Actually, it is quite simple to remove someone's teeth using a hammer, provided you also use a pair of pliers, i.e. you apply pressure with the pliers on the tooth you wish to remove, smack the pliers in the necessary direction with the hammer, and pop, out comes the tooth in question, along with blinding pain, as the root is ripped out along with the tooth.
As for fingernails, the common technique is to smash the root of the fingernail with the hammer, and within the space of 24 to 48 hours later, the bruising and swelling caused by the hematoma underneath the fingernail will cause it to rip loose, or be pulled out freely with a pair of pliers.
Cattle prods are not an effective means of applying voltage as a means of torture...a much better method involves a metal pail filled with salt water, a deep cycle marine battery charger, and a copper brillo pad. Place one foot of the subject in the water (barefoot), and the other foot tied to the chair, touching ground (again, barefoot). Apply positive clamp to bucket, clamp copper pad into negative clamp, moisten pad for best conductivity, and place upon the more "sensitive" locations of the body (genitals, temples, chest area near heart, etc.)