If your response to someone you're in any intimate form of a relationship is "Get away from me you dirty thing!" you're probably the one being the asshole there.
Nice strawman, it's a shame she didn't say that. Lmao. I am well aware of the Hedgehog dilemma, of how closeness and distance can cause unintended pain in a relationship; but no matter how eager you are, you have no right to make demands. Patience is one of the most important virtues to have in a relationship. For one reason or another, someone is uncomfortable with you increasing the level of intimacy too quickly for them to handle, and that gives you the right to call them an asshole? Reread that. Such coercive language. You have no right to demand of them greater intimacy, or to shame them for wanting to take things slow! You should be negotiating on even footing, but before that, you should have respect for their boundaries! If you can't respect boundaries, how can you say you respect your partner? Who do you think you are? There's a word to describe people like you and henman, but it's been misused and warped beyond specificity that out of what little respect I can give you I'm refraining from saying it, and I think you're smart enough to self reflect.