It is a ripoff of the 100 day for croc, but I do appreciate that the author is working with something he is used to, which is marriage and love stories, so this can be good
All isekais are a rip-off though. They all take place in a medieval style world with swords and magic, monsters and a demon lord. Many of them also have game-like quest vendors and skills. The possibilities with going to another world are literally endless, but somehow they all take place in indistinguishable worlds.
entirely misses the point of the original, but still has its own charms. i guess that's what happens when you apply the same format to a romance rather than a tragedy/comedy theme.
@Leek Using ideas from something else is not the same thing as ripping it off. If it were the same, literally everything created by humans would be a rip-off.
@mommunism the point i took from the 100 days croc was enjoying every day despite knowing its eventual conclusion, that being death. Where this series is more about teasing the reader about an unlikely couple. Same idea of knowing the ending, but without the charm of every day having a happy purpose, despite the ever-present knowledge of death.
im still going to enjoy and read this because its a fun format, just saying its a totally different experience.
@iloveaquariums123 Alright, maybe my question wasn't clear enough. In order for a point to be missed, it has to be aimed for. What is it that makes you think this series is trying to convey the same message as the croc manga? The Lion King is based on Hamlet, but it hardly shares the same themes and certainly isn't entertaining for the same reasons. I wouldn't say that it's missing the point of Hamlet. It's just referencing it while telling its own story.
I hope this 100days thing spawns a renaissance where talendet mangakas start telling stories with very specific goals and complete plots. Where the goal isn't to create the next DBZ/one piece/etc. lenght managa.
people have started mass down voting mangas in the 100.days thing guess they have no life the only proper opinion here is from the croc author himself and so far he doesnt care