Yeah, they mentioned panniers, showed robe a la francaise, and robe a la polonaise (heroine’s design) so technically and historically speaking, the undergarment of choice isn’t the corset but stays. So tight lacing as we know it shouldn’t have existed.
“ Who knows maybe in the setting of this novel tightlacing is actually a thing, so her fear was actually reinforced by the world inside the novel instead of correcting it.”
That makes sense, unless you take a look at the art. https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/bf925162/chapter_13
If you take a look at the female background characters, you can tell that they are not even wearing corsets, much less a tight laced one. The silhouette of their torso is very straight, and there is no wasp waist/conical shape we associate with corsets. They’re wearing stays. The MC literally doesn’t know what she is talking about despite it being her own world.