The Strongest Cheat Player

Jun 8, 2019
Let me guess, MC gets/starts with OP powers relative to everyone else, quickly obtains a 10/10 love interest which expands into a harem, all the girls remain madly in love with the MC forever even though he shows zero interest in them, all the villains are badly written and kick puppies for fun and every arc is the MC basically making girls wet as more and more girls throw themselves at him.

How close am I?
Sep 29, 2019
@Question2 not realy close, because here has been times where the mc could have started a harem or had 18+ things but didnt, however, he does have semi op powers from the start. All the girls are like him however, he has not pursued anyone yet.
Jun 8, 2019
@joash : A harem does not mean that the MC is chasing anyone. In fact, most harems do not have the MC chase anyone because thats the way the genre works (to drag out the story instead of having the MC choose a girl), the MC is almost always oblivious and ignores the girls while they remain madly in love with him forever, and just keep following him around like robots that have no will of their own.
Sep 29, 2019
@Question2 and im saying so far no, he had a girlfriend and she didn't join him in his travel, she said she would catch up with him later, read the manhua.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
Reading these comments I'm really suspecting if someone is out to shit on this author.

Apparently it has a sexually explicit title according to Hurgh? I don't know.

I just wonder what these people are expecting from their manga (I'll stick to generalizing all comics as manga). It'd be different if manga had some sort of quality demand before being published but it doesn't. I can safely say this story deserves a 6 or 7.

It's reasonably enjoyable, MC isn't annoying idiot or supreme arrogant genius. World travel/questing/HxH copycat makes it not dull as adventure goes.

The list of other manga I've encountered drastically worse than this is very very long. As for cliche isekai or OP MC, yeah umm that's 95% of manga and asian novels in general.

I still have 'I Was Trash' on my reading list even though it gives my eyes pain. Holy Ancestor is another but that's not on my list anymore, I couldn't take it my brain was bleeding.
Double-page supporter
Nov 24, 2019
Reading these comments I'm really suspecting if someone is out to shit on this author.
Maybe it's simply the awful name in combination with being Chinese and an isekai? Doesn't leave a great first impression with how much trash all those things apply to as well.

But it's honestly above average compared to other Chinese wuxia (which this basically is but isn't tagged as such). I'd say the rating here (~7 as of writing) is fair but I also think a lot of the higher rated manhua don't deserve their 8+ rating.
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2020
If the cheat idea was taken out of it, and maybe less stereotypical reactions would've improved it. Its above average, mainly because its already given a reason for the main character to drive forwards early on.

EDIT: I withdraw my previous statements. It's average. Maybe a little lower. Might improve idk.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I thought this was titled "The Strongest Chess Player" and was severely disappointed to see its actual title.
Aug 15, 2020
its okay, except for the dumb quizzes at the end, they're pointless and annoying. not to mention the retarded reactions and faces that these authors think are so funny, and the recycled story that has no plot. this whole thing is trash but my ass is still reading it.
Aug 10, 2020
Its only me that thinks that chinese swords are plain and boring like even a wooden sword from a ripoff rpg would be more cool

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