They Only Remembered Her - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

Active member
Apr 29, 2019
”what do you mean forgery?!?... I only added a digit!” bitch that's what forgery isssss!! acting like going from 100 to 1000 was a small bonus D x
Jan 19, 2020
I’m so confused about the characterizations of these characters? In the beginning I was so on board especially with how Clarence’s perspective on how to treat war, however now it just feels? weird. The aunt and uncle just feel so one dimensional? Clarence’s character just feels a bit off to me. I mean she was never portrayed as a cunning character or what but idk if I’m feeling very satisfied by this story.
Aggregator gang
Mar 8, 2018
At the rate they were spending the money they would have been back in debt within a week or two. lol
May 31, 2019
It was good that Clarence gave them a chance to do the right thing and take only 100 gold. Unsurprisingly it turned out the way they did. The cousin seemed like a innocent victim in all of this though.

Thanks for the chapters.
Aug 26, 2019
Technically, some parents do that, so its not really the worst names she couldve given. At least she didnt give them ugly names.

@marldita I feel like it suits Clarence though since she seems to be driven by duties and justice as well as compassion. She gave her aunt and uncle a chance but even if she knew the outcome, a chance is still a chance. Now she’s just enacting justice for her brother since they’ve shown that theyre as money hungry as she imagined.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
I am not feeling as much sympathy for the daughter, she pretty much saw them agreeing to commit fraud, a serious crime, and did nothing to stop them other then a few words of disproval about how it could go wrong. That takes her from innocent victim to accomplice. She has also been around them and their money grabbing ways for years, and benefiting from their greed.

The daughter is not as quilty but jot fullyninnocent either. I wonder if she has been so focused on school as she expects the gravy train to end some day and wants a backup. But she has been living on ill gotten gains for to long and has no reason for not knowing that it is ill gotten gains.

Heck, it still would not surprise me if there is a way Clarence can also make a claim for the funds to support little bro that they just took for themselves to be returned as well, and is just not bothering because that would require more work and this is already destroying their lives.

That said, the aunt and uncle deserve what they got, they have been more then repaid for their short kindness, which asked on the uncle's remarks was not really that much of one, many times over and still acting like they deserve everything the siblings have.
Oct 15, 2019
The daughter definitely has ill gotten gains. She’s been going to school on the MCs dime, knowing full well that money was meant to send the brother to school. She’s equivalent to being an accessory to the crimes for not reporting them and gaining from them.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2020
I still think that punishment was not enough. It needs to be harsh enough so they would regret doing something like this again.
Since I can totally see them gambling again or use their biological daughter once she gets a job of her own. Yes, she is technically an accomplice but I also see the guilt, and her trying stop or sway her parents to not do the shitty things they keep doing. She needs to leave her parents and live a life of her own or else she would be used like our MC :/
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
The hell is an "adoptive aunt" and "adoptive uncle"? What? I mean, I guess the only way that makes sense is if either of the siblings' parents were adopted into the family of the aunt/uncle or the other way around, if the aunt/uncle were adopted into the family of the mother/father of Clarence and Clive.

As for their names, I mean, that's not that bad. In and of itself, that's not a horrible way to name a child. I wonder if they had names beforehand, but it's not like reading a novel and seeing names in it is a bad way to name children. The rest of the stuff the aunt and uncle did, yeah, that's bad.
Jun 27, 2018
@comeonnow0 In Korean (like in Chinese and Japanese), you generically refer to people of the older generation as "aunt" or "uncle." The use of those terms isn't meant to denote some specific biological relationship, but rather it's a bit of subtext on their specific relationship. Which is to say, Clarence and Clive don't think of them as parents despite being raised by them. It also indicates that they were likely treated very differently from the aunt and uncle's biological daughter.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 30, 2018
please stop blaming the daughter, she's obviously younger than the two and s a child, possibly still a somewhere in between a child and adult.
Children have no say in anything and are generally powerless, and I'm not saying she is completely innocent. But expecting her to do something about her or others situation, no matter how minor is just expecting her to be like some saint. She not innocent but also not to be blamed for her situation. Stop expecting people to make the most compassionate or "good" decisions in terruble circumstances.

She didn't stop her parents from spending the money because that's how they always been, so what if she said something? so what if she tried something? what power does he have, all she could do since she was a kid is look away and try to cope, she coped the best way she could even if it didn't lead to the best results.
Also you don't know what kind of education system or what kind of education she's receiving or if it requires money at all.
secondly, even if she was using Clarence's money to study, would you do so? would I do so? Yes, I would. even if I knew its not my money, I would. because it would be my only way out, my only way to survive, you might think it's irresponsible or bad of me. but even if its bad, I can only cope with what i have at hand, make do with what I have at hand. and if schooling is the only good resource for me to cope with my life then I will.

She's simply trying to cope in a bad situation. coping in the same way she had tried since she was a child. she may not be such a child anymore, but people don't just change over night. people don't suddenly gain control and the mental capability to resolves things without any guidance or experience.
she has none of that. please don't beat down on someone that is simply coping with their terrible circumtances.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
The daughter certainly could have done better, but she's still a minor in the care of her parents. There's a limit to what she can do to deal with her parents even if she wanted to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@sjmcc13 : I get a feeling that the daughter knew exactly that one day they'll get their comeuppance, that's why she was so focused on studying.

She couldn't change her parents, she didn't have the legal authority to do anything for Clarence.
The only thing she had power to do was to study hard and avoid spending money vainly (note she didn't want the fancy dress/jewelries)
Because when, and she know there's no if in there, Clarence's money run out (either from the parents spending it all or just Clarence cutting them off), the daughter want to at least be able to get job with decent pay.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@TheMadFool That is EXACTLY why it strikes me as odd. First of all, in European cultures (including English-speaking countries), this is not uncommon either. It's not unusual to have an older family friend referred to as "Uncle X" or "Aunt Y", with X and Y being their names.

But that's the thing. Both in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and any other language that might be relevant for this specific example, NONE of them say "adoptive" uncle or "adoptive" aunt. You drop off the "adoptive" part because that part makes no sense.

Basically, I can agree with everything you said, but that just proves my point.

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