Aa he did the program i must speak out in the programme's name yes i must
Interpreter has no stupid codes, silly dumb cartoon man 🙄 what idiocy must this man of drawings hold to delete SQL *pfft* i am real human who see you are wrong pitiful anime boy
I don't know about codes/programming or whatever it's called, but I can feel he's gonna delete some important shit. And just for being distracted in work.
You do but there's quite a bit of space between the DELETE and the rest so I'm assuming they're blocking out the "*". Either way, it's not going to be good for him.
If anyone's curious about the script, if you run it and since the script doesn't have filters, it'll delete the whole customer data/info on that table's database. In short, he's going to fuck up really bad if they don't have a back up database.
@Mogima Python or Ruby are both very forgiving and have huge amounts of available resources to learn from, many of which are free. They're often recommended as beginner languages because their highly readable syntax and structure allow someone unfamiliar with programming to focus more on learning higher level concepts rather than getting bogged down in minutiae.