The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 35

Feb 9, 2019
and the twins are suppose to be a modern person who know the important of communication, the royal family who supposes to be adults is kinda slow too. when will this miscommunication end? 🙃
Active member
Jul 6, 2019
Twins "ok I hear what you're saying this is just one big misunderstanding...."

Brother "YES!"

Twins "we don't care, we're still mad, get out"
Jun 27, 2020
Could it be possible for Arien and Arjen to have Rurahel's power as well? They're half royals so it can be possible that Rurahel's powers can be transferred through blood as well (as in handing down to offspring)
Apr 13, 2020
Of all the people those two had to trust its the shady duke. Actually I hope they don't actually trust him and is just using him for more info.
Feb 12, 2020
I don’t think it’s that strange that they didn’t forgive the emperor. It doesn’t change the fact that they were subjected to that hell and were traumatized. Yeah they were 18 before they died but that’s still pre young and you can barely consider them adults and having those past em memories probably made them even more bitter about being stuck in the body of powerless children at the mercy of abuser mother.
Thanks for the chapter!!!
Jun 27, 2020
I get that yall are mad about the misunderstanding but it doesn't really matter if they misunderstand or not at this point. They suddenly died and then faced 5 years of abuse from the woman who gave birth to them and were never properly taken care of by the maids. Having people suddenly come up and say "I'm ur dad and these are ur siblings" is painful for them. They realize that there were these other strong people who knew of their existence and yet they didn't do anything. Even if it was cuz of a blood contract and threats of killing them, they didn't do anything for them for 5 years other than send money. Just cuz the twins understand what's happening doesn't mean they can just simply forgive and forget about the abuse and the feeling of abandonment.
Aug 13, 2019
Even though they're is a major misunderstanding, there are still holes that don't add up in the explanation. Because of that, the twins aren't going to be trusting them again. Once the misunderstandings are resolved, they are still victims of abuse. That means that they will still be hesitant to trust the family again, it's going to have to be a work in progress to regain and improve the fragile trust that once existed between them
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
18, when they died, plus 5 in the new world, making 23.

This is why I hate the usage of reincarnation as a plot device to make a child smarter than... well, a child. Because they always forget about this.
Objectively, they're just 5 years old. That's it.
If we don't look at the fact they were young adults in a modern setting before dying, the plot makes more sense. Because they are five.
Group Leader
Aug 9, 2019
Wait, then what is she? Cause that makes them half not human too.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2020
way for the author to back peddle and try to make readers sympathize with an asshole garbage father. The author is trying to tie up every loose end like "why did the father never visit them?", "even though the emperor knows how bad their mother is, why did he leave them there?" etc... This is the stupidest reason ever, oh lookie she is some freaky witch who charmed the most dangerous and powerful man ever and left him helpless as to how to protect his own kids. Id she was so amazing, she would've managed to become the empress by her wits and powers. But wait for the author to come up with some other dumbass reason why that can't happen
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Rurahel isn't human so that means the twins probably only half human too..

That being said, probably Rurahel's curse disappeared when the twins are born?? Or it could've moved to the twins instead so Rurahel couldn't threaten the emperor and couldn't kill the twins too... 🤔

Anyway. I think it's not strange that the twins still angry about it. Just because they provide money, doesn't Excuse the abuse they've been through. Although i have to say.. the twins being soooo rude towards like.. the most sensible one in the imperial family is facepalming me..
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
You know if they won't 23 years old adults in the body of 5 year old toddlers, I'd be more accepting of their plight but alas they ain't and they rather be childish that actually speak with anyone and the victim tumor card can only be used for so long, if they wanted to know what was actually going on they would sit down and talk with they're father and even the 2nd prince and for fuck sake they SAW what the second prince went through to use protection magic on them, the brothers have been nothing but kind and the emperor even moved you into his bedroom when you where almost assassinated, I know it take a while to trust others but they sure quicker trusting some random stranger than their own family members who have tried to show love. Maybe the author really should've of just made them toddlers, then again the royal family blessed blood allows them to mature faster so, it's really all in the air if anything can be perceived like how normal humans think.

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