sword is real... the problem is rely solely on sacred power as a fail proof method wich let the population vulnerable to situations like this.
Jun 9, 2020
No YOU'RE the disgrace, Godda*ng assholes, only relying on their God. No wonder they suffer much than those who work lol
Jun 1, 2020
Lmao sylvacoer you’re so cool too cool
Honestly love seeing people upset about any thing even remotely not pro-religion. It’s just a story lol
Feb 18, 2019
All authors, when they have to show the stupidity of monotheistic religions, take it out on the ugly copy of the Christian religion because it is the safest to mock, simple.
With one you are accused of anti-Semitism, racial hatred and the like, and that is not the case, with the other you risk finding the reception committee with bombs and Kalashnikovs in front of your house to thank you for the honourable mention (Charlie Ebdo docet); the Christian religion, on the other hand, has loosened the rules of its own personal etiquette in the last century and no longer comes to take you under the house with pitchforks and lighted torches.


(p.s. I’m an atheist, to avoid misunderstandings.)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Oh good. Let's hope the priest has a good explanation for why the statues aren't working.

Y'know, I've just noticed. Claude lost his Holy Sword and is now doing his best looking for ways he CAN help the people, especially supporting Ivona. He always looks for a way to give to the world.
Meanwhile, jackass ex has done nothing but look for people he can blame for his problems. He always acts like the world owes him.
Active member
Sep 14, 2019
Finally caught up with the latest chapter!! 52 chapters in 2 days! Phew!!
Apr 26, 2020
"versus the golden summoner, who decided to wait ... and didn't use his skills"
um yeah I think Ivona would still come out looking better

@Lucrecia @sylvacoer
While all these isekais definitely share a very cookie-cutter throwaway critique of christianity, it makes sense they'd choose christianity since they all take place in faux-european settings no? If we got an isekai set in a parallel arab country or in some sort of Israel counterpart then it'd make sense to expect a critique of Islam or Judaism. Not that they'd be any good, since all these settings are just caricatures; in fact it'd probably be even worse since most East Asian people have even less understanding of non-western histories and religions. It's just like the knee-jerk plot device in other manga/manhwa of having the villains be fat ugly bastards.
May 10, 2018
I'm so pissed off with her cousin and that damn ex!!! They should burn together.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@sylvacoer I agree with what Lucrecia and Nikoko said. Also want to add a few points.

Every time something goes stupidly wrong, its usually because of power and/or religion. (it has to be stupid.) This is because of how our minds work. We are shackled by desires.

Example. A poor person tend to think more about how they spend their money compared to rich person's impulsive spending because a poor person can't get everything.

Similarly, a powerful person would have less issues screwing people over to get what they want because "I am powerful, nothing can touch me! Muahahaha". While the "very religious and faithful people" (take this with a grain of salt) would think "God is almighty and everything goes according to his will". By which i mean, they stop using their braincells and praise/blame God for everything. ( I can give real life examples if necessary)

So if something goes stupidly wrong, its usually because of these people not having sufficient empathy/risk management or ungodly amounts of overconfidence (Read isekai stories where Kings purposefully offend certified strongest existence in the world).

Now, one of the most popular fictional settings in Medieval Europe. So religious institutions (which usually is the faux Christianity because of settings) are usually BOTH powerful and well... religious.

In other words, they become cannon fodder.
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
Bruh, why would she regret getting married to the most handsome, richest, most powerful, and the most attractive bachelor from the whole Empire? He's also not a cheating b4stard like u and he's the most respectful, cute, and the fluffiest man ever, while you are just... you, lol.

Omg, the cousin is already working in a sugar mommy XD I get it, Gaspal must be useless now since he's stupid and Ivona is gone. Actually, I'm kinda amazed by how easy is for him to get into any kind of relationship as long as he has money, etc. Anyway, I hope Tristan will die miserably or something, the blonde ex ofc is trash, but the cousin is the most repulsive person ever.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 23, 2020
@Redice This kind of fact-twisting PR is a recurring thing, both in history and in fiction. I can't say the timing is on purpose, but it certainly hits home more effectively because we have such a big real-life example to compare it with.

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