This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Apr 3, 2019
You misunderstand, I'm not angry at them making a joke, I expected April fools. What happened was this:
April fools release, someone got fed up while there were some spoilers for upcoming chapters that were part of it and proceeded to scanlate on their own (temporary and was to be deleted when the group took things seriously and released the real chapter). Vio/LLS got butthurt, infuriate even further by also threatening releases, finally stopped after "apologies" yet commentors nor Vio haven't learned a thing. Ignore Pikachu since he's strawmanning and resorting to personal insults that have no relation to what I'm saying. The ego stroking and how LLS reacting thinking there wouldn't have been consequences really annoyed me. Thus the need to call out the comment section and the group/Vio.
Apr 3, 2019
I hope yall drop this because no matter what, its an immature argument
Also as @Askun said, some people want to actually discuss the chap (believe it or not)
thank u to whoever enjoyed the chapter ^.^
Dec 10, 2018
@SweetIdiot same situation as with Vio. Christ, it has only been a few hours since you people published a public apology for being antagonistic and inflammatory in comments sections, and you are both at it again. Are your egos really this big? That you can't accept that people didn't find the joke funny? That you have to force people through a paragraph that barely qualifies as an apology to try and save face/earn sympathy points? And that you are so desperate for praise that you are immediately repeating the EXACT behavior that led to the apology in the first place? Grow up and learn when to shut up.
Hint: this is one of those times.
Pro-tip: After a bad PR situation, go silent for at least 24 hours, if not a full week, so that people forget what happened. Any response is likely a bad response.
Apr 3, 2019
Problem is @Whyte, it wasn't actually sniped, the dude who uploaded the temporary chapter was going to take it down until LLS or a better group put out the chapter in better quality. LLS took this to offense and sperged out. It's people like @Askun @Slwmber @PiakuchuKiller not realizing the faults of LLS/Vio that I'm taking a piss out of them. Also, Vio didn't learn his/her lesson. Look on page 5 of comments.
Apr 3, 2019
ok first of all, Vio has nothing to do with this, u mess with one of us u mess with LLS
second, as someone who works hours and hours on these chaps (sometimes days) and the person who proofread this chapter, i can tell u that each and every one of us puts a major amount of effort into what we do
So imagine u have the chapter ready and it took DAYS of accumulated effort to publish but someone got fed up and published theirs anyways.
This is similar to the case where random people/groups pick up series after we've already started them
we do need to "learn a thing" because we did NOTHING wrong and it was a result of the impatience of some people
ur arguments are all in vain
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@Soularc55 I'm not going to understand you neither understand other person arguments you debated in here... just go somewhere else if you gonna complaining... please guys made a new threat on the forum if you gonna discuss this any further... i just wanna see some comments about this chapter..
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2019
@Soularc55 I really don't understand why you're harassing vio or LLS like the way you are right now. It's a manga, you're not paying for the manga, you're reading the manga during your free time as an enjoyment. April fools was a joke, and maybe people got out of hand but you are just down right being a nuisance and headache. People like to play pranks especially when given the opportunity, and as humans we aren't perfect. Getting butthurt is part of human nature, vio is a normal human who is doing you a favor by bringing you manga to read on top of all her other work and this is how you treat her? Honestly she could just take down lls and then what? Is that what you want? If it's not then why are you pestering us and mainly vio. You say you're not angry but clearly you are, if you weren't angry you would've dropped this long ago. And to all the shit heads who made vio apologize, go to hell, she's doing you guys a favor. It's a goddamn manga calm yourselves.
Dec 10, 2018
@Kuu90 no one sniped the series. Someone posted an actual translation because they found LLS's trolling to be in poor taste. Frankly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if someone DID make a group to snipe all of their series just because knowing they are translating ruins enjoyment of the series.
Jan 20, 2018
Can you guys stop with the stupidity? Also, this April fools thing... what I have learnt during the years is: don't try to read manga during that day. So that's what I did - I just skipped 1 day and I guess I skipped some major drama too, lucky me(won't even bother trying to get myself informed, seems like a huge waste of time and nerves). I suggest you all just drop it and continue as usual.
Aug 26, 2018
The haters' voice is always loud on the internet. I really enjoy this series, and appreciate the work that LunaLotusScans does.

The scanlators could do as many pranks as they like, and it's in their right to do so. They could prank us everyday, if they felt like doing it. They do not "owe" us anything. It's simply amazing they are scanlating "Survive as the Hero's Wife", putting so much hard work in to it.

I'm saying this as a prank hater myself. It's because I usually don't get what's so funny about the pranks, that I end up getting angry at real people in real life, as I'm misunderstanding their intetions as mean. Then I apologise to people for getting angry, "I'm sorry I got so angry for not understanding your joke, it wasn't funny for me." And life goes on.
Unlike IRL, in the anonymous internet I don't even bother getting angry at pranks in the first place, it's totally pointless. The internet's riddled with trolls so it's hard to tell if ppl are serious.

Even if I personally don't enjoy pranks, it's not like they should be forbidden. Especially on April Fool's day. Whether the pranks are "good" or "bad", it's totally ok to make them. Nothing wrong about that. Of course, nothing wrong about critizing the prank either, if it's done in poor taste. But hating the pranksters? That's a wide step going too far.

To the scanlation group: you guys did nothing wrong! A huge thank you for all of your work and you guys are the best! 🤗
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
I guess you'd have your enjoyment ruined, for me I can't bother myself to care that much about it. Meh, I'll leave ya peeps for doing whatever you want. I just wanted to butt in cuz scanlating is hard and voluntary work, so people just going on raging about that, is, well offending for me as I did participate for a short while in scanlations.
Dec 10, 2018
@Hidetsugu the drama this time is more about how they have chosen to respond, and while I also missed the April Fool's drama (I saw the updates and was like "wow that's really funny but at least they got the spirit"), the responses from the team, especially in regards to the other translator, is at best uncomfortable and at worst extremely disreapectful to anyone but themselves. Again, who makes a big show apologizing for being overly aggressive in the comments, then within a few hours is being overly aggressive in comments?
Mar 5, 2019
oh my god yikes it was just for one day. why are you taking this a step too far and attacking the scanlation group for trying to have fun? and making a joke on a day made for pranks? obviously theyre not just gonna drop the series after making fake updates, and upload the real one soon. all you needed to do was just wait but going this far? theyre people too jfc

edit: oh oops did not see anything about the other translator so this is mainly about getting offended over the fake updates bc its something u can just close and move on
Apr 3, 2019
"Vio has nothing to do with this"
Why are you lying?

You thought I wouldn't notice you hypocrite?
"You mess with one of us"
Maybe you shouldn't have messed with readers either.
"Major effort in what we do"
Well, if you made lots of effort, you shouldn't waste more of it in tasteless jokes where people would respond by taking initiative in chapters.
"Published theirs anyways"
"It is not ok"
This was temporary

YOU PEOPLE MADE IT AN ISSUE AND HAVE CLEARLY NOT LEARNED YOUR LESSON. He was even going to remove it when better ones came around.
How about threatening to delay releases? What about sperging like a baby when someone actually took scanlating and releases seriously?
"Impatience of some people"
That is on you people who decided to make the joke at the reader's expense. One person wanted to merely help and was stepping aside once you guys took it seriously.
"Ur arguments are all in vain"
Congratulations, you outed yourselves as hypocrites and liars.
Apr 2, 2019
thanks guys for the update 😘actually i thought that if i click the link i will be fooled again haha 😂well the story already been shifted since she become nice to the protoganist(cesar). looking forward for more unexpected events, ^_^ this is one of my fav manga.
Dec 10, 2018
Kuu90 oh no I absolutely agree, I used to do cleaning for a couple years, but just because you're scanlating doesn't mean you can? Be a jerk? And expect everyone to love everything you do and say? And insert your drama into the scans? And it's more than just a few dozen groups doing scanlating these days, and more than just a few avenues for official translations, so it's not like you dropping the projects actually makes any real impact on whether or not people can read them. You are not the only group making translations in your given language, so people don't HAVE to put up with you. You earn respect by scanlating, but you can earn disrespect through your other choices. And if you know that the choice to engage in certain avenues of communication leads to you earning disrespect, you should avoid those avenues of communication.
Dec 10, 2018
If you're talking about Soularc though, for real, just block. He just wants to be angry at scanlators because they aren't scanlating exactly how he wants it done, but refuses to be the change he wants to see. Or maybe he's gone off to another topic, I blocked him a while ago
Apr 3, 2019
ok i have a very great and pleasant solution :)
how about u buy ur own chapters, spend time and effort over the span of weeks to fix them u, do a half-assed job and read them urself :)
all that u said is a lie and u know that u lost this argument
I'm giving u a chance to apologize to everyone right now
vio had to send the apology under her name as a representative of the group instead of saying "from LLS" and it shows that she is responsible (something you'll never achieve)
every single scan group i know did an april fools joke and its a running thing between us groups
I admit that maybe threatening wasnt the best move, but we had to do something to control the hate. I'm sure youre not enjoying the hate youre receiving right now, are u? at least now we can finally relate
But again, u said it urself, it was just threatening. we wont actually delay releases. And if u were in our discord grp, you'd know that we are actually finding ways to SPEED THEM UP since mangadex has a 2 day delay.
oh and if ure still not convinced, just dont read heros wife anymore honey, we dont need people like u in the fandom

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