The World is Full of Monsters, So I Want to Live as I Wish - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Trends

Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2019
"All human values got overturned" ISNT that EXACTLY the situation we have RIGHT NOW on earth? with our corrupt humans trying to take over and destroying everything?
Active member
Feb 16, 2020
Auahagauahgaauhhhhgggggaaaa. I see dem flags. Mc should just fuck everyone off and survive by himself. Keep the slime and doggo and just leave. It’s in times like these that people are at their worst and the Mc in these times are never ruthless enough. Companions? Naw. We got the ability to make pets so who needs humans? Mc should just run off since he’s already strong by himself.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2019
That'd be stupid of her, assuming she has common sense and a brain big enough to think, she wouldn't in her right mind sacrifice people just for the sake of sacrificing them, including sending waves after waves of squads just to get killed
Her entire power is based on charming people, making people do her bidding, why would she wasted her resources mindlessly like that and destroying the safe house that she built to protect them all from the monsters
Having morals is one thing, but you must remember you can have morals or even just having an opinion about it because you live peacefully without fear of having your life on the edge of death each day, morals don't mean shit if you die, and she's trying to prevent that
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@dudewithmagic dude u said it yourself : ''You yourself listen to COVID procedures issued by the government for your own well being(You freedom was restricted for your own safety).''

i LISTEN to it, i have to freedom to do it or to not do it, like some assholes that dont wanna wear masks coz its hard to breathe, they had a choice too, what the prez is doing is taking the freedom away from ppl, thats bad in any context, also:

''It doesn't matter how opposing groups would feel about it, for the safety of your citizens takes precedent other theirs. At the end of the day you should only commit yourself to what you can protect and do it to the best of your abilities as should everyone else.''

theres 2 problems with this:
1.- she decides who becomes her ''citizens'', they dont basically everyone is just a puppet for her, no matter what they want, their situation etc and that ties to
2 .- like i said what if one of the students went to her to ask for help for his family or their own group? but she went ''nope! u are more needed here'' their group is how does the ''At the end of the day you should only commit yourself to what you can protect and do it to the best of your abilities as should everyone else'' if she can dictate who protects who, she could force a girl to kill her bf or brother, basically she can do whatever she wants

The risk of having someone with that power is too high, sure shes using it for ''good' now, but what if the situation changes? like what about the mc? lets say he can resist the Charm, then what? will she just let him go? nope! she will most likely use the students to hunt him down, after all hes too dangerous! coz he cant be controlled!

imma stop here coz i suck at explaining my point
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@Kryloth easy, lets say the hobgoblin/orc (or any other strong monster) or whatever it was attacked the school and they were overwhelmed, and i mean like the front gate is destroyed and a bunch of strong monsters are going inside the school a total chaos scenario, its way more powerful than them so the only thing they can do is escape, she would likely had to send a group to distract the monster while the rest escapes, normally the ppl would go like ''ok we distract them and then after everyone else runs we run too'' and that would take some balls coz u know, the risk of death, but in this case she being a thinker she would send them without the intention to make them retrieve, like just make them battle till the last moment, that would buy more time right?, i mean they will die but everyone else will be fine! so its ok!

and this is only if she even tries to save the ppl, she could also go, ok fuck everything EVERYONE go fight the monsters while she rus by herself, its not like she cant rebuild her army, she can always find more ppl and start over, and its not like anyone that survives the attack will hunt her down, they were given the directive to fight till death so thats what they will do, no risk of a survivor seeking revenge on her for abandoning everyone.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
@dudewithmagic bodyguards that are also under charm. If that charm is dispelled she has no real guards (at least not that has been show) but if the 4 ppl she keeps there with her are also under charm hm then probably she has no one really following her, and certainly if ppl discover her, you can expect them to be no different from a mob. and ppl strong enough to remove her, there are lots already, didn't you see that he didn't take the berseker girl with him? and the other one that has gone crazy. There are enough ppl to trash her little garden.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
just saying the 4koma, mc says "I lost hair"... but it's clear that is Momo
Active member
Oct 5, 2020
Really don't need the backstory of students that will die anyway...

Thanks for update!!!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
This is a braindead manga with a bunch of high-schoolers as main characters. Prez abuses power, MC fights her and wins. Kinslayers go rogue OR turn Vegeta and play nice (or killed unwantingly and are actually sane) and become MC's allies. I'm more curious about the government, since the [Order] seems to be a skill.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
I want to have MC's stealthy skills too, for, research purposes.
Hiding in plain sight is good skill, wouldn't you agree?
Mar 21, 2020
I prefer harem, but for this manga i really want the two of them to end up together.
P. S. This manga is really well made,and the jobs are based on ur occupation(and talents) right? So Boxers, Archers,Wrestlers, and other Athletes are really op in this world(High Occupation in Military and Political Leaders would have a Godly Job Selection so im waiting for those)
Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
I am with president on this one. As long as she didn't do anything that would hurt them when they are outside of charm (like rape or something similar) what she is doing would benefit everyone. Without her people would simply kill each other and then create some groups based on fear or some other similar criteria.
This is preferable.

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