OMG, the most lewd thing done before hand-holding. The half hug. Not a full hug, because she was still on the bed, but still more than just touching his neck and shoulders.
Hopefully this lovey dovey atmosphere will continue. I'm on the verge of dropping this cause of Canaria's denseness. But I think I finally see a tiny ray of hope for her. Hurrah
Goddamnit, I thought she would say something more than, "You're a good man." Oh man. . . . the disappointment! I want more fluff and romance between them! ;_;
@eyebags: LOL! Sheesh. I'm readying the pitchforks and the torches. But this misunderstanding hopefully will come to an end.
Anyhoo... I really hate this "too drunk, can't remember what happened the next day" trope. I'd rather that the author wrote that Canaria was just too embarrassed by what she did when she got drunk and just wanted to delete that memory/event from her mind. It seems like a copout to me when the author could have just made them sit their butts down and really have a meaningful conversation. But I guess we'll have to contend with more drama and misunderstanding before this issue gets cleared up. I read a post that somebody said the misunderstanding will stop somewhere in Chapter 40+? Or was it 50? Or maybe the author wants the readers to see how much each of the characters struggle so the reward (them finally getting together and defeating that empress and Cesar's enemies) will be that much sweeter. *le sigh*
I hate it when characters are "too drunk" to remember what they did last night. How much would they need to drink to forget everything?! They must suffer one hell of a hangover & pain as well as vomit their guts out the next day to make it more realistic. I highly doubt she drank that kind of crazy amount X'DD
And gosh! Thank you so much for the fast update o.o You guys keep spoiling us with these frequent new chapters <3