The Villainess, Cecilia Sylvie, Doesn't Want to Die so She Decided to Crossdress - Ch. 2.2

Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Wouldn't the crown prince know he has a fiancee, he would have already met her once. He should be questioning where she's at and why she suddenly has 2 brothers
Aggregator gang
Jan 26, 2018
Thanks for the chapter! It’s really fun to read. Also, the baron girl acts way differently than the dark figure and fan of Gilbert that was first seen in the first chapter. So I guess diff one?
May 22, 2020
@labanina Dude, I remember you from Chapter 1.1. Why are you still here? The first comment of the new chapter too, and your comment is off-topic complaining once again. Someone's got way too much time on their hands...
And, if you want releases faster so badly, why not join their team? Or you could just stay entitled and complain on every new chapter of this series where no one wants to read about your petty little drama :) At the very least, take it to their MD page or something.

Anyways, I wonder what's happening at the end there? The cat is so cute though, gotta say.
Mar 22, 2019
Join a team full of hypocrites and spend my days uselessly redrawing every SFX, watermark every page and throw hissy fits on MD for series that someone else DARED to translate? No thanks.
Nice speaking for everyone and "do it yourself" too, that's very basic mental gymnastics.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks for the translation, regardless of what the others are saying

Maybe Cecilia and """Cecil""" will become lovers, that way the crown prince can fuck all the way off and cheat? But ig they're related?
Jun 12, 2020
@sakura_inlove You're right lol. People are too free to read and then complain about getting 2 versions. I hope the cat becomes the mascot or something. It's too cute to just show up once.
Jul 5, 2019
Oh my.....xD..... uselessly redrawing every sfx........

I did notice both teams redraw every sfx (as well as loads of different scanning teams)...............are you bashing.....................everyone....?

May 21, 2020
First of all, I'd like to say sorry to the other readers who may be uncomfortable reading these types of 'drama comments' on an actual manga comment section unrelated to the manga itself. But I feel the need to address this to clear up some issues.

Hi. @labanina Do read this before you start posting another comment.

To address your 'critiques', if you can call it as such, let's start from the top. The update to Daites and Noble was literally uploaded hours ago before the next CD princess chapter was uploaded, you can check this on the EJ MD page. This means that EJ is STILL working on scanlating these mangas and any other mangas where we have not announced that it is dropped.

Second of all, do remember that scanlating is a VOLUNTARY work done by fans for fans. Which means that if you've got a problem with it, feel free not to read it. We're not forcing you to. EJ's members are VOLUNTEERS, first and foremost, therefore they are not obligated nor forced to do work that they do not want to. EJ also does not accept donations nor payment therefore has no contract nor promise to update scanlated mangas within a strict time schedule (see more on EJ's profile where they have already said 'NO UPDATE SCHEDULE').
Please understand that EJ's team members work hard on scanlating when they have the time, not everyone is free and available all the time. This is why a recruitment is kept open on all times.

Second of all, you seem to have quite a personal issue with EJ. I suggest you take it up privately with them and not here in the manga comment section. (They do have a discord channel for a reason). And to address what you've said, Tearmoon Empire was dropped already for reasons already stated in EJ's discord channel. Enough nitpicking on that because EJ has no further issues regarding that manga unless you've got some more problems regarding said manga.

Regarding the sfxs and all whatnot, it's how things work in EJ. I personally prefer sfxs to be rescanlated and redrawn to english because it feels more immersive that way. This is a matter of personal preference and once again, if you have an issue with it, we are not forcing you to read it.

If you're complaining about the speed of the releases, do wait for the official license to come out and buy the actual published manga to support the author and industry. I'm sure they'll be much more consistent and will be much more appreciated.

Do appreciate the effort and time these scanlation members have made whether it be ours or the other groups. I'm sure we decided to scanlate this series because of how much we love this series.

To all readers, thank you for loving this manga as much as we do. That's enough from and for us.
Mar 6, 2020
I am sorry to any readers about this comment, if I could answer the person directly I would
I feel everybody is entitled to their opinion but your comment about "Daites and Noble Vacation are shamelessly behind raws" is going too far.
You should try spending a lot of your free time translating mangas from Japanese to English without any benefits except for the thanks from the readers and then come back and talk to me about being "shamelessly behind raws".
If you are not happy with the time it takes us to translate (for free) mangas for YOUR enjoyment then please feel free to learn Japanese and read the raws. I'm sure by the time you can start reading the raws, the official english translation will have come out and you can be put out of your misery.
May 19, 2019
Good lord, if only the brother's route was available hahaha
Why do they have to be biological siblings ; u ;
Mar 22, 2019
Nah I'm just going to point out that EJ:
1) Has a backlog of manga shamelessly behind raws
2) Takes offense when "their" series are picked up by somebody else
3) Has no issue picking up series that are already being translated by other group

If you don't see a hypocrisy and contradiction there - get new eyes. If all fails - get new brain.

Let me take a moment to apologize to anyone who finds "free stuff is immune to criticism" offensively idiotic. Better not read that other guy' comment.
Your comment is whole lot of nothing, comprised of regurgitated "it's free" "do it yourself" "take it to their echo chamber hugbox" "wasting months on SFX where everyone else just puts them next to panels is OKAY" non-arguments. Congratulations on spending time to type it to protect hypocrites from rightful flame.
Mar 6, 2020
This will be my last comment so as to not bother other readers
I am sorry, but I will have to disagree with your comment about being "shamelessly" behind raws. Scanlators are volunteers who do this for the readers, they also have a life and cannot spend all their time translating mangas. The first volume of Daites was published in 2016, I would say that being behind on raws is normal.
As for your 2 and 3 points I have never heard of any issue of EJ taking offense while picking up already scanlated series, so I won't comment on that, we can agree to disagree.
I would also appreciate it if you could keep your comments polite and not start insulting people.
Jul 16, 2019
@labanina Girl, you're here causing drama again? Why don't you get a life and go do more productive things like the dishes or your homework instead of complaining in every single chapter.

Btw you can judge anyone in this shit because none of the scans that are doing this are caught with their raws. Tapioca isn't caught with the raws of some of their series and Frog is formed from a bunch of NASS members. And guess what? NASS isn't caught up with any of their work either. if I remember right they were even bullying someone for posting chapters of a series they weren't updating. So why are you whining only here?

Are you like a member of the other group that is butthurt over the fact that EJ isn't dropping this? Because this obsession is just too weird fam.

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