The Strongest Savior's Second Chance - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
it sounds nice and badass until you remember dude has been back in time for more than 10 years.. is this the best plan that he can do in such long time span....

from what the chapter portrayed he doesn't seem to even bother setting up traps for supposedly not very intelligent monster, and instead acting like kirito mk99 wanting to solo mobs and bosses....

another thing is that he already knows sumting wrong with the monster, does he never bother to investigate??

this is really an unneeded bruh moment for himself if he spare some of his time for intel gathering work.

i kinda agree with the comment that was saying he should die one more time.. this mc guy is a mess
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Uff...he had a few tough decisions to make. I think I can understand how got there. His village getting wiped out was traumatic. If you combine this with the fact, that he indeed was one of the strongest elite soldiers in the first run, then you can see, why he didn't inform them. Even if they would have believed him, they would have underestimated the danger and thrown themselves into the grinder, believing they have to protect him. He does not need protection, they need it. If he believes he has a good chance to soloing them, then this might be what he tries to do. Now he is still a fool, as he didn't consider, that he might not see the whole picture. There is somebody who planed this.

Now about not telling anybody about this for 15 years: If they hadn't believed him, they would have marked him as insane and kept watch over him. This would have resulted, that they would consulted and conspired behind his back to sabotage every effort to gain strength, as they would have seen those attempts as a symptom of his mental illness and would have tried to "cure" him by distancing him for his "fantasies".
"Stop your sword training, your mother needs your help and you know it.", "You are still too young for magic training.", "Please help the granny from the other side of the village. Her grandson doesn't have time, but you have.", "Your father broke his ankle, you have to take over", "There is no time for you magic training, there is too much to do, so shut up!", "Why don't you just consider just being a farmer and marry? Listen too us. You won't find happiness this way.", "Your mother is worried. Please don't do this to her."... They wouldn't be able to stop him, but it would have cut deeply into his freedom, time and his moral. That would really be fucked up.

Yet still training his fellow villagers to become stronger would have been the wisest choice, but alas: He doesn't want to see anybody die.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
He wouldn't have to tell the mercenaries anything, just say "Protect this village for a week and you'll get your fee." right before the attack and you have some backup, they wouldn't be able to flee without fighting. Also he could have easily spent his time hunting which would have doubled as training at the same time and then sold the hide and meat to another village or town nearby. even a couple years worth of hunting daily would have garnered him a sizable sum to hire some backup. Or he could have used his future knowledge to make money in a nearby town by inventing products that aren't around yet for money.

His best bet still should have been going into the forest and then coming back and saying "Hey there are traces of lots of bad stuff out there." even if it was a lie and he had to fake the traces and then convince everyone to leave, there aren't a lot of people in the village and they could easily pack up and flee until the hoard was gone.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
He's just so hot when he's serious but I really hope he can make it 😔😞. I want little casualties like broken houses or not so severely injured ppl. But that's wishful thinking 🤷.
May 11, 2018
How do you pronounce Dyan? I thought it was Dylan in the old chapters? Did I mix it up with another manga? 🤔
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@sedition like i was saying before, this is japanese mc not chinese, i rarely seen japanese mc that count as smart and thinking twice before doing something. and ofc the editor of this series expecting that kind of plot too, but ofc that kind of plot already used many times. if you reading most of light novel from jappan fantasy fiction to chinese wuxia, you will tired of that kind of plot with smart mc and planning anything beforehand, in this case the mc preparation are enough already in my opinion, he built the wall and ofc anticipating that the wall will not breached by the stampede. because he probably already knew that the monsters can't climb that wall. well i didn't this LN so i didn't know the better explanation the author give.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
fuck I just realized its LHtranslations, they fucking purposly hold chapters for a month or more at a time and its so obnoxious.
Jan 18, 2018
@Meybi for ONE day actually, you can go to their webpage and if its up, you can read it. But you have to wait 24 hours before they upload to Mangadex.
Aug 4, 2018
Im sorry for late reply.

Don't forget, even with everyone fighting in the previous timeline, everyone died in the battle and he only barely escaped because Tina sacrificed herself for him. Would they have fared better if he had told them? Probably, but if 20 people is raised to 100 people, it still won't be enough to deal with 2000.
[Did you see last chapter? MC and Dad is the only one fighter at village. Not everyone. They are just mobs, killed without any meaning. MC know about stampede, yet he follow the route as normal human. he just goes along with everything. Not to thinking about the future. He just want to solve 1 problem (stampede) but have other problem unsolved ( who do this, why this happen, etc )
Everyone may think he crazy, but its good enough to make them remember. They are in forest where monster lurking around.]

And that is assuming anyone would believe him in the first place. Most likely than not, everyone would make fun of him. Worse if everyone thought he was crazy and pick on him, disturbing his concentration and even sabotaging him, that is assuming they don't leak what he said to outsiders, thus causing the attack to occur much earlier before he can be ready.
[Thats true if he just lazy-neet-hikimori. He doing his best with his father. Training, helping other, Hunting for food. Why they pick on him while they know his father is the strongest at village? sure the attack may be occur much earlier, but remember. He follow the flow event. As long he keep it moderate, no one will suspicion about what he did. instead he doing selfish shit.."looks like im not learned my lesson" and go cool "pose" imma protect this village. What he can do? got boost power from goddes? god? another plot wanna be overpower.]

If my best friend suddenly call me one day and say, "Hey, I came from the future. Get ready, we're going to get attacked by aliens in 5 years." I would be like, what drugs are you on?
[of course i told him, "are you kidding?" but your friend give you some "tip" to make you believe, there will an event where you are going to get attacked by alien in 5years later.] instead your friend doing his own with "imma overpower now, god bless me"

Could he have told his father and Tina? He could, but I can understand why he can't. If he told people and they make fun of him, his geas, his determination would've been set back and his actions would've been hindered repeatedly. Naysayers and teases can hurt more than sticks and stones can. He knows this will happen, and that is all that matters. He prepared everything and lives for this very moment.
[His determination would've been set back and his actions would've been hindered repeatedly? How? He training so hard for this day, that why he keep going with his dad hunting. But his actions still selfish. He telling us "i will protect this village with my own power" but the story " i cant save anyone, damn fate"]

Well, there's also the possibility that if he had told Tina, Tina would've wanted to fight with him. And we know how naive and annoying Tina can be. Tina is a glass cannon and he'd have to constantly watch behind him to ensure she doesn't get killed suddenly. Having to fight while having to protect her at the same time would've seriously hampered his effectiveness.
[Ofcourse if u are bland MainCharacter. Someone out there will follow you if they truly love you. Are you gonna tell her "Trust me.. i can do it" or you gonna tell her " Lets married after this?" or " I love you, that why believe in me, I will back to you after this WAR". Be serious, Tina will follow him even if that make her sacrifice herself. but If you told her, you love her. She will follow what you say. Because that the instinct we have, follow the one we love.]

Im not gonna tell this story bad or trash, but the MC action really selfish. he doing this to show off to us ..."imma protect someone with OVERPOWER borrow from GODDESS or GOD" bless me :(
Aug 4, 2018

hey, i have memories from 15 years in the future. The world ending starts in 5 years and i need your help because you were my best friend 2 years after the disaster started. we were at the frontlines together. I need you to start exercising intensely to be extremely fitand learn all the programming you can before it all starts because i want to save you.

Are you going to believe that and start exercising and programming?
[Do i know you?] probably not. That why i wont trust you. :)
Remember they are know each other. Villages, Dad, MC, Tina, Chief. Yet he selfish action make other suffer.
His love died, because that. Remember that..My best Friend
Aug 4, 2018

he might be incredibly selfish but when even the strongest person in the village, his father, d i e d in this same attack along with all his family and friends back in the original timeline, he takes his oath to protect everything important to him to the absolute letter, even if it will kill him. it's his reason for existing in the new timeline.

I do agree that he's a total idiot, and that believing that no one would believe him is narrowminded. his reasons are ... let's say respectable. I can't say 100% they are justifiable.
[Right, He really selfish. He know the strongest person in village is his dad, yet he died in this event. But instead tell him about this stampede, He do impossible action here. Surround village with magic shield, if i die here, then everyone follow me.]
Thats what i am hates most. His oath to protect everything important to him is the retard reason for me.
Protect someone with selfish action is not gonna be good ending. Try that and you will regret it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
why did he surround the village with those walls? is it because they all will escape into the forest and that what hes trying to avoid? or did the monsters already surround their village?

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