The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 39

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
@Neko-min They're dumb because assholes like the snack noble, his son, and his illegitimate son are treated with absolute trust while the brothers who have tried their best to love the siblings they have no idea exists feel welcomed are treated terrible, if the twins where JUST kids, they can act out of naivety all they want, they haven't learned better yet, the story completed makes no sense when they are reincarnators and you're dead wrong when they don't trust "raolu" they trusted the snack noble over the 2nd prince who they've literally seen cast a magic spell that had him bedridden, yet when he was trying to talk with them, they dismissed him to meet a noble they've literally spent less than a couple of minutes with just because they believe he treated illegitimate children kindly, their behavior is both frustrating and inconsistent and it really lowers the story.

we keep reading this manhwa just because we want to know how is it the stupid story is going not because it's a good manhwa haha.

The sad thing this is literally how it is now lol, I came here expecting a story where the twins and family grew past they're past transaction, the king redeems himself and they began loving each other and building towards a unite front against the nobles the hate the twins in the background, what I got was two recarnitors and 100 misstandings the manwha.
Feb 22, 2020
This story is too predictable and simple. How many chapters we must read to achieve at least something new.
Sep 6, 2019
Uh oh. Let’s just all be friends! Thank you for the new chapter! I really love this story and I’m so grateful you guys work so hard on it!
Jun 13, 2020
Why tf are they so dumb?Like are we sure they were adults in their past life or 10yr old children because they act nothing like adults or with a speck of rationality.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Aliy - I've been doing that for a while now. I think the only reason you could justify the isekai bit was so it's more reasonable (heh) that they could grow up and survive in that abusive household at such young ages.
Oct 27, 2020
@kowoyoshi I wouldn't say you are wrong, but not correct either. I usually don't try to argue against comments like yours, but just two remarks.
Tl;DR - Arein and Arjen are too distrusting of family, but there is some reason to it. Also, it is probably the author's intension to do so.

One, they do trust their siblings somewhat. Arien and Arjen are people that only see the worse in others. The Princes all knew of their existence, but not once met them before. The 2nd prince himself said that he "wasn't interested" (Ch 8) of them until they met. Speaking of the 2nd prince, while he did use magic to protect them, he also has been hostile with them. When they first met he threatened them because he didn't know who they were. Then in Chapter 7 after seeing Arien's scars, he forcibly grabbed her. I can't blame the 2nd prince, he is only 10 years old, so he wouldn't have the best control over his emotions nor be that caring of a person he hasn't met before. So while they can understand that their brothers are trying to care for them, they also see it as them doing it on a whim. Basically, "They care for us right now, but that can change at any time." The Third Prince is similar as well. He is very friendly with them, and they recognize that, but they were told and saw how violent the Third Prince could be. They think that if they ruin his mood at any point, he will get violent towards them like he was towards those noble children (Ch16). Though the biggest reason why they don't trust the Emperor and the Princes is because of chapter 32. The Emperor saying that if it wasn't for the contract, they Arien and Arjen wouldn't be alive, and for him to send them back to the old castle. That is basically saying that everything that has happened up to that point was for nothing. Chapter 35 defiantly made cracks in the distrust for Arien, but Arjen is far more stubborn to change than she is. Likely because he lumps all the members of the royal family together and not seeing them as individuals. Another thing that modern people often do.

Two, I agree with you on some points, in that they shouldn't have been so trusting of the Duke's son and Riolu, especially the Duke's son. I sort of get them trusting Riolu since they have similar backgrounds, but they are really naïve. They really take after the Emperor in that way, in that they believe what others tell them without checking first. The Emperor believes that they hate him, and Arjen and Arein believe that the Emperor doesn't really care for them. Both could be solved with a conversation, but it doesn't since they already have it set in their minds. It is a kind of "Why check on something that I already believe to be true?" situation. It is a very human type of thought. I mean how often do people repeat false information because they believe it to be true? The situation is not stupid because the story is stupid, it is because people are idiots. The Twins trust the Duke's son because he tells them what they believe is already true, and the Princes only contradict what they believe. They trust Riolu because they believe them to be alike. They twins lost trust in the Duke's son in their last meeting, "He said he would be our friend , but he mocked us instead" (Ch 36). They distrust family because of their mother, but want to latch onto someone. So, a friend and a friend that is in a similar situation to them would be best. Hence why they want to trust Riolu.

Sorry if my comment is a bit inconsistent. I was typing it as I reread the series. I reread not only to build my argument, but to also see the validity of your comment. As I said in the beginning, you aren't wrong that they are too trusting of nonfamily and too distrusting of Family. But I think that was because the author wanted it to be so. Of course you are allowed to have your opinion as I have mine. I am mostly writing this not to change your opinion, but to provide a different angle. And maybe stop some people from dropping the series after seeing your comment.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
Bus driver! I'm gotten tired of this frustrating story arch so I'm getting off here. Thanks.
Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
I can't wait for Riolu to be their friend for real. They need someone who really understands what they've been through. :')

Thanks for the update!
Jun 18, 2020
Wow, the Princes' investigation sucks. The Duke didn't make any movements aside from visiting the twins and sending the shady guy they've been looking for as their servant???
Moreover, misunderstanding tropes suck so badly, it's unbelievable how many stories have them. They just make all the characters look dumb as hell.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2020
Weren’t they just going off on how they don’t trust anyone less than 20 chapters ago? Why in the world do they suddenly trust some random noble more than their own siblings, this is just frustrating. Your brother is literally collapsing because he put all his mana to protect you guys while they go off and place all their trust in some wacko servant because his eyes look depressed, all while they are moving to a new palace EVEN THOUGH THEY AGREED THEY WOULD BE PUTTING THEMSELVES AT RISK BY DOING SO.
Jul 30, 2020
What.. the hell.... They can't just say that they hate being back at delornina castle? Like?? You guys have mouth right?

And what is it with people always sus the wrong person
Aug 11, 2020
I’m really not understanding this story. For a couple of reincarnated 18 year olds, they’re quite oblivious and naive to their surroundings. They’re willing to trust a unknown duke because he’s acting “courteous” to them but not their head maid who they kept around because they understood that she was something they could trust? And their willingness to just leave the imperial castle. For crying out loud what makes them think that with a target on their head with a physical body of a 10 yo that they could survive outside in a medieval setting? Just mind-boggling. Also misunderstandings are the worst in manhwas.

Rant over.

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