The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 41

Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2020
Aria is the only isekai/reincarnation manhwa's villain that have their villainnes personality intact whom i know and i love her :D
Oct 29, 2019
It's kind of sad that Aria is so jaded. But I don't blame her at all. What she said is definitely part of reality, in her world and our's. But it's not absolute. I hope she'll come to realize that some relationships can be formed out of trust, love and acceptance, free of deceit or greed. They're few and far between but they exist nonetheless.

She at least has someone like Sarah who is and can be that for her, and probably even Asher and Jessie could be people like that for her as well. Idk about Annie but I could see her changing for the better and even proving Aria wrong. As for Aria herself, I'm sure her opening up and breaking down some of her walls will be a crucial and inevitable plot point/conflict in the future.
Mar 22, 2018
Was "I can't compare to his beauty" a mistranslation? Seems like it should be "I can't compare to your[Aria's] beauty"
Apr 9, 2020
i rlly love how her villainessess is still there unlike the other "villainess" mangas manhuas and manhwas
no hate on them though
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
@Kingdo OMG! regardless whether its out of her wicked or genuine desire, that's actually pretty sweet of her.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 22, 2018
Everyone seems to be forgetting that Annie has always been like this. She was originally sent to spy on Aria, but Aria won her over by appealing to her shallow ambitions. She gave her a few dresses and let her sit at the table to eat snacks, and that small taste of nobility was all it took to flip her. Annie's always been mildly shallow and greedy, even if it's not malicious, it's just how things are when you grow up with nothing and spend every day surrounded by luxury that isn't yours. It was so surface level that it was easy to get her to accept it.

While there is some truth to what Aria's spittin', it's not a truth that would work on everyone. For instance, consider her teacher, the hot needleworking pure-hearted oneechan who is marrying upwards. She's gaining social status from her marriage, but I bet this same argument would be rejected by her because her ideals and sense of self are so different from Annie's.
Aggregator gang
Jul 22, 2020
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve seen other translations of the conversation between Annie and Aria and it didn’t make much sense to me, but your translation makes it very clear. Thanks for your work! :)
Jan 30, 2018
Omg I was so confused by the ending until I read the comments thanks y’all I’m kinda slow sometimes 😭
Dec 29, 2019
@geoxile I think Annie lied because she didn't want to say to Aria's face that the baron kept talking about her, since she understood Aria was trying to get them together
Apr 23, 2019
Ahhhh Aria step on me please?

Ehem. Honestly though I love the conversation between her and Annie because she's not wrong technically. She's so jaded though... ah well. A part of me is excited cause a true villainess!!! Another part of me is screaming YO PRINCE COME GRAB YOUR GIRL AND SHOW HER LOVE.

Kinda makes me wanna reread the novel just cause I'm so excited for things to come.
Jun 16, 2020
Aria does realize all of this later but it’ll take awhile. The original novel is 288 chapter (including the side stories). It’s in the later half that Aria starts to realize love actually exists and not all relationships are built of greed or desire. One person besides Asher that really helps to drive this point home is Aria’s grandmother Violet because she shows such a great desire to get close to Aria, not for her own benefit, but because she genuinely wants to be close to her. You’ll also see Aria later after meeting with the Marquess and Sarah when she’s shocked that he’s so kind to her and won’t believe the rumors because of Sarah. She even realizes that that’s the first time she felt real love was when she spent time with them.

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