This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Mar 5, 2019
Honestly though its better to just drop this drama, because we're all here for the same reasons anyway - to read this manhwa, and its already been provided. If anything, if the other translator feels like they have been wronged with how lls acted towards them, I feel that it should be something that should be settled and discussed between the two privately. Let's not unnecessarily drag this on when we're not contributing anything towards cleaning, scanlating, or translating the manhwa.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2019
"Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be."
-The Office; Season 2; Casino Night
Oct 26, 2018

You can win over smart people in an argument,
But can't really beat stupid people lmao.

Cy@ in my block list mate.
Apr 3, 2019
Hi everyone including @tateragi and @Tabitha, this is the kind of group and people you support.
This was in response to this by the guy who "sniped"
(but not really since it was a temporary chapter that was to be removed once a better one came out).
But you think they learnt something? Nope.
What appears to be another person on the team:
"Vio has nothing to do with this"
YET HE DID. We established that in the first place. And let alone how this guy complains about overstepping someone's work when it was never intended by kepki in the first place! You made the April Fools, you shouldn't have not expected repercussions. "Dindu nuffin".
Shrugging off responsibility as well as false superiority. Stop being hypocritical and realize the truth.
Here's a last one
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
@Soularc55 still reply with your broken record statements. youre saying that she owes you an explaination? and for not realizing a fault. i must admit it wasn't wise for vio to make an apology. because all it draws out is high horse freeloaders such as yourself. in simple terms that you can understand. youre owed nothing and will be owed nothing. from the looks of it the negativity vio received forced her to write that due to flamers like yourself and others.

again think you can do a better job, go ahead and give it a go. and you can treat your readers however you choose fit.

*2 mins later: Another blanket broken record statement from soul*
Jan 12, 2019
Thank you for the upload 😊 Also you dont have to apologize! U guys are doing an amazing job! Some people are just so rude (We are reading it for free and some people are still complaining?!). I really dont understand why people are even getting mad about it lol. It's just a harmless prank on the first day of april. Even if it was just one joke or five jokes the readers should have expected it and move on. Anyway im happy you guys are continuing.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
[Don't mind me ignoring the drama]
Canaria and Gracie, the duo that's gonna take high society by storm! Also Caesar is there too I guess.
Heroine-Villainess friendships are apparently something I love in Otomes now.

Hmm. Is Caesar pushing himself with the power of love, or did Canaria's small pieces of meta-gaming advice snowball into something big?
More importantly...isn't this a good timeline shift? What are the consequences going to be? Perhaps an assassination attempt? But there's no way that won't happen anyway, right?
Dec 10, 2018
@Slwmber since you are someone who thinks other people picking up your projects is horrible, you may not want to tell other people to pick up your projects. I have said it before and I will say it again: the other translator did their translation alone with barely any time at all, strictly because they wanted to make sure others have access to the series. Another group will be able to translate faster and as good, if not better, than you can, so not only is your threat empty (as you say yourself the team would never drop the series), it also holds no weight. It just makes you look like you are desperate to feel more powerful/important/intelligent than others, and ultimately only succeeds in making you look like a middle schooler. Frankly the team should ban you from posting on their behalf, you are just making the situation worse to make yourself feel better.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2019
Honestly you keep bringing up the same points, you don't know the people of LLS like we do, and just so you know we aren't perfect and so aren't you. You fight back at arguments only when you think you can win, but you ignore ones that you know you can't reply to cause they make good points, like my previous couple to you, including the office quote. I want you to think logically and reasonably, this scanlation group is for the readers personal enjoyment, and when we, as the group, have the chance such as april fools we also want to enjoy ourselves. Yes I completely agree maybe stuff did go down, but why are you of all people being such a nuisance. In truth I want you to apologize to vio, but knowing your short temper and minimal reasoning capacity you probably won't. Are you having fun? Cause honestly you look like a dumbass.

P.S. @PiakuchuKiller 😍
Apr 3, 2019
You don't know them well enough.
Quite frankly, alot of people blocked me so whatever, might as well just expose them. Believe what you guys want. If you want to be sheeple, then by all means.
this is the kind of group and people you support.
This was in response to this by the guy who "sniped"
(but not really since it was a temporary chapter that was to be removed once a better one came out).
But you think they learnt something? Nope.
What appears to be another person on the team:
"Vio has nothing to do with this"
YET HE DID. We established that in the first place. And let alone how this guy complains about overstepping someone's work when it was never intended by kepki in the first place! You made the April Fools, you shouldn't have not expected repercussions. "Dindu nuffin".
Jan 27, 2018
Soularc, don't waste your time, you made you point clear, your arguments are sound, but they already choose to turn off their brain/kiss more asses to be sure to get their chapters later.
Sep 21, 2018
As much as I enjoyed the fight, honestly at this point I think everyone should just stop responding. Clearly all kinds of replies aren't working for anyone, whether it's threats, rationale, arguments, etc...

People overreacted and apologies have been made, just make it a lesson to remember how a harmless joke could go out of control and to avoid the internet on April 1st next year, and let this die
Jun 18, 2018
BTW this drama will end at some point. Until someone tries to back stab us or our work and once again and the legendary combination of fuel and fire aka drama gives us some entertainment.

Also there are different types of people here:

The ones who are protecting Vio.
Other scanlators defending their hard work.
The supporters.
The fantastic trolls who like more drama to the show.
The haters / Mean comments.
The lovely peeps who don't give a damn about the drama and still randomly appear with a nice comment. (love u the best, keep up with the randomness)

And yes I did defend Vio and yes she may have been mean, but why was she mean? Who kept on feeding her with anger?
Okay fine I admit what she did may not have not chose the best comments, but.. Seriously? Try and put yourself in the scanlators positions, you work hard for yourself, the staff and the readers. Suddenly you would like to fool around just like everyone else, and BANG! back stabber comes at you because you wanted to celebrate? Ouch.

Vio already apologized and admitted her flaws. Want my apologize? I won't apologize for defending Vio or any from LLS. I apologize if I some how offended you. Even tho it was up to you to feel hurt or not by what I said, just like how the scanlators who felt hurt by your words in this April's drama.

But hey! She at least apologized, now what did you do?

If it helps here is tip: Imagine this drama in a classroom. What do you do when things have calmed? What does the teacher ask for both parties when they have been wrong?

Holy tip: Apologize.
Don't be an ass and just be like "HAH! I won!" Some of us already admitted it.

*Note if I'm nor here when the drama goes away please copy pasta this for the credits* (Yes it is the same)
The Credits goes to...

Vio's Personal knights and LLS knights
Other scanlators!
The supporters. <3
The fantastic trolls who like more drama to the show. 🤣
The haters / Mean comments. 🙂
The lovely peeps who don't give a damn about the drama and still randomly appear with a nice comment. (love u the best, keep up with the randomness) 😎😍
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
For people who read comics yall’s reading comprehension is...

They’re not apologizing for the prank itself, and they shouldn’t have to. There is literally nothing wrong with the prank because it’s ultimately harmless. The apology is for the attitude given in the comments section and on discord, and for that I will say it was very big of Viopera to do such a thing. Thank you.

I’m also sorry for acting harshly in response yesterday.
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2019
@Soularc55 I want you to know I've been with the group for probably 2 years plus, you're telling me I don't know them well enough? Funny, also like I stated before, you keep going back to the same old points. How about bringing some new things? I know all your argument as you have made them 10 plus times already. I want you to answer this: Why are you harassing a group and vio for a simple prank?

People aren't perfect when provoked we are make to fight back, it's part of human nature and it's something that everyone is born with, it's the reason why you're being so hostile and why I'm arguing with you. Yes pull up those previous comments, I've already seen them and you've already posted them a multitude of times. But honestly, why are you acting like such over a simple prank, it's not going to affect physically affect you in any way shape or form, but these hurtful comments that you are making towards the group are definitely hurting LLS and vio. And not to get personal but you're an actual idiot.

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