The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 47

Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2019
Either these turd brains die or they realise the emporer cares for them and maybe even gain pride as royals. Either is an acceptable outcome and I may be even hoping for the first one more than the second
Sep 6, 2019
Thank you for the new chapter!! I can’t wait until duke rosea is out of the picture and all the misunderstandings are cleared up 😤 thanks for all your hard work!!
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
...for someone who has his life hanging of a thread, Jake is sturdier than a cockroach 🤔 (even if he got help from the second prince)
Mar 26, 2019
I wish that they can clear the misunderstanding when they rescue
the twins.

Thank you!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
But if he exposes them as illegitimate children doesn't that mean that only those kids easily die and not the legit royal children, so that wouldn't really shatter anything. Everyone would just find out about the kids but if they're killed who could confirm they are actually royals. To save face the palace could say it was a scandal by the Duke and co. against the royal family. And, magic exists so the chance of the kids having altered appearances or just make up on changing their hair color is possible. Who would they believe anyways, a soon to be executed traitor or the imperial family
Sep 5, 2020
What is the point of them being isekaid if they still act like actual children mentally

Like their reaction is fine as actual children but theyre mentally older than that due to their past lives but like..they dont act like it..again whats the point of this being an isekai

And his plan doesnt even make sense. So theyre illegitimate and arent big and healthy like their siblings. That could already explain why theyre not "invincible" when in reality they probably could be if theyd accept their life and their guardian spirit wasnt dying
Aggregator gang
Oct 20, 2018
I want this to be updated faster so bad, but I will wait. Thank you for the translation
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
@sqrt9 god you're right. there's literally no point for them to be isekai'd if they only act slightly more mature for their (bodies') age. now it all makes sense why i'm so pissed at these children's stupidity 🤧🤧
Feb 9, 2019
only the twins that believe the duke is a good person. I stopped read this series when the misunderstanding get worse, but I see that both of them is still not getting smart
Dec 15, 2019
@sqrt9 I would agree, but I think it also depends. I believe they were in high school when they died (it's not confirmed what age they are since the beginning was weird about it. First, it says that they're 25 mentally while they're physically five, which would make them 20 at death. But right after, it says that they were 18 when they died), and I would say that at 18, most are still not quite mature. Also, if we were to go by the korean standard of age, they would actually be 17 in US age (since koreans are 1 at birth).

Also, living as little kids for a while make anybody's mindset degrade. Being abused and treated like trash, no matter what age, leaves a huge mental scar on anybody, so you can't just call them dumb for not believing that the Emperor and the 3 princess care for them. Trauma affects everyone. I think it's fair to say that their reactions to their family in this world are perfectly valid considering their circumstances in this new life of theirs.

In my opinion, the way they think is pretty typical for a18 year olds who have been through trauma. 25 is probably stretching it, but then again, like I said, if you were to suddenly regress to the age of 0 in a new world where nobody knew who you were and would therefore treat you as children, your mental age would probably regress as well.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 30, 2019
I know a lot of people are giving this crap because of how out of hand this shit got. I get it, I mean they literally had to talk it out and boom probably problem solved. However, it's like you're totally missing the fact that they were physically and mentally abused since practically their birth and even after all that, the only person that is semi-straightforward with them is a maid, not their brothers, not their "supposide" guardian who just randomly shows up, and definitely not their father.

@Noobmaster69__ It's like I get what you mean, but when we see people get reincarnated from the "modern era" when they died at an adult age. Commonly they get sent to a "nice family". Or get sent into the body of another adult.... However, both of them from birth were mentally and physically abused as children in a world where status is king, so they had absolutely no way to defend or protect themselves against it, even with the mentality of an adult. So, that could be a main factor? Also, in our era like 90% of people that see shit as serious as child abuse, are like boom "Call the police" , but with their situation their mother was the highest status in their mansion, no1 was able to defend or be nice to them out of fear of her wrath.
Jun 3, 2018
@Moonstone305 Completely agree. Yall gotta understand that they were emotionally and physically abused for 7(?) years, and only had each other to rely on in a world completely foreign to them. PTSD can happen quick, especially when the abuse goes on for 7(I forgot how old they are) years.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
@sqrt9 even the monster duchess's mc (who's an actual kid and also mentally and physically abused) can think for herself.

And why are the ones who defend this story keep missing the point of why others dislike this story lol.

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