The Summer You Were There

Yuri Enjoyer
Feb 16, 2020
I suggest you two find something better to do than this kindergarten-tier back and forth, please.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2024
even tho I haven’t been reading for long. I did come across at least a few really good manga. I definitely enjoyed them and went for seconds, but this is unlike anything I’ve ever got to read or watch. I don’t even know if its because this serious is just especially good, but this touched me so deeply. I can’t remember the last time I genuinely cried, occasionally I teared up a little bit and still got really sad but no matter if it was an actual funeral, a different work of fiction or something else. I could never genuinely cry. I don’t know how long its been, 5 years? 8years? Maybe more. Even at first I had to stop between chapters and take small breaks cuz it felt so heavy and really caught me, emotionally. I read all of this within one night and it just all came crashing down. After finishing the second to last chapter I actually started crying uncontrollably, but I still continued on. With tears just covering my face I powered through the last chapter. I love this series. I’m so glad I got to read it. This masterpiece reached me like nothing and no one else ever did. While I would be lying if I said it changed my life it certainly made me think a lot. Mainly about how even if something like this is all I ever got. Only one short love in life. I would still give anything for that, no matter what. “I’m so glad I’m alive”
Double-page supporter
Jan 23, 2023
This is a much harsher criticism than I would give it, but I broadly agree.
Thank you, kindred spirit. Maybe I'm indeed too harsh. I mean it's bad, but not nearly as bad as the cringe fest called Horimiya, which I hate and it makes me mad. If Horimiya is 0/10 - the worst thing ever to be put on paper, then this is like 3/10 - just bad, dumb and massively overrated.
Jun 27, 2023
actual fucking gold.

10/10 - so good it put me through the stages of grief despite it being digital ink on paper.
Jun 19, 2024
This is just my opinion alright so don't get mad, but the way the author just repeats, and repeats thing like the audience is stupid really lower the quality of this manga. It's like the author feels the need to say everything out loud like we don't understand... This may just be the tranlation though, its what i read so its what im rating. I really like the concept, and I did shed a tear at the end, but I don't think it deserves the rating it got. Again this is my opinion, but I'd probably give it no more than a 5/10.
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Jun 26, 2024
After pressing the "I'm feeling lucky" button I started this at 1930 yesterday deciding to read one chapter then move on to another one. At 0520 this morning I finished it tears rolling down my face remembering why I don't read tragedies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and turn my heart to coal again.
Jul 1, 2024
even though it was cliche i would be lying to myself if i said i didnt feel anyhing from that ending but man if shizuku had this reaction to someone she only knew for a short time how would she react if it was someone she knew for much longer
Jul 24, 2024
This was amazingly heart-breaking, THAT BUILD UP OF EMOTION AND UN-EASY FEELING Was just... Damn. I CANT GET OVER THIS 😭 😭 Cried my heart out, honestly tops most of the GL manga I've read even some Manhwa's.
Jul 17, 2024
11/10 i didn't expect the nuclear bomb of an ending i was dropped. Safe to say i won't be reading anything with the "tragedy" tag anytime soon. Anyways, this is a work of art.
Sep 7, 2024
Even though it was predictable how it was going to go, it still got me, made me cry, and now I'm almost kind of mad I even happened upon it. Also, love the art style.

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