The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 43

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
@zephyroths saw this so late omg but
basically at some point mielle and isis plans a revolt. like legit. A REBELLION.
i read this a while ago and it was long so my timeline of what happened isnt exact, but basically she and isis encounter the king of a neighbooring country (who is secretly a friend of asher) and they plan the rebellion together, or rather the king pretends to support their revolt so they can out themselves.
within this short amount of time, mielle just fucking forgets about oscar even tho she spent her entire life obsessing over him ans falls for the king?? she was legit delusional and tried to win his heart but whats funny is the king handed her over to the prince to expose her as a traitor at the end so karma ig
Aggregator gang
May 9, 2020
What makes Aria a compelling character is that she has a definite goal in mind. She acknowledges her deeds as evil and does not try to justify it with "im doing this because they did it to me first so im not doing anything wrong". However, like any human would, her character does develop and she learns to trust sarah, the prince, jessie and those who genuinely cares for her bit by bit without her original villainess character slowly fading in oblivion. Not only that, most of her future achievements are born from her own hardwork, not just from the knowledge from her previous life. The story is quiet good, although not the best, but what makes it worth the read is Aria's journey to fulfilling her revenge and finding redemption at her 2nd chance in life. Oh, and also Mielle's stupidity that ultimately led Roscent family to their doom.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
finaly 50% grown up
her main goal changed from getting revenge to surviving and living her life
( no matter what she called it in the beginning all she did was aimed at revenge thank god for lady isis because only after her meddling did the mc show growth)
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2018
May 26, 2020
Literal goosebumps at how good this manhwa is. Aria is growing and getting stronger. Yas Aria, you go girl.
Dec 13, 2020
Aria baby~ I love how wicked you are. I feel your frustration but you're doing well hun. Just collect more wealth and play your cards right!
Dec 31, 2019
I wonder if Aria realizes that she hasn't actually 'used' Sarah for anything. It's not like her rumors of bad behavior went away just because of Sarah, and especially because of her business now she probably won't ever have to use Sarah and the marquis as a failsafe. So then so far all Aria has done is been a good friend to Sarah and I really hope she starts thinking of it that way instead of making herself seem like some sort of evil person. The worst she's done is trouble Mielle, and that's fair game.
Sep 27, 2020
The previous comment is so right💀

I feel bad for Oscar - but it’s pretty embarrassing to watch that Lil girl think he really likes her. Miele aren’t you ashamed of yourself? 💀 pack it up
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
I think after aria sincerely wished sarah a happy marriage, aria started wishing for one of her own.... shes wavering cause her goals of survival and revenge are shifting towards her own happiness. also oscar hasnt been "yours" since the beginning, mielle >:3 his heart is in aria's hands and she DROPS IT

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