The Woman Who Messes With My Emotions (2022) - Ch. 19

Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2020
I guess this is where the dumb drama begins. A relative normal series is not in store for this author, right?. I mean we have to put up with the MC being this cringe for starters and now this... also i like dick and i'm gay as fuck
woah bro didnt need to read that one
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
i already forgot what happened in the previous chapters, amatella is his fan right?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
i don't think he's as bad as the dad from Okaeri Papa but it does seem like it's exaggerated versus being awkward with girls lol
... Okaeri Papa's papa is, y'know, traumatized from abuse. This dude feels similarly traumatized and can't even feel anything but fear and dread for having a woman he's super attracted to display open affection for him. What's the fuckin' deal man
Active member
Feb 28, 2020
How much clearer did this poor girl have to be?

Nah, dude, you better play it safe. She cannot possibly want to have sex with you, maybe she likes you, but you can't be sure of that either... xD
you joke but I wouldn't be so sure either
Jan 24, 2018
Don’t stick your d*ck in crazy.
B-but she's so hot bro :finnawoke:
to be fair he's a chronic liar at this point 😐
It's ok, he is so beta that he can legally pass himself off as clinically insane too.
Stick your dick in crazy. Do it
But what if crazy sticks your dick in it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
How much clearer did this poor girl have to be?

Nah, dude, you better play it safe. She cannot possibly want to have sex with you, maybe she likes you, but you can't be sure of that either... xD
Honestly, her behavior has me worried. Whether or not she was intending on reading those messages, though it's questionable whether the two of them are dating, she has a right to question him on who the other girl was, but instead of that, she's going more aggressive on the intimacy than usual. Part of me guesses she doesn't want to lose to this other girl, but that would mean she does have a thing for MC, but she may turn that answer down if questioned.

Especially with how the woman phrased that one line:
I want you to remember this night every time you watch this movie from now on.
I could think of 2 perspectives from this quote. One is probably from a woman's side of thinking, "Awww, she wants to make sweet memories with him," or something along those lines.

Men, on the other hand, like MC or myself, would be confused as to why FMC even phrased it that way all of a sudden. Like what MC was thinking, it's as if she's going to leave for whatever reason, and she wants to leave some memory of her ingrained in him, in his psyche. Whether that would be a good or bad memory would depend on what happens from the next day onward.

If FMC ghosted him and started seeing someone else without even mentioning anything to him, then that will leave the MC totally confused and in a state of doubt, recalling that night with as much detail as possible to see what went wrong, warping his memories to be negative as he tries filling the holes with negative intentions, to the point that it will become traumatic than nostalgic. He would never believe another woman's advances on him again by that point, because they could be like FMC. Knowing how sadistically manipulative she was intended to be in the previous version, it wouldn't be wrong to say this response is what she's going for, whether to chain him to her for good or make him miserable, it could be anyone's guess by that point, because women can be just that passive-aggressive.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Just fucking go for it mate, you've got nothing to fear and nothing bad is gonna happen to any of the characters in this manga.
No risks at all, nuh-uh.
Thanks for the chapter!
Apr 5, 2023
... Okaeri Papa's papa is, y'know, traumatized from abuse. This dude feels similarly traumatized and can't even feel anything but fear and dread for having a woman he's super attracted to display open affection for him. What's the fuckin' deal man
Someone didn't grow up in an environment where his parents would straight-up give him shit for a) actually accomplishing anything and b) being in the vicinity of a girl of the same general age even if there was no interaction whatsoever and it fucking shows. ML reminds me of the first time i decided to be open to the possibility of a relationship without being drunk off my ass the entire time. Took six months of these types of situations before i could accept reality without flashbacks and paranoia and just basic overthinking every damn thing.

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