Definitely. The real question, though, is how obvious were the side effects? Did the previous heroes actually look like monsters before the end? Because, if not, and Argo tried to put them out of their misery, that would go a long way towards explaining why there's a belief that a blacksmith killed the heroes....Oh, shit. Blue stones were meant to replace the lifeforce draining, but there's side effects, huh?
Ohh. Good point there!Definitely. The real question, though, is how obvious were the side effects? Did the previous heroes actually look like monsters before the end? Because, if not, and Argo tried to put them out of their misery, that would go a long way towards explaining why there's a belief that a blacksmith killed the heroes.
Fortunately the situation isn't quite as urgent yet for Relius as it was for Argo.
An interesting question is why the sacred treasures drain the heroes' lifeforce, but blacksmiths seem to be okay.
I'm betting on why the weapons are connected to each individual's souls but because the blacksmiths are destined to only craft tools, weapons and such, they are removed from this dangerous cycle of life. There has to be a reason why it's specifically made for them and only for them to use it.An interesting question is why the sacred treasures drain the heroes' lifeforce, but blacksmiths seem to be okay.
My guess would be that if it's only the heroes' sacred treasures that do it (and not everyone's, like someone else postulated), it's probably some kind of divine countermeasure; i.e., if it's slowly killing them to use their treasures, if a hero, say, went off the deep end and tried to conquer the world, they'd probably die to the life drain before they did too much harm.An interesting question is why the sacred treasures drain the heroes' lifeforce, but blacksmiths seem to be okay.