This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy! - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
What era is this world they seem to have trains but doesn't look like they have rapid growth during the industrial age like our world. I mean their still using horses maybe they haven't found oil yet that's why their progress stopped at coal.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
If Graham remembers his past lives, oof. He's probably stretched to the breaking point. This Duke is beyond fucked.

Edit: went back and checked. That's definitely the first hero from Louisa's past lives.

@onionskins you know, considering that we now have seen Graham dreaming of what is most likely a past life, it's very likely that ntr is all this couple has ever known. It's just the woman's turn to be the target.

@Psychronia honestly, her past lives won't help her here. She's always been a peasant from a small town. She has no etiquette skills or special knowledge to weasel her way out, nor combat skills to fight if it came to that. What she has is a couple lifetimes of regret and anger, something she might have in common with Graham it seems, and a freshly hardened resolve to find the happiness she deserves at Graham's side.

So I don't think we're supposed to be scared. I believe we're expected to be angry at this new potential antagonist for having the gall to try and be threatening with our lovely lady.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
ahh.....i hope it doesn't go into that shitty conclusion like she got raped there...fuck you author if you did that
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Oh my. How stupid can one be? His position against her is so weak. She may be a commoner, but she surely has the connections. The only way this might work out is, if he's threatening her and she is have a bad case of brain-fart. Though I can see her being that stupid, as soon as he is threatening her friends.
Double-page supporter
Apr 8, 2018
Please just have an ugly mug. Please just have an ugly mug. PLEASE JUST BE UGLY lol
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
You LITERALLY were JUST warned, and yet you're being an idiot and falling to the MOST OBVIOUS of the plots right away? Just die already, why don't you?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Ibri : He already crossed I to total idiot territory. Having a maid shove her in and lock the door is enough.

The idiot is likely only seeing a commoner who "does not know her place" and "has no right to talk back"

They NEED the hero and his actions are already enough that the hero should respond with the hero demanding his house be stripped of rank and wealth for the insult.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@boag The MAGE is Diana, who is engaged to the prince and a powerful noble in her own right. So TECHNICALLY he can't do anything she wouldn't, but she didn't do anything, did she? No threats, direct or otherwise. Just insults, really, telling her that such a pairing was inappropriate and confessing her own jealousy and Gordon assured Louisa that Diana was not the type to go after the shop out of spite. We have no such assurances about the Duke. If he is smart, he won't do something to her directly. However, if he had no intentions of being threatening as fuck, he wouldn't have separated her from her chaperone and brought her to a remote and mostly deserted corner of the estate.

After all, greedy noble usually equals A FOOL in manga like this so he will probably try something underhanded. His only real chance of success would be if this suddenly took a DARK HARDCORE NTR turn, since, frankly speaking, she has the backing of both the royal family (who at least understand that if anything happens to Loisa the hero will absolutely hold them accountable) as well as the hero himself. That is HIGHLY unlikely though.
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Wait, if this is a monthly series then how many chapters are out right now before we've caught up to the raws?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 29, 2018
Maybe this time the shifty noble just wants to commission something nice to surprise his wife and just has an unfortunately sketchy disposition.
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2018

Her talking about her reincarnations is just going to drag on forever, isn't it?
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Chapter10 nothing really happen and ended with a great cliff hanger, my interest ended.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
... Well... I kinda figured but that maid who smiled!!! I wanted to trust youuuuuuu
Many thanks

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