The Tyrant's Whereabouts - Ch. 37

Nov 5, 2020
waow waow waow what a conundrum... wonder how things are going to end up-- thx for translating leslie
Aug 11, 2018
To the translator:
It's not just you, translating can be pretty hard, even when you are fluent in both languages. Grammar, sentence structures, images, even words can bleed through one language to the next.
I don't translate things often, but when I do, it's often easier and ultimately more accurate to approach it from a roundabout way:
- As bullet points, what does the sentence mean? Is there any subtext (implicit subjects, ambiguities, etc.) ? What is the level of language? If it's dialog, who is talking to who?
- Going from those short notes, how would I say it in the other language ?
- What details were lost in translation ?
Even then it can get pretty hard when two languages have similar structures or words (i.e. French and English share a lot of nouns) but they are not used in the same way (eventuellement / eventually, radiation (feminine plural in French, genderless singular in English), etc.
Aggregator gang
Apr 8, 2019
Thanks for the chapter. Also, I speak two languages and I am already having a hard time translating from one to another lol.. can’t imagine your case.
Mar 8, 2019
Thank you for translating! All of the past loves are here now~ so excited to see what happens next!
Jan 18, 2018
Although I have no experience with it myself, I do know that at least "I know both of these languages but translating any more than the broad meaning is difficult," is a common complaint.

Or, by contrast, I personally picked up a good amount of Japanese by watching some absurd amount of subtitled anime as a child/teen/young-adult (enough to communicate, although badly), and I can very easily translate any Japanese I know to English (though not always so easily the other way 'round). And it's occurred to me over the years that there's like a whole extra body of knowledge that people use when translating, like a mental index of what words or phrases can map to which other ones, especially noticeable for various interesting-to-translate things, that's entirely it's own set of information.

It's like having to have a translation-dictionary memorized in addition to the knowledge that would be in both source-language's respective own-language dictionaries.

I also apologise, under the circumstances, for calling the translation machine-translate-y in a previous comment section. *sheepish look*
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
Tysm for the translation!! So it seems she's gonna have a harem again lol.
Jul 5, 2020
I’m also a polyglot so I understand where you are coming from. Sometimes I mix up my french with Spanish (which is my mother language) or with English sometimes. I guess it’s kinda difficult because when we read we don’t really think about what language we are reading, we just naturally understand it, specially if we’re fluent. But when we write, talk, or translate a work we have to be conscious of the language we are using and their slangs, which, as a result, takes more effort and makes it more difficult.
Aug 14, 2020
Are you going to continue translating this series? Just wondering because some groups seem to want to.

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