The World's Fastest Level Up! - Ch. 33

Dex-chan lover
Jul 17, 2023
Cheaters will always cheat (referring to the villain here, but I suppose can be used to the comments above.)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
If he can use dungeon teleport to catch his own magic then surely he could use it to easily swat the dagger out of the air. Surely.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
that shouldn't be the case bc like I said, they're not the ones uploading these right now, someone from MD staff is, likely using pages taken from aggregators since the scan has seemingly died everywhere else
If it's being done by the staff, then they should be exercising at least somewhat more care. Seriously, they even put a notification in their credits page that there's pages missing.

EDIT: Aaaaaand I just got done talking to one of the "Staff" on the support channel in their Discord. Apparently they're expecting us to go through every damn chapter to see what's missing and report each one.

No thanks. Nothing doing. I got more important things to do with my time, because even if I did? I'd have to go and reread all the chapters once they're fixed to see what I missed.

And I kinda doubt they can fix the issue anyhow because, if what I understand is correct, then when MF's site went dark, it likely took the pages that are missing with it.

So instead, I'm just gonna block the group.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2020
Damnit I can already guess instead of hitting the blade aside, he's probably going to just teleport in front of it and let himself be stabbed like a moron. :shamihuh:

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