The Unrivaled Reincarnated Sage of Another World ~The Strongest in Another World Through Game Knowledge~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The world where I was reinc…

Active member
Jun 7, 2020
" You can say I'm "theory crafting" till you're blue in the face"
"clearly implying that the setting follows some level of Medieval European rule"
Well that's literally what your doing, What you said about him not being treated properly being a threat to their reputation/ them wanting their family name to mean something or what you said about the king/ head od the church, you're just making this up.

"that the gear he was given was so bad that it was likely that whoever gave it to him was in fact trying to kill him. The story is telling us that his family legitimately took this as an opportunity to get him axed out there on the road." They could have giving him nothing at all, that would be a much more efficient way of getting the reader to feel pity for the poor beaten down(not really) MC

"The story is showing us that his family legitimately does not want him around. Period." His telling us this, the story doesn't show that all.
"He even says that he hasn't talked to his dad in 3 months, even though they live in the same house. He doesn't say he hasn't SEEN him, but that they haven't spoken. That's active avoidance." maybe his a useless neet who stays in his room all day being drain on his family.

"He has no reason to show gratitude to people who only let him live because they felt like they were forced to. The first chance they had of getting rid him without trouble, they took it. Gratitude is earned, not given. " Except for the fact that they clothed him, sheltered him and fed him his hole life up to this point , and beside why not at least teach his brother( we all know its the so MC can be special and OP)

"Honestly, the way you're talking sounds like he should be grateful they didn't snip off his genitals and throw him in a dungeon because anything less is something he should walk off and act like there were no problems." No I just think the way the MC is talking is like they did that to him, instead his wealthy just ignored him lol.

"Quite frankly, why should a victim of negligence and abuse be grateful to the abusers when the only reason they did the good things they did for him, wasn't even out of the kindness of their own hearts but to avoid trouble with the law? I just don't get the logic behind it and I don't think you could make a suitable case for it either." Because this new trope of " I was a born in a noble family but the don't like me" only makes me think the MC is just a whinny rich kid complaining about not getting enough attention, also I haven't seen this abuse you're talking about.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
"Well that's literally what your doing, What you said about him not being treated properly being a threat to their reputation/ them wanting their family name to mean something or what you said about the king/ head od the church, you're just making this up."

The story explicitly says these things. If you can't infer that the same entity who controls who gets what kind of jobs, which are decided for life (on top of being inspired by Medieval European history), has immense power then that's on you. That's not theory crafting, that's basic reading comprehension.

"They could have giving him nothing at all, that would be a much more efficient way of getting the reader to feel pity for the poor beaten down(not really) MC"

We're not talking about whether we feel pity for him or not. The story says and shows he's being mistreated and his family clearly intending a poor end for him and you're arguing that he should still be grateful. Whether or not we feel like the story portrays that properly is irrelevant. That's not the topic of discussion. The discussion is: Why should he be grateful to people who intentionally treat him poorly?

"His telling us this, the story doesn't show that all."

They actively tried to sabotage and kill him.

He isn't SAYING this, he is told this by professionals in his universe. That's called "showing" where the story and events give you basic clues to understand context. you legitimately not know how to read story clues?

"maybe his a useless neet who stays in his room all day being drain on his family."

Based on what? You can't just say things without some reason to back it up. We have no reason to believe he never left his room and we have no reason to believe he's a neet here. In fact the only reason he became a neet in his world was because he was dying and didn't see a purpose in trying to keep basic amenities. Before that he was a normal, working person. So on what ground are you accusing him of being a neet, besides your own obvious malice towards the story?

Also, "Being a drain"? They're Lower Nobility. They own land and the businesses on them, farmers, blacksmiths, merchants, etc. and they collect taxes. They are not poor nor anywhere near it.

"Except for the fact that they clothed him, sheltered him and fed him his hole life up to this point"

Except for the fact that they only did so due to external pressures. It wasn't because they liked him. Abusers are known for trying to cause a level of dependency specifically so they can trap their victims. Being fed and clothed and sheltered is only something to be grateful for when it's not facilitated by negative impulse. Prisons can feed you, clothe you and shelter you, but it's not because they care it's because they're required to do so by law. They're trying to avoid getting in trouble and that's all there is to it.

"and beside why not at least teach his brother( we all know its the so MC can be special and OP)"

Because his brother is fine where he is. He doesn't need to do anything more, he lives in the same house as MC and is a lot older than him. Meanwhile MC has to make something of himself because his parents are actively trying to get rid of him upon the first chance. He's getting kicked out as soon as he hits the legal age. Older Bro still lives there. He's fine without it.

"No I just think the way the MC is talking is like they did that to him, instead his wealthy just ignored him lol."

LOL they just ignored him LOL! Yeah about that...

Neglect is by far the most common form of child mistreatment in the United States In fact, 78.3 percent of child maltreatment victims suffered neglect, as compared to 18.3 percent who suffered physical abuse and 9.3 percent who suffered sexual abuse. It can be incredibly dangerous. Over 2,200 children in the United States died of abuse and neglect in 2012, and nearly 70 percent of those children died because of neglect. Surviving victims of neglect also experience many psychological issues over time, from attention and language deficits to reduced mental function to lower academic success. As a result, it's absolutely important that children get the help they need to escape neglect situations.

Psychological/emotional neglect is a bit of a catchall category, and includes a wide variety of behaviors, such as humiliation, insult, failure to provide psychological care, having a lack of affection, ignoring the child's basic attention needs, and threatening serious punishment. Many of these behaviors can be difficult to track because they're simply more extreme versions of behaviors frustrated parents occasionally practice. On the other hand, there are instances of psychological/emotional neglect, such as isolating behavior (not allowing the child to form relationships with other children and adults) and allowing or encouraging the child to use drugs and alcohol, that are more obvious.

Do you know why child neglect is illegal? It's because children need positive reinforcement and attention from their parents or they break down on a psychological level. We see MC in his teen years but MC has been living with this for all of his life while his new consciousness just made him aware of the fact he reincarnated. Just because you feel it is a lighter form of abuse and not worth paying attention to does not make it so. It is repugnant in every way shape and form and that's why we send people to jail over it.

"Because this new trope of " I was a born in a noble family but the don't like me" only makes me think the MC is just a whinny rich kid complaining about not getting enough attention, also I haven't seen this abuse you're talking about."

Ah yes, ignore the fact we've been talking about the various hints that were dropped by the story about the kind of abuse the MC went through and the kind of people his parents were. "I DIDN'T SEE IT!" is what you scream because unless it happens on screen, it doesn't exist. Yes, yes... You're either a hardcore troll or someone so deeply embedded by his hate for this series that you're just complaining to complain. That's become abundantly clear and that's probably why your arguments don't make any sense to anyone else but you.

If crapping on a series just to sate your boredom is how you get your kicks then I won't stop you, but my goodness I wish it made sense.

Edited for readability.
Apr 4, 2020
I think its pretty clear at this point @coldb7 prefers to make his own assumptions that conflict with the storyline the author has set for us. While he doesn't like @hitspark's 'theory-crafting' (which are more inference than mere theory) that are based on actual plot events, @coldb7 goes out of his way to state that mc was probably a neet that was ungrateful to his benefactors (even though author clearly indicated that his family did not view him favorably in the slightest). So yeah somebody's pretty biased here for some reason.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Sturdy Yep. Like I said, if he wants to complain for the sake of complaining I'm not going to stop him. It's been pretty clear in this exchange that he doesn't have anything to back up his claims other than his own personal bias. Unfortunately I'm not going to keep arguing with someone who clearly intends to just hate something for the sake of hating it, there's no point. He's probably going to want the last word on the subject and honestly I'll let him have it because I'm pretty certain it'll make him feel better.

That aside, how are you enjoying the story so far?
Active member
Jun 7, 2020
"The story explicitly says these things. If you can't infer that the same entity who controls who gets what kind of jobs, which are decided for life (on top of being inspired by Medieval European history), has immense power then that's on you. That's not theory crafting, that's basic reading comprehension."

If the story explicitly says this things(it doesn't) why do I need to infer? "on top of being inspired by Medieval European history" You damn well that's just generic fantasy not base on any realty.

"The story says and shows he's being mistreated and his family clearly intending a poor end for him " No, he tells us this were not shown it, and again if his family clearly intending a poor end for him, they should've sent him out with nothing, not give him money and equipment lol.

"They actively tried to sabotage and kill him." what page in the chapter is that?

"He isn't SAYING this, he is told this by professionals in his universe." What? When? "That's called "showing" where the story and events give you basic clues to understand context. " What? that's not what showing means at all.

"Based on what? You can't just say things without some reason to back it up." I said maybe, and I said that because we see him in room only and him not talking to his family, having his brother do it for him, that a typical neet trope

"Except for the fact that they only did so due to external pressures." by who? where in the chapter does it say this .

"Because his brother is fine where he is" So what, it's still an extremely useful skill to be able to heal wounds instantly, why not share it?

"I DIDN'T SEE IT!" is what you scream because unless it happens on screen, it doesn't exist." Well yeah it's a manga, a visual medium.

Jesus fucking Christ man, your taking me questing the story line in this manga way to seriously. Also from I read up to chapter 4 this MC is incredible dense moron, who doesn't properly judge the situation around him
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
So I wasn't going to say anything but this one really got me.

Also from I read up to chapter 4

what page in the chapter is that?

Literally the next chapter:

You read up to Chapter 4 and you never came across this page? Right, ok. Have a nice day.
Apr 4, 2020
lol there he goes again... anyways @hitspark i think i like the story so far. Even if the beginning felt a bit generic it feels like it has potential. And also i like this type of art in manga so I'm definitely sticking this one out. Hbu?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Sturdy Hmmm I'm not too big of the "hero doesn't realize their own strength" tropes but I think this character is going to eventually move past that. Hopefully. If he can't then the series has one of two options to keep my attention.

Really interesting looking combat (nothing too interesting so far though)


A half-way decent plot shapes up by chapter 10, because if it can't shape up by then there's no point in going further.
Apr 4, 2020
@hitspark i agree with you there. Ive seen few mangas that have done well with an op mc that is unaware of their own strength. It usually ends up with a bunch of random plot that makes the mc oblivious somehow or they just find an excuse to not attribute a success to their own strength. On another note, check out this manga if you haven't already. Its got a good mc and a really interesting plot.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Sturdy I checked it out and I must say it's piqued my interest. I'm curious to see where it leads, thanks for the recommendation!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
How does he remember the "feeling" of swinging a sword in BBO? It's clearly not a "full dive" VR game, rather a regular one controlled with mouse and keyboard.
Jan 22, 2021
Nice to see a decent elder brother in a low-class noble house like that.

Also... Dang... Seeing this... makes me wanna get Isekai'd into Genshin Impact. If he can survive well bc of his game knowledge... I bet I can do decent. I'm already in AR50 so that's a pretty decent amount of grind and game experience XD

Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't think it was a Full-dive games...
Because he said he remembers the "feel" of swinging a sword...
Aug 16, 2020
I know this one, I read the novel a little bit at some point. I only remember it because of "broken balance online" though hahahahaha
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
10,000... 100,000 gils. There are a few fantasy manga where the author doesn't think Japanese readers are all idiots, but this isn't one of them.

Maybe the game was called Broken Balance Online because the financial system inside the game was completely broken.

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