The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 40

Apr 18, 2020
i screamed when i saw this update im so ugly and crusty anyways brb im reading it :D thanks for the update
Aug 16, 2019
Events that happen after this and before Epilogue Spoilers: (very long spoiler)
Aria uses all the profits from her selling sugar to invest in new businesses and startups. She uses Baron Burboom as a cover for her identity and uses the alias Investor A.
Anyone who wishes to receive investment or seek console has to go through Baron Burboom as the middle-man. This group includes low-class nobles like barons, merchants, or commoners.
She invests based on the trends she knows will become popular in the future. Though Aria isn't 100% sure which business will become successful in the future.
The twist to this is that... she actually ends up establishing a 3rd power base (does this unknowingly though). The Crown Prince faction, The Noble Faction, and Investor A's faction (Aria hides her name as "Investor A").

Mielle gets increasingly frustrated about Aria and decides she will try to bring Investor A's faction to the Noble faction and invites all the wives of Investor A's faction to the Count's house for a tea party. This is a very strange move because she is a count and some of the invites were given to commoners. Anyone who wasn't too busy accepted the invitation (for curiousity sake). She tries to win them over (but they aren't falling for it). Trying to get them to accept gifts (but they deny them). Aria happens to stumble across them just as Mielle was trying to get them to accept her gift. She joins the tea party and shows off her intellect by engaging on their business topics (since she reviewed all their businesses she knows all about their business). The wives' then invite her to their next business meeting. Mielle leaves in frustation.

Aria ends up joining the business meeting (the businesses supported by investor A hold regular meetings and review which business partners will be good to invest in before telling Investor A. Aria meets the crown prince there as he appears with a different name (Aria confuses the new name with as his real identity). Asher then proposes a business he has planned. He wants to open an academy that would allow anyone to join if they have the talent, it would be paid for by the crown prince and Investor A only has to lend them their name, the business partners of investor A would be given first choice from their best students (so they can gain trained employees for their startup businesses).

At some point Sarah's wedding ceremony is held and Aria goes to give her, her blessings. She sees Asher as is leaving, and meets him in a garden. There he reveals to her he is the crown prince and they have a quick conversation. As Aria is leaving (her face blushing red) Isis catches a glimpse of her face and decides to check out the garden. She notices the crown prince and starts to get worried. Later when Mielle is visiting the duke's mansion Isis orders her to get rid of Aria and hides her some poison. Mielle's headmaid then tells the maid whose been getting bullied by Annie and Jessie to poison Aria's tea. The next day she serves Aria, Jessie and Annie tea as usual but she can't stop fidgetting. Aria notices immediately that something is wrong and takes out her hourglass before telling Annie to drink from her cup. Annie immediately collapses and the maid immediately becomes sorrowful and begs for mercy. She turns the hourglass. Now she pretends to drink from her teacup and collapses. The maid looking ecstatic throughout the entire motion. After Aria collapses, Jessie and Annie immediately run over and call for a doctor, meanwhile the maid flees from the scene.

The maid goes missing and the entire capital and all the servants and guards of the mansion are searching for her whereabouts. Aria helps stir the suspicious onto Mielle's headmaid since she is supervisor. She later adds fuel to the rumor because no one had fled the capital and yet the maid was still somehow able to hide under everyone's noses. The only one capable of sheltering the culprit had to be the headmaid. Later on Asher shows up and tells Aria that he found the maid and gave her a location and said "It's up to you what you do with her". Around this time Asher also hands Aria a bracelet as a protection charm. Aria goes to visit a dirty warehouse and finds the maid cowering in a corner covered in filth. She baits her by telling her if she confesses to the authorities who told her to do it she can help her flee the country and give her enough money to live for the rest of her life. The maid doesn't believe her at first but Aria tells her she can just say she was threatened, and that if she didn't listen her family would be killed. The maid immediately latches onto her only hope. And she confesses the headmaid had told her to poison Aria, that she had no other choice because she was being threatened. Mielle chooses to abandon the maid (she had no other choice or she would take the fall). The maid is to be given a sentence after a court hearing.

I forgot when but Aria also reveals she is Investor A and shocks everyone in the capital.

Around this time Cain starts visiting Aria's room often and it's clear he is looking at Aria like a woman instead of a sister. Aria notices and is disgusted by it but she purposefully leads him on. At some point Cain has an inner monologue about how he used to look down on his father for taking a prostitute as a wife but now he can't help but think he has the same blood running through him because he is attracted to his sister-in-law. On the day of the sentencing the judge asks Aria for the judgement and she requests for the maid to be executed, lest more innocent souls get harmed. As her family was about to head home Aria excuses herself and rendezvous with Asher in an alleyway. Cain secretly followed her and discovers Asher. He quickly gets jeleous. The maid gets beheaded. Mielle stays in her room and cries for days or weeks. At this point all the servants in the count's house look at Mielle with disdain though. When she finally leaves she has taken her noble lady mask off and glares at everyone.

Mielle stops trying to act like a saint and looks at Aria with disdain all the time and forgoes all pleasantries. Later on Mielle tries to approach her only remaining ally in the house, her blood relative and brother Cain. Cain who is powerless to stop Aria from meeting with Asher loses his temper whenever he sees Aria heading out and becomes pretty desperate. This is when Mielle approaches him. She suggests a plan to corner Aria. The plan holding a huge tea party that would involve the wives' of the noble faction. They would make sure there are no witnesses around. The two siblings would then bring the Count up to Aria's room and tell her to come downstairs. Just as Aria is about to reach the staircase on the 3rd floor (her room is on the third floor), Mielle pushes the count down the stairs. The count turns around mid-fall and tries to grab at the air, only to grab Aria's bracelet and the bracelet falls apart, shattering beads all over the floor. He notices Mielle was the one who pushed him down. Mielle then screams for help... when suddenly Asher appears out of thin air, surprising both Aria and Mielle. Asher looks shocked and confused as well but quickly grabs Aria and disappears from the scene.

Aria and the Crown Prince appear at a resturant half a day away by carriage from the capital. Aria tells Asher what happened and they decide to leave evidence that they had never been at the scene by traveling to a foreign country. They would gather eye witness accounts of their travels and leave credit behind the places they visit (parchment with a record of what they owed the establishment along with the time of their visit). This is later used in court when Mielle tries to frame Aria for the assassination of the Count.

Shorter Summary of the spoiler above ^
Aria becomes Investor A, investing in startup companies. Creates a 3rd faction in the power struggle unknowingly.
Mielle tries to recruit Investor A group by holding a tea party with the wives' of Investor A group. Fails.
Aria ends up attending a business meeting with Investor A group's invitation by the wives.
Aria meets Asher there and he uses another noble's name. Aria thinks the fake name is his real identity.
Sarah gets married.
Aria meets Asher at Sarah's wedding. She discovers he is the crown prince. Isis discover the two secretly meeting at the wedding. Gets suspicious.
Isis orders Mielle to get rid of Aria. Hands her some poison.
Mielle tells her personal maid/mother figure (i forgot her name) to poison Aria.
Headmaid tells Aria's maid to poison her tea (the one that gets bullied alot).
Aria catches her acting suspiciously and pretends to be poisoned.
Maid flees, gets found, Aria tempts her into revealing the culprit. Mielle is forced to abandon head maid. Head maid is sentenced to death.
Aria pretends to be a saint and arranges the maid a carriage and some money to allow her to flee the country.
The carriage is then left in the middle of the woods, the mounts are missing, all her luggage is gone. Maid is left to die in the wilderness while she sobs.
Aria reveals she is Investor A to the whole capital.
Cain falls in love with Aria, wants to monopolize her. Discovers her rendezvousing with Asher. Gets angry and increasingly violent.
Mielle approaches Cain, they hatch the plan to kill the count and blame Aria.

That's where my epilogue spoilers begin.

Epilogue Spoilers (shorter spoilers)

Count spoiler
Mielle and Cain pain to assassinate Count and point the blame to Aria. Failed to kill him. Tried to frame Aria while he was in a coma, and failed. Father ends up a cripple and he abandons Mielles' court case. Aria and her mother take advantage of this situation and pretend to care for the count. It works. They secretly embezzle all his properties and cash with his permission unknowingly.

Mielle spoiler
After getting exposed that she had forced confessions out of 2 noble ladies of having witnessed Aria pushing the count down a flight of stairs. She is sentenced to 20 years or so in prison (but all her accomodations are met because she is a noble lady). The sentence later gets reduced to room arrest (which is house arrest but restricted to her room).
In her desperation Mielle threatens Isis to help her escape the country. She does this by telling her she had kept all their correspondence letters of their wrongdoings. (This is a case of if i go down, you go down with me).
Cain sneaks Mielle out of the mansion with a lookalike maid. However, Aria and the Prince are aware of this and they pretended not to know and even made it easier for them to escape.

Isis spoiler
Mielle and Isis secretly leave the country to visit a foreign nation and meet with their King. They go over plans to overthrow their country. The foreign nation will slowly bring in their soldiers and hide in the aristocratic families properties. All their accomodations will be provided by the nobles to high keep morale high. (this bankrupts the nobles over several months). The day before the promised attack, said foreign king along with Mielle and another 'mysterious' nobleman comes to the duke's mansion. The nobles handed Isis their financial expenditures (thinking they would get paid back) and the foregin king receives the papers. On the day of the coup de'tat all the soldiers leave their stations... to go back to their country unbeknownst to the nobles. The soldiers have secretly stolen everything of worth (gems and other merchandise that could be sold off). Isis and Mielle go to the town square to watch the final battle unfold, only to find the crown prince and the foreign king and several iron wagons of captured nobles. The foreign king shows the prince all the expenditure papers and uses it as evidence of a coup de'tat. The nobles are all thrown in jail and await their sentencing. None of the nobles have the money to hire a lawyer and their relatives who weren't thrown in prison have no valuables in which they can take to runaway (all the gems and valuables were stolen by the foreign soldiers). All the nobles involved gets stripped of their rank and beheaded. Crown prince has a word with Isis before she dies.

More Mielle spoiler
While the nobles were getting sentenced 1 by 1. Mielle is spared from getting beheaded because of a petition. She is sentenced to 50 years in prison or if she is willing to be monitored 24/7 and stays with her petitioner she can leave the prison. If she escapes then she will be executed immediately. It is implied to the audience listening that Aria must have saved her and everyone curses Mielle's existence and calls Aria a saintess.

Cain spoiler
Cain gets caught in being part of a coup de'tat and was sentenced to beheading right after hearing Mielle's sentence. But then the judge says 'but according to the documents submitted by the lawyer, there is a reason to reduce the sentence, so i sentence you to life imprisonment.' Said lawyer was the Empire's finest, paid for by Aria. Got the same reduced sentence as Mielle but he will work in the Imperial Castle as a page BOY and he would need to take care of his SINGLE, crippled father. (Aria's mother divorced the count immediately after being stripped of noble rank)

More Mielle spoilers
She is made to work as a maid in Aria's mansion who is now a commoner. Gets mistreated by all of the former count's servants. No one trusts her. Her petitioner turns out to be Annie (she wrote what Aria told her to but because she was the one who submitted it she became responsible for Mielle). Annie abuses her constanty and it drives Mielle insane. She gets urged on by Aria later to put a little poison in Annie's tea, enough to give her a slight stomachache. Mielle puts enough to kill someone instead... Aria secretly invites to a tea party because it would be the first tea party Mielle hosted. Aria purposefully spilled Annie's teacup and ruins her dress. Annie leaves to change her dress and Mielle helps her. Cain in the meantime arrives just in time and drinks out of the poisoned tea cup as Mielle also arrives in time to see. As Cain coughs up blood and falls to the ground she gives Cain a hint that Mielle was the one who poisoned that tea. Cain dies in despair while asking Mielle, 'Why?'.
Mielle faints.
Jessie gives her testimony that Mielle had poisoned Aria's teacup (Aria cleverly switched sweats before this all went down to make it look like the target was her and not Annie).
Mielle loses her last ally (Jessie - Aria let Jessie take care of Mielle while she was a maid and she actually sympathized with her like she did with Aria in her previous timeline). This deals her a huge mental blow.
When the investigators question Mielle she momentarially loses her memory at the beginning of the interrogation. Then she remembers and asks 'what happened to Aria?' to which they replied 'She is fine' and then she asks... 'So why am i being locked up then?'. They cease further questioning and she is executed the next day by beheading.

Aria spoiler - up to epliogue (not the bonus stories)
She actually has noble origins. Well sorta... She is a bastard child. So she still rose up to becoming a rich independent woman before the end. She is the daughter of the Marquiss of a foreign country. Aria meets her grandmother, grandfather, and biological father. They hold her coming-of-age party at said Marquiss' household. The crown prince shows up to her party with tulip flowers. She and the prince head back to the empire together but the prince leaves to go back a day earlier. She comes back to the Empire and gets proposed to by the Prince in front of everyone in the capital. They hold the marriage ceremony in the Empire and her family all comes along to see her off.
Jun 11, 2019
aghh i love this story so much!!! tysm for updates!
@duderus thank you so much for the spoilers!! im impatient af and only read up to ch179 in english
Mar 19, 2018
Her outfit is gorgeous... I wish she wears more pants. Ahhhh

I don’t know why but when I read the novel, I imagined the baron as someone older and on the plump side. This version is a cutie...

Thank you so much!
Feb 24, 2020
She looked and was described beautifully in the novel. I'm glad that the artist was able to illustrate Aria's beauty perfectly! I can't wait to see her in other outfits
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Girl. You better stop using the hour glass since your age is now like 20 look wises
Many thanks
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Baron be like
"she's only fifteen she's only fifteen DEAR LORD SHE'S SO CLOSE"

Poor baron, wrapped around her finger in barely a minute.

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