The Story of the Hated Mule

Mar 25, 2019
Hmmm I think the translation needs a bit of work. This group versus the other group that only did chapter 1, I would say the other group made it easier to read? There's something about this translation that makes it hard to read....
Mar 29, 2019
4 chapters in and I don't understand anything that's going on..... Everything feels so unclear and confusing that I just scroll through the pages just to see if anything interesting might happen.
Group Leader
May 29, 2020
Dear Spooky Scan, can you please translate the SFX? It's okay not to redraw, just note it next to it. Pleaseeee ToT
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2018
The story thus far is an incoherent series of events whose only significant link is to double and triple down on showing how much of a woobie the FL is.

The art is really good, though.
Sep 22, 2019
I enjoyed the recent chapters so far!!! Thank you so much for your hardwork!! <3
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
what i have gathered so far:
(spoiler button just to be in the safe side even if i think its not necessary)
basicly world is divided in 4 main realms of territory, east with their golden haired and blue eyed royal lineage, lion king of the north, immortal sorcerer of the west and most likely someone of the south( contrary to geometry in diplomacy a triangle is the most unstable form)
the royals of the east are obsessed with power be it territory, money, personal (bloodline) power or legitimacy thus are labeled greedy and since they cant defeat their counter parts the try to siphon their strength through blood releations
as a result people missing those "strenghts" will be mistreated like the female lead and the lower social class will be very keen on getting one over on the higher ones for which the mc is a perfect target/outlet. also her mother is making a power grab in the east which was male dominated for which her birth was more or less a tool (king couldnt/didnt punish her, which is strange in a medival setting)

and thats where we are at the beginning of the story
east tried to attack west got beat sacrificed the general (as the fool) plus territory to appease the west and a "princess" as the booby price
and when she gets pregnant she will no doubt be recalled to her mother
killing her would be a mistake as it would give the east legitimacy to start a war
similar with mistreating her or sending her back (which is the same as killing as she would encounter an accident on the way back)
problem is this tactic can only work if the east has a spy or other quick source of information in the west

which will probably be one of the arcs
additionaly they now have 1 person that they can send packages to without suspicion in case of a poisoning
this and other schemes will no doubt follow till she gets pregnant or rumors of it float around at which point the east will recall the princess which might not even be pregnant but will refuse to betray the west and after some torture she will be rescued by the western lord

i hope this clears things up also the last part is just my general expectation from reading a ton of plots also while i have my suspicisons on the exact timeline of events and reasons for actions even if they hold true they would be in the advanced plot
(like for example if the war between east and west was sparked because of the mc's birth and because the king lost the queen could make her power grab which was all part if the queens scheme and is one of the reasons the western lords hates her)
edit: also that shouldnt be a spoiler as it wasnt mentioned it was at most implied
Apr 3, 2019
the grammar is weird.
I only understand the first two chapters by what is this scans
Apr 4, 2018
@damywise hello, can you message me on mangadex on what parts are confusing? i want to make sure the chapters are easy to understand!
Apr 3, 2019
@Sumatose sorry, I meant the four chapters by Spooky Scans. Your group's work is fine as it is, only I think ch. 6 "What does this little girl think about?" is a bit weird. I understand what he meant but I feel the wording is not really right. Or I'm just not used to it.
Thanks for your work!
Jun 16, 2019
looks like all of u dont have braincells
she had a literal trauma going on her whole life, no education, only eating hard bread and water.
So all of u should go somewhere to get reeducated because it looks like your school nor your brain works
Mar 9, 2020
It feels like the English for the most part makes sense but the fucking sentence structuring is absolutely awful. Anybody else get a headache reading this?

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