The Viridescent Tiara

Apr 30, 2020
@Firemorfox Idk if you already know this one but Bring the Love is my current top fav. For starters the leads are adults with great communication skills. It relies a lot less (or not at all) on common romance manhwa trope and is overall a breath of fresh air on the genre.
Apr 9, 2020
u know, if we be basing things in the catholic bible, we be each others' cousins, brothers, or sisters lol it's weird... i'm uncomfortable with incest in real life, but in webtoons, not so much since i know it's fiction. besides, just because there's incest doesn't mean people should tolerate it, we can still view it objectively and seek out the reason why they fell in love. At least in this manhwa, we are able to see why they developed feelings for each other.
Jul 30, 2020
To say the truth I don't really get why it would be bad for them to end up together, even if they did grow up together. Some people grow up with their friends almost like siblings (spending a lot of time with each other and stuff). Is it wrong then to get together as a childhood friends? I simply don't get this argument, can anyone explain this to me? Lol
For me the only bad thing about incest (the real one, when a couple is blood related; not like in this manhwa) is the possibility of having ill children. Besides that fact: how does it make any harm?

(btw am I the only one that would like to live in Lachia? The climate is ideal, the beautiful snowy winters and the nature uwu. Am I the one weird girl for the author? Though it may be rougher from korean perspective I guess)
Sep 21, 2020
If you don’t like the ‘incest’ vibes then just stop reading it. Y’all reading it for free but bitching about it all the time. Hush hush, choosing beggars.
Oct 11, 2019
Neither of them treat one another as real siblings.
Yus has been away from FL for quite a while and only visit here and there until he came back. So really, yus never thought of her as a sister. He hasn't fully trust her as she is an outsider. He is in between of trying to trust her but yet, not fully. FL only thinks of survival because she thinks she might get killed after the contracts ends.
it would be gross if she is half blooded siblings. But she isn't. I will accept this story relationship.
Sep 5, 2019
I’m guess the mass updates means that the scanlations have caught up with the raws?
Oct 7, 2020
I am bored so rereading it for I don't know how many times. I just love the story and how it is drawn! Especially the chibis! They are soooo cute 😍 💕 💖

By the way, anyone read Russian and know if the blond male in the later chapters is the prince or king?
Nov 15, 2020
I dont really know why people are arguing because it's inscest i mean, yeah sure that's your opinion but they're not even blood related does it still count as one?
Jan 24, 2021
So far so good, the incest tag needs to be removed though, there is none and I would not have liked this comic if it was but the male & female leads are not at all related asides for their parents having married when they were kids
Jul 5, 2020
If you're confused about the past few chapters, here's an overview of what happened:

Lachias mines the crystals and employs magic craftsmen to produce high quality products, which are then sold through the Golden Rose. However, because it's seen as gauche for high class nobility to directly involve themselves with merchants and trade (that's for low class nobles and commoners), she asks Levory to keep it a secret that the Lachias family is directly dealing with the Golden Rose merchants. The finest products were sent to the most influential nobles in society, (Influencers of the time lmao) such as the royal family, as gifts and as a marketing tactic. Then, the Duchess of Lachias arrives in the capital and throws lavish parties full of Golden Rose products. That the recently broke Lachias duchy can throw these exclusive parties full of hard to get products lets everyone in society know that the source of the ice crystals is the Lachias duchy, and that they'll soon be filthy rich from selling the Lachias catalogue through the Golden Rose. This earns Marquis Cameron's ire, as he previously had a monopoly on the mana stone trade. The royal family then invites Ran to the palace.

The comment about the ice crystal mine being her dowry comes from Ran being the current head of the Lachias Duchy; whoever marries her while she's the head will be in charge of the Lachias Duchy (Which is why in a previous chapter she said that she wouldn't marry while she was acting as the head, remember?). It makes her a very attractive marriage partner. And remember, the nobles don't believe that she'll really step down from her position as head once her younger brother comes of age. So in the minds of some of the aristocracy, she's currently 'the greedy lowborn duchess who usurped her highborn brother, the rightful heir'.

Ran's conversation with Yustav about taxes:
Because of the barren land and their duty as guardians, the Lachia Duchy currently enjoys low taxes. However, as soon as the Emperor finds out that they have a valuable mana stone mine, he'll impose large taxes. And because he's currently greedy, the taxes will probably be unreasonably large.

If they kept quiet about the mine they would avoid the tax increase, but then they won't be able to sell the crystals. If they refuse the taxes they'll probably go to war, and they still won't be able to sell crystals. So Ran and Yustav come up with a plan to make sure that the taxes the Emperor imposes are reasonable. We'll probably see it in the next couple of chapters.

Actually, I find this all pretty interesting, and the only place where I see a gap of logic from the author is what time the dressmaker came.. If the tailor came right before her visit to the palace, does that mean she was throwing those lavish high society parties to advertise her products in last season's clothes? Or was the scene with the tailor a flashback?

About the incest drama:
right when Ran arrived, Yustav was sent away to boarding school, and then they don't interact again until they meet at the funeral when Yustav is around 17 (?). Yustav clearly states that he's never thought of her as family or as his sister, and he recognizes the extreme difference between the current Ran and the previous one, to the point where he suspects that straight out asks her if she's a different person. (And her face kind of confirmed it). And Ran obviously doesn't think of him as her actual brother; she's just trying to claim they're 'family' so he doesn't actually kill her, and she felt guilty because she thought she wrote him into these horrible circumstances.

(Idk how you guys are more concerned that they spent three days living together under the same roof as children then his very real murderous thoughts?? He's lowkey still thinking about whether he should 'remove' her later on.)

If they had been raised together since birth with non-abusive parents that didn't make sure to keep them separated, if his stepmother had been remotely motherly to him, if they really thought of each other as siblings, then yeah, I'd feel like it was kind of skeevy, but that's not what's happening here, so I don't mind it. If you do, you can always stop reading and go read something else!

To the translation team, thank you so much for these quality translations and your hard work, I've really enjoyed this story!
Jul 23, 2020
some people don't enjoy insect even if its the smallest amount ,they have the right not to enjoy it so stop hating on them , unless they are actually just hating on this series for no reason but that cause that is wrong like dissing the author or the actual adaption .

this story is good , i have read some of it the plot seems good but i read alot of other manhwas and don't have the time to read this manhwa sadly but good luck for you guys who read this manhwa and i hope the plot just becomes better and better for yall!😊
btw i do ship the fl with the ml but im too lazy to get invested in another ship

- disclaimer i haven't seen to many comments i've only really seen people denying its incest and kinda roasting people who point it out , so some of the stuff i say might be wrong if it is i deeply apologise for the misunderstanding

pls dont reply i'm just saying random stuff so yea

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